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Related:  Dibujo / Drawing

Proko - How to Draw, Draw Step by Step, Draw People, Draw Face, How to Paint, Learn to Draw, Drawing Tutorials, Figure Drawing 5 steps to improve your drawing skill fast | drawing and digital painting tutorials online 5 steps to improve your drawing skill fast. 1) Draw! You have to spend at least 2 hours a day drawing everyday. Improve drawing skill tips 2) Go to life drawing session at least ONCE a week, better yet twice if you can make it. 3) Practice drawing from cast and simple object around the house to study value and squinting to find basic value of the subject. 4) Study from any old school master sketches (Mucha, Sargent, Zorn, or whoever is you favorite artists) and try to mimic the piece. 5) Practice drawing using different medium and switching them around and know how you can work with them, get out of you comfort zone. **Ultimately, you will have to keep drawing everyday if possible. That’s about it…for now. Don’t give up to early, once you stop drawing…doesn’t matter where you were, your skill will somehow drop. Xia Taptara (黃曉聲 Huang XiaoShēng), currently a freelance concept artist for games and films, formerly a character concept artist for ArenaNet/NCsoft (GuildWars & Guildwars 2).

PSG Art tutorial Foreword I believe there is logic behind why a picture works or not. I also believe that humans are meat machines, and that one day computers will be able to emulate humans and what we do. Note that I have just empirically deduced the theories I present here, and that I'm a highly fallible meat machine. Many rules also play against each other and may cancel each other out, or become invalidated because of a stylistic approach . The far most useful critique I can give developing artist is: Practice. Updates 2012 May02: Clarified stuff in the Terminology section. Table of contents Licence This tutorial is, in its current form, free to translate and 'mirror' in that form. Because I may be updating it and new versions are generally better, I'd rather not have it mirrored too much. I guess this licence comes pretty close: If you have translated it, or have seen a transated version, please let me know so I can link it here. Terminology (Upd. 2012) I'll try to stay away from complicated words. Hues

occasionally lily Discover How to Draw & Paint Whatever You Want Neoverso: 10 Consejos de Joe Madureira para los Dibujantes. Joe Madureira. Un nombre que no necesita mucha explicación, y si no lo conoces, una ilustración suya basta para entender porqué es uno de los artistas más admirados de las últimas décadas (¿quieres saber más? Visita este artículo sobre su trayectoria en el mundo del cómic y los videojuegos). Así que, ¿qué les parece recibir consejos de un artista al que le sobra talento para dar y regalar? Aunque no puede donarnos de su capacidad, si nos pueden servir sus conocimientos.Aquí les dejo con sus ideas: ¿En verdad quieres ser un artista, un dibujante, un profesional exitoso? He notado que hay un enorme número de admiradores de mi trabajo que quieren ser dibujantes, esto es para todos ustedes muchachos. Este es el asunto, todo eso es importante, y te puede volcar en la dirección correcta. En su lugar te voy a responder todas las preguntas que DEBERIAS estar haciendo y no haces. 1) Haz lo que ames. Si te diviertes al hacerlo, se nota. 2) DEBES mantenerte motivado y entusiasmado.

(Video ENG) Proko Full Access to Figure Drawing Videos - miss new tutorials, signup for my mailing list - Let's get into shading a drawing! We'll explore form, planes and light on form. I'll guide you through making an object feeling 3 dimensional by indicating the elements of light on form - highlight, center light, halftones, core shadow, reflected light, cast shadow and occlusion shadow. How the local value of the object effects the tones. In this Premium Lesson I describe my complete process of drawing a figure, step by step. Art Model Photos - Follow Proko:Facebook - - - - - Newsletter- *Music used with permission Intro Tune -

Artistic Takes on 9 Classic Fairy Tales We’re all familiar with the classic Disney and Brothers Grimm versions of fairy tales, but with a little artistic skill and imagination, it’s amazing how drastically these tales can change—at least visually. Need proof? Look no further than this collection of fantastic artistic versions of some of the most common fairy tales. Special thanks to the WWA Gallery in Los Angeles for putting together their Fractured Fairy Tales art show , which is where many of these creations were sourced. 1. We’re all so familiar with classic fairy tales that we often forget how silly they can be, but when Yudi Chen switches the genders of the main characters, it shows just how preposterous they are—like the idea of a handsome young man running away from the princess and leaving his shoe behind as the clock strikes midnight. Brain Candy Toys ran a brilliant ad campaign last year that turned classic fairy tales into math equations. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What do you think?
