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Globalise your CV - Work, Studies, Languages

Globalise your CV - Work, Studies, Languages

Careers Job families: Economic Affairs Environment Affairs Population Affairs Statistics Social Sciences Public Administration Programme Management Science and Technology Drug Control and Crime Prevention Nature of the work Job opportunities in the Economic and Social Network are mostly found in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York as well as in the United Nations’ five regional economic commissions headquartered in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia, Bangkok - Thailand, Beirut - Lebanon, Geneva – Switzerland and Santiago – Chile. Overall, staff members in this network contribute to the promotion of socio-economic development. The majority of jobs in economic affairs entail programme management as well as analysis of economic sectoral development at global, regional and national levels. Many jobs in this network specialize in intergovernmental support, organization of international conferences and forums, and preparation of summary reports. Education

5 Steps to Build a Creative Business from Scratch Image credit: Shutterstock Any economist will tell you that the creative sector is a leading component of worldwide economic growth, employment and trade. Over the last decade, there has been a significant shift from individuals choosing to work in traditional vocations such as health care to investing in the creative sector. Operating a business where your intellectual capital is your golden ticket requires a calculated approach that differs from the stock standard business model. Here are five steps to establish a creative business from scratch: Observe. Seek out professionals in your industry and note what they are doing, how they’re doing it and most importantly, what you can offer that is different. Related: 10 Tips to be a Proficient Telecommuter Brand. Once you’ve got a card, logo, business email -- ideally one that matches your website -- and of course, a web page, start building your social media channels. Produce. Related: Smart Twitter Guidelines to Follow Plan. Connect.

Praktikum "Praktika sind für den DAAD eine Investition in die Zukunft, denn sie ermöglichen auf vielen Ebenen für alle Beteiligten eine Win-Win-Situation." (Auszug aus dem Personalentwicklungskonzept des DAAD) Ein Praktikum im DAAD hat das Ziel, Sie mit den spezifischen Arbeitsverfahren, -mitteln und -prozessen sowie mit organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen im DAAD bekannt zu machen. Es soll Ihnen einen Einblick in die Berufspraxis vermitteln und Ihnen so den zukünftigen Übergang in die Berufswelt erleichtern. Die Praktika im DAAD und damit die Inhalte aber auch Anforderungen sind so vielfältig wie der DAAD selbst. Ziel eines Praktikums im DAAD soll es darüber hinaus sein, dass sowohl Sie als potenzielle/r Praktikant/in möglichst viel für sich aus einem Praktikum im DAAD mitnehmen können, aber auch der DAAD möglichst konstruktive zielgerichtete Unterstützung durch Sie erhält. B) Praktikumsplätze an den Außenstellen schreiben wir nicht individuell gesondert aus. Bitte beachten Sie weiterhin,

Boost Sales With These 7 Social Media Steps When social media first hit the scene, I thought three things: this is a waste of time, I don't have time for it and my customers are not here. I was wrong on all three counts. Social mediums are vital to your business. They all can grow your brand awareness and your profits. Just three years ago I was oblivious to these tools. Related: This Is How Small Businesses Are Using Social Media Here are seven things we did that helped us build a presence and a following on the social media platforms: 1. 2. 3. Related: 9 Advanced Twitter Tips and Tricks 4. 5. 6. 80/20 rule. 7. No matter who you are, how old you are or what you do, these mediums can be great for your brand and business, but first, you must get started and get a following. Related: Instagram's 5 Tips for Better Marketing -- With Pictures

Internship Programme | The United Nations Office at Nairobi The United Nations Office at Nairobi offers internship to students who are currently enrolled in at least the final year of a first university degree programme or in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) programme at the time of application, or if they have graduated, can commence their internship within a one-year period after graduation. The Internship is for a minimum period of two months and a maximum of six. The purpose of the United Nations internship programme is twofold: (a) to provide a framework by which students from diverse academic backgrounds gain exposure to the United Nations through assignment to offices within the Secretariat in order to enhance their educational experience and gain experience in the work of theUnited Nations; and (b) to provide United Nations offices with the assistance of qualified students specialized in various professional fields. Please read carefully the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA before application. Important note: You must 1.

Top Social Media KPIs in 2013 Social-savvy marketers are building brand reach, nurturing leads, and generating sales on social networks now more than ever before. Most marketers find, however, that generating returns on social media is an elusive achievement. So, what sets apart success from failure in social media marketing? 1. A basic organizational structure and accountability around social media goals are necessary to start down the path to success. This simple KPI reporting method drives team accountability and organizes goals in a simple way that can be read at a glance. 2. Growing the number of followers means growing your brand's reach on social networks. 3. Measuring click-throughs on links in social media posts is a free and easy way to gauge the effectiveness of your brand messaging. 4. Growth in sharing of your brand's content is a valuable engagement metric, but it's more important to audience growth. 5. 6. Part of Jerry Seinfeld's success grew from writing every day. 7.

How to calculate your true Click Through Rate with Google Webmaster Tools It’s safe to say that (not provided) sent a few shockwaves around the SEO world, but it’s even safer to say that it’s not the end of days. If you’re wondering how you’re going to understand your most valuable keywords and how much traffic they’re driving, get yourself a brew, get comfortable and read on. With the loss of keyword data from Google in Analytics, the next best way to measure the keywords that are driving traffic to your site is via Google Webmaster tools. To download the Excel file used to calculate this, simply click the button below to share this post and pay with a tweet: When we started this study we thought that the numbers would be pretty similar but we were amazed at the variation. This step-by-step guide will teach you how to make an effective Click-Through Rate (CTR) model in Excel based on Webmaster tools. Step One Find the data you want In “Search Queries” you can see the following data: Query: What is being searched for in Google CTR: Click-Through Rate. Avg. By: 1

Virtuelle Bücherei Wien. Das Social Media Marketing-Buch Inhalt: Unternehmen, Agenturen und Freiberufler strömen in soziale Netzwerke wie Facebook und entdecken die vielen anderen Möglichkeiten im Social Web. Doch aller Anfang ist schwer: Wer noch nicht Social Media-affin ist, und das sind nach wie vor so einige, muss sich zunächst einmal einen Überblick über diese noch junge Medienlandschaft verschaffen. Wem es so geht, der findet in diesem Büchlein optimale Unterstützung. Autor(en) Information: Dan Zarrella schreibt regelmäßig über virales Marketing, Memetik und soziale Medien, sowohl in seinem eigenen als auch in anderen bekannten Blogs, darunter Mashable, CopyBlogger, ReadWriteWeb, Plagiarism Today, ProBlogger, Social Desire, CenterNetworks, Nowsourcing und SEOScoop.
