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42 Ways to Make Life Simpler

42 Ways to Make Life Simpler
Image by notsogoodphotography (license). “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”Confucius “The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity.”Ludwig Wittgenstein I love simplifying my life. It makes me more effective and life less stressful. So today I’d like to share 42 ways to make your life simpler. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. If you found this article helpful, then please share it with someone else by using the buttons below. Related:  lifestyle

How to Build Unstoppable Confidence - Kinowear stumbleupon Article by Jae with contribution by guest contributor Tina Su If you had MASSIVE amounts of confidence in yourself, how would your life be different right now? What would be different in your career? How would your relationships change? No matter who you are, you can build unstoppable confidence. Building self-confidence is something that most people leave to chance. But waiting for external factors to give you confidence is like building your house on sandy ground. The majority of men who are active in the dating scene are a good example of this common approach. This approach may work, but this type of confidence reveals itself to be weak further down the road. For example, one day a woman might shatter their ego by leaving them for another man, or worse, telling them they are not satisfying any of their needs. At this point most men will start to doubt their worth and their confidence level will drop tremendously, and it’ll affect the way they approach future relationships. 1.

Self Improvement We all live lives of infinite potential but few of us make the most of what we’ve got. The banality of everyday life takes over and we become stuck in a rut. We start to exist rather than thrive and we leave this world with a pathetic whimper instead of a colossal bang! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that! I want to squeeze every last drop out of my time on this glorious planet and know that I haven’t wasted a single minute being unhappy or dissatisfied. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to want to explore your potential and be the best that you can be? It’s not necessarily about being dissatisfied with your lot in life. Life is for living and doing it on your own terms. Self improvement is about fostering the good relationships in our lives and sharing our unique gifts with others. Seriously, what do you imagine you could achieve if only you had the opportunity? Now is your chance to change those things. Nobody should hold you back from reaching your potential, and that includes you!

10 Secrets to Success What is it that makes people successful and I mean really successful compared to you or me? Are they smarter or do they work harder? Are they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends? The financial newspaper Investors Business Daily (IBD) asked these same questions a few years ago and started a multi-year search for the answer. They studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success. Reproduced here is their list of 10 Secrets to Success along with my commentary on each no-so-secret, ‘secret’. I decided to reproduce the list here and comment on each of the traits in hopes of motivating you and myself in the process. I originally came across this list when I was staring at some papers on a refrigerator owned by someone who was very successful – both personally and financially. The problem was, after a couple of months I forgot about the secrets and they fell by the wayside. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sentences that can change your life How To Be Happy Back to home page click here First of all, be realistic. Nobody is happy all of the time and it is perfectly normal to have variations in moods and feelings from day to day, month to month, and even year to year. Link: 50 ways to relieve stress click here Last modified on 4 April 2014 Footnotes: (1) These are suggestions for you to pick and choose if you want to be happier than perhaps you have been. (2) It is probably little consolation to those in their 20s and 30s - the majority of those who e-mail me (a guy in his 60s) about this advice - but there is a substantial body of evidence to show that overall people become happier as they grow older [for further information on the U-bend click here]. (3) Many people e-mail me to thank me for this advice. (4) These suggestions are for people who might be feeling a bit low or who are feeling fine but could be happier. If you have some ideas of your own e-mail me

28 Signs You’re Wasting Your Youth 1. You spend an inordinate amount of time before any moderate-to-big decision worrying — not about how you feel about it, but how others might perceive it. 2. You have already given up on several goals because you deem yourself “not good enough.” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

5 Pressure Points To Relieve Body Discomforts 5 Pressure Points To Relieve Body Discomforts Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that involves placing physical pressure by hand, elbow on different acupuncture points on the surface of the body to relieve symptoms. Here are 5 pressure points that you and I can work on at any time and anywhere. Just use the thumbs, fingers, palms, the side of the hand, or knuckles to apply steady, stationary pressure. To relax an area or relieve pain, apply pressure gradually and hold without any movement for several minutes at a time. (A) Heavenly Pillar Relieves stress, over exhaustion, insomnia, heaviness in the head, eyestrain, stiff necks, swollen eyes, and sore throats. (B) Heavenly Rejuvenation Relieves nervous tension and stiff necks; increases resistance to colds and flu. (C) Crooked Marsh Relieves nervous stomach, anxiety, arm pain, elbow pain, and chest discomfort. (D) Inner Gate Relieves nausea, anxiety, palpitations, and wrist pain. (E) Spirit Gate

The Future is Ours Submitted by InfinityList Ben Hennon won Red Bull Ramparanoia, the BMX competition held in the Campo de Piedra Pomez (Pumice field), located in Catamarca, Argentina, 4000 meters above sea level. The riders were forced to adapt to the demanding elevation and heat, trying to ride a bike on a surface that had never been explored by a BMX athlete before. ___________________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and YouTube exclusive series, prepare for your “stoke factor” to be at an all time high. 10 Things I Wish Someone Told Me 10 Years Ago At the start of every year, I like to review my goals. I pull out the list of goals I set for myself last January, and then grade myself on how well I did. This year is quite different than past years. It’s been tough. Although I didn’t do any of the fighting — you have Cassie and her doctors to praise for that — I did get caught up in the ride. Here I am now, happy that 2010 is upon us, wondering what else to write about. I’m glad for how things turned out. I suppose that I’m afraid if I don’t talk about it, the only other thing I can say about 2009 is that life was on pause for a while, so nothing else was accomplished. The other thing about 2009 is that I feel so detached from everything I experienced throughout it. I started imagining what types of things I wish I could have told myself earlier this year: “Everything’s going to be alright.” — “One year from now, this will all be behind you.” — “Trust me, she’ll be okay.” #10 – For the most part, what others think doesn’t matter. Why?
