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Design Ideas and Tech Concepts - Free Autodesk Maya Tutorials: Modeling Tutorials - your free source for video tutorials, downloads, 3D news and everything else you might need for Autodesk Maya Free Autodesk Maya Tutorials: Modeling Tutorials Building a Castle Part 1 In this tutorial I will show you how to build a castle from scrap. But for now, let's get started! First, we have to create the basic shape of our castle. Question by user Amira: To build the wall, I used the Mesh - Create Polygon tool, the wall was created but then couldnt build the basis for the pinnacles ? Answer by Lollylan: In order to make it as clear as possible how to create the surrounding walls I have prepared this video for you. No video? Now, by using Extrude from the Polygonal Modeling Shelf we create a little platform (see picture). Now we extrude the basis for the pinnacles. And now we create them. Now we use something called Duplicate Special from the Edit - menu. You will get something like this: Just play around with the numbers and hit Apply and look what happens. Remember the Translate - value (in this case it? If your pinnacles look something like this on the corners, don? Question by user Jesus A: ?

Home - 3D Buzz :: Maya :: Mastering Maya: The Fundamentals Training in Maya and 3D animation is becoming more and more accessible every year. Across the Web, in colleges and technical schools, even in your local bookstore, you can find volumes of knowledge in one form or another. What you can virtually never find is a comprehensive source of knowledge that is catered to the absolute newcomer, and capable of bringing anyone from beginner to intermediate/advanced levels of proficiency in Maya. The Mastering Maya: The Fundamentals program is engineered to do just that. The only prerequisite for Mastering Maya: The Fundamentals is that you know how to use your computer. Yes you can. The content was recorded using Maya 6.5. No, the content will not play on a regular DVD player, it is intended for use in a PC that has a DVD-ROM drive. You may view the video files with the XviD codec, which can be downloaded for free from . Yes, we do, but only your account must be verified through PayPal and your shipping address must be confirmed.

Design For Mankind Casa Modular | Apê 27 Com o crescimento ascendente do setor imobiliário as residências estão cada vez menores. Devido a esta realidade, projetos que visem a otimização dos espaços são indispensáveis para que cada canto dos ambientes sejam aproveitados. Pensando nisso, o arquiteto Gustavo Calazans criou a Casa Modular, exposta no BGourmet, evento criado pela Brastemp (diga-se de passagem: uma ótima estratégia de branding) e exibido paralelamente à Casa Cor 2011. O projeto da Casa Modular proposto para o BGourmet na Casa Cor 2011 busca refletir sobre o aproveitamento dos espaços residenciais aliando alto grau de complexidade no desenvolvimento de módulos encaixáveis à flexibilidade máxima da composição. O projeto prevê que a habitação padrão seja dividida em 6 módulos, sendo que 2 destes módulos são fixos (banheiro e módulo hidráulico da cozinha) e que os 4 demais módulos sejam deslocáveis através de rodízios na sua base – correndo em uma guia no forro também através de rodízios.

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