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Fluent – Making the future of email

Fluent – Making the future of email

Mind iT - Intelligent Bookmarking Browse the "About MindiT" LinkMap for quick orientation Table of Content GeneralLinkMaps OperationsSharingBest PracticesThe Next Big 3 Features Under Development General What is MindiT? The MindiT applications includes a browser (Chrome, Firefox) extension to collect the infromation and a graphical representation of the infromation - called "LinkMap" - that allows rapid access. Applications of MindiT LinkMaps include: Creating technical references ("Web Development Reference")Prepering for a perticular event or tripBrainstorming and "Mind Mapping"Researching a perticular subject ("Website Promotion") All LinkMaps are stored online and can be easily accessed from anywhere or shared with friends and colleagues. What is the browser extension used for? Find the most appropriate LinkMap to attach the new itemFind the most appropriate element in the selected LinkMap to attach the new itemSuggest a name for the new elementExtract search tags from the web page How do I import my exisiting bookmarks?

Want to Be More Successful? Change Your Mornings The day may have 24 hours of equivalent length but author Laura Vanderkam says not every hour is created equal. Drawing on her own research, surveys of executives, and the latest science on willpower for her forthcoming ebook What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, Vanderkam argues that making smart use of the early morning is a practice most highly successful people share. From former Pepsi CEO Steve Reinemund's 5 a.m. treadmill sessions, to author Gretchen Rubin's 6 a.m. writing hour, examples of highly accomplished folks who wring the most from their pre-breakfast hours abound in the book. What do they know that the average entrepreneur might not have realized yet? "Seizing your mornings is the equivalent of that sound financial advice to pay yourself before you pay your bills. "If it has to happen, then it has to happen first," she says. But what if you're a night owl by inclination and you go pale at the thought of setting the alarm for even five minutes earlier?

Amazon Web Services Don't have a Microsoft account? Sign up now Microsoft account What's this? Email or phone Password Can't access your account? Sign in with a single-use code Main Page The Myth of Passion and Motivation: How to Stay Focused When You Get Bored Working Toward Your Goals 4.1K Flares Made with Flare More Info'> 4.1K Flares × We all have goals and dreams, but it can be difficult to stick with them. Each week, I hear from people who say things like, “I start with good intentions, but I can’t seem to maintain my consistency for a long period of time.” Or, they will say, “I struggle with mental endurance. I get started but I can’t seem to follow through and stay focused for very long.” Don’t worry. For example, I’ll start one project, work on it for a little bit, then lose focus and try something else. Maybe you have felt this way too. This problem reminds me of a lesson I learned while working out one day… The Myth of Passion and Motivation On this particular day in the gym, there was a coach visiting who had worked with thousands of athletes over his long career, including some nationally-ranked athletes and Olympians. I had just finished my workout when I asked him, “What’s the difference between the best athletes and everyone else. In other words… Intro | Cyborganize Are you sick of running around with too many things in your head? Do you want a way to automatically process information to find your next action? Cyborganize does all that, plus more. It makes thinking and writing automatic. It breaks down complex problems into easy steps. What is it? Cyborganize is a personal info management and productivity system. Cyborganize reduces mental resistance to zero. Cyborganize is the result of many years of experimentation with personal productivity systems. Fortunately, Cyborganize allowed me to cure my chronic fatigue via self-experimentation. Why it’s different Cyborganize is a next-generation productivity system. Like GTD, Cyborganize manages your tasks and related info. Cyborganize is not a list of the “best” software. In my opinion, that’s what’s wrong with today’s personal productivity movement. Cyborganize does both. Why is it so specific? By the way, you are not a unique special snowflake – your brain works just like everyone else’s.

#WorkCanWait Meaningful work is a great thing. It’s a fantastic feeling to be productive, work with talented people, and build cool products. And millions of people do it every day. But it’s not great when the idea of an always-on, 24/7/365 workforce permeates through companies. And it’s especially bad when 24/7/365 is used as a marketing tactic for a product. We don’t think it has to be this way. Work can wait. Download and share your own “life 365” vignettes Tweet your best image to @37signals with #WorkCanWait.

