Preguntas frecuentes sobre - Ayuda de Herramientas para webmasters de Google
What is the purpose of Why are Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo! collaborating? There are lots of schemas out there. Is a standards body like the W3C or IETF ? How does relate to Facebook Open Graph? What's coming next? Who is managing on an ongoing basis? Is available in multiple languages? How do I mark up my site using this schema? Why should I add markup? This is too much work. I have already added markup in some other format (i.e. microformats, RDFa,, etc). My website contains content that is of a type that is unsupported. Do I have to mark up every property? Why microdata? Why don't you support other vocabularies such as FOAF, SKOS, etc? Where can I give feedback, report bugs, etc.? Where did you get that great domain name? Under what terms can we re-use this documentation? Should we write ' or ' in our markup? Q: What is the purpose of No. Q: What's coming next?
10 Useful Tools For Monitoring Popular Trends Online | Marketing Smartt
If you're looking to brainstorm ideas for new content then a good place to start is by monitoring trending topics online. If you want to capture the attention of a larger audience, writing a blog post about a popular trending topic can give your website a huge traffic boost. Incredibly, most of the tools for monitoring online trends are free and easily accessible to anyone. Google Trends Google Trends is a useful tool for monitoring search-related trends. If you want help with online monitoring or other digital marketing initiatives, please contact us for a complimentary meeting and we'll be happy to see how can serve your needs.
Recetas - Ayuda de Herramientas para webmasters de Google
Ayuda a los usuarios a encontrar tu contenido sobre recetas ofreciendo a Google esa información mediante datos estructurados. Cuando proporcionas información como puntuaciones de los reseñadores, tiempos de preparación y de cocción e información nutricional, Google puede entender mejor tu receta y presentarla a los usuarios de forma que les interese. Las recetas pueden aparecer en los resultados de la Búsqueda de Google y de Google Imágenes. En función de cómo marques tu contenido, es posible que tus recetas puedan optar a las siguientes mejoras: Cómo añadir datos estructurados Los datos estructurados son un formato estandarizado con el que se puede proporcionar información sobre una página y clasificar su contenido. A continuación se explica a grandes rasgos cómo crear, probar y publicar datos estructurados. Añade las propiedades obligatorias. Ejemplos A continuación, se muestran algunos ejemplos de recetas que utilizan el código JSON-LD. Recetas guiadas Receta solo en la Búsqueda Carrusel
Vidoons, Presentation ideas for PowerPoint and Prezi. Video cartoons animations for business presentations
Improving the Efficiency of RF Power Amplifiers with Digital Predistortion
When operating at near-peak efficiency, the RF power amplifiers commonly used in wireless base stations distort the signal they amplify. The distortions not only affect signal clarity, they also make it difficult to keep the signal within its assigned frequency band. Base station operators risk violating FCC and international regulatory agency standards if they cannot keep spurious amplifier emissions from interfering with adjacent frequencies. Today's WCDMA and LTE carriers have wider bandwidths than their predecessors, increasing the likelihood of interference from spurious emissions. To reduce these emissions and achieve more linear amplifier output, base station operators can reduce the power output of the amplifier, but this practice also reduces efficiency. At CommScope, we develop digital predistortion (DPD) systems that provide a way to operate amplifiers efficiently while improving linearity and minimizing spurious emissions. Characterizing the Power Amplifier Figure 1.
Social Loafing: Retailers Underwhelmed By Social Media’s Selling Power
Imagine this: You’re the owner of a local clothing boutique and you’ve been investing heavily in social media. This means you’ve read the books, attended the seminars and received tons of “likes” on your page. Still, sales aren’t flying in at breakneck speeds. Does this sound familiar? So instead of the same old, maybe it’s time for a new strategy. (click image to enlarge)
Tools for prioritizing WAN application delivery members gain immediate and unlimited access to breaking industry news, best practices for designing and managing Wide Area Networks, WAN Security, and more -- all at no cost. Join me on today! There are a broad range of technologies that enterprises can use to prioritize WAN application delivery. Symmetric technologies like WAN optimization and asymmetric technologies like application delivery controllers can both help. And if an enterprise is mixing broadband links into its WAN, other technologies like WAN virtualization and aggregation can help, too. Even Web acceleration technologies that were once used only by Web content providers can become a strategic technology for WAN application delivery in the enterprise. WAN optimization is the first step for any effort to prioritize WAN application delivery beyond simple WAN QoS , said Jim Frey, research director with Enterprise Management Associates.
OpenAPC - Open Source Advanced Process Control - Open APC
Sedna XML Database