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Math Teaching Videos

Math Teaching Videos
Math Teaching VideosEach math problem comes with a step by step video solution, follow up problems, an online calculator and sketch pad. advertisement Jenn's Fish Tank Weighing Oranges The Boston Marathon Percent, Ratio and Probability Word Problems Field Trip Sports Depot Shopping Spree Computer Virus Web Design Santa's Elves Phone Numbers Marbles Geometry and Averages Word Problems Square Lawn Dave's New Puppy Test Scores Two Numbers Bicycle Race Swimming Pool The Bakery Movie Theatre Supporting Games and Activities Geoboard Model Algebra Fraction Scale Fraction Bars Spinners and Probability Candy Challenge Pro Weigh the Wangdoodles Fractions, Decimals, % Dirt Bike Proportions Ratio Blaster Percent Shopping Copyright © 2017 Math Playground LLC • All Rights Reserved

Braingenie Volume of a cylinder Volume enclosed by a cylinder Definition: The number of cubic units that will exactly fill a cylinder Try this Drag the orange dot to resize the cylinder. The volume is calculated as you drag. How to find the volume of a cylinder Although a cylinder is technically not a prism, it shares many of the properties of a prism. Since the end (base) of a cylinder is a circle, the area of that circle is given by the formula: Multiplying by the height h we get Calculator Use the calculator on the right to calculate height, radius or volume of a cylinder. Enter any two values and the missing one will be calculated. Similarly, if you enter the height and volume, the radius needed to get that volume will be calculated. Volume of a partially filled cylinder One practical application is where you have horizontal cylindrical tank partly filled with liquid. This can be done using the methods described in Volume of a horizontal cylindrical segment. Oblique cylinders Units Things to try Related topics

Fioravante BOSCO Il manuale di Geogebra con esercizi per la secondaria di 1° grado Questo è un sito personale, senza alcun scopo di lucro ideato e curato dal sottoscritto, rivolto principalmente agli studenti della Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado e a tutti gli "amanti della matematica e non solo". Mi auguro che questo "lavoro" possa essere utile e possa contribuire a sviluppare la curiosità e la fantasia indispensabili per ben riuscire in questa disciplina. Non troverete scritte scorrevoli, colori vivaci, gif animate, e cose simili: l'attenzione è volutamente rivolta in maniera quasi esclusiva ai contenuti. Naturalmente ciò non significa che non ci siano immagini e animazioni solo che si tratta sempre di "oggetti matematici e/o scientifici". Del resto la matematica è affascinante di per sé, perchè allora infastidire o distrarre il lettore con cose che si possono trovare in tutti i siti web?

Fun Kids Online Math Games "Sheppard offers everything from early math to pre-algebra. The lessons include interactive activities to practice concepts. Students can shoot fruit, pop balloons, and even play math man (the math version of pac man!). Fractions, place value, money, and basic operations are some of the areas that are covered. Check it out at " --Shannon Jakeman , "Online math games, like the ones that you'll find for free at Sheppard Software, provide a valuable opportunity for children to learn a great deal while they're having fun. It can be very difficult for parents to find productive and worthwhile activities for children on the Internet; however fun online math games do offer a wonderful alternative. This free section of Sheppard Software was written for children. Sheppard Software offers a couple of cute games for the youngest math students.

It Slices, It Dices Mathematical signs and symbols are often cryptic, but the best of them offer visual clues to their own meaning. The symbols for zero, one and infinity aptly resemble an empty hole, a single mark and an endless loop: 0, 1, ∞. And the equals sign, =, is formed by two parallel lines because, in the words of its originator, Welsh mathematician Robert Recorde in 1557, “no two things can be more equal.” In calculus the most recognizable icon is the integral sign: Its graceful lines are evocative of a musical clef or a violin’s f-hole — a fitting coincidence, given that some of the most enchanting harmonies in mathematics are expressed by integrals. Historically, integrals arose first in geometry, in connection with the problem of finding the areas of curved shapes. Today we still ask budding mathematicians and scientists to sharpen their skills at integration by applying them to these classic geometry problems. Still, picturing the shape is merely the first step. More in This Series

SCUOLA PRIMARIA: 11 strategie divertenti per imparare le tabelline - Scuola primaria È inutile negarlo: le tabelline 'stanno antipatiche' ai bambini di oggi (come a quelli di ieri!) e rappresentano un grande scoglio della scuola primaria. Certo, imparare le tabelline ripetendole all'infinito può diventare un vero strazio per (quasi) ogni piccolo alunno e anche per mamma e papà. Allora, come è possibile aiutare il bambino, anche a casa, a superare questo ostacolo? Ecco, quindi, una raccolta di 11 trucchi alternativi (ispirati liberamente a software e testi per insegnanti e bambini della primaria) per apprendere ed esercitarsi con le tabelline senza paura e noia. 1. La musica è una delle attività didattiche più coinvolgenti e divertenti, secondo Giuliano Crivellente, co-autore, insieme a Silvia Rinaldi, di Tabelline Canterine (disponibile nella versione libro + cd, a € 19,90 o solo cd con libretto testi, € 9,90, Mela Music). Perché non sfruttare, allora, il potere del ritmo per imparare le famigerate tabelline? 2. 3. Scarica da qui il CRUCILAB (S. 4. 5. Ecco un esempio: 6.

Change We Can Believe In Long before I knew what calculus was, I sensed there was something special about it. My dad had spoken about it in reverential tones. He hadn’t been able to go to college, being a child of the Depression, but somewhere along the line, maybe during his time in the South Pacific repairing B-24 bomber engines, he’d gotten a feel for what calculus could do. Every year about a million American students take calculus. Calculus is the mathematics of change. But within that bulk you’ll find two ideas shining through. More in This Series Next week’s column will explore that astonishing connection, as well as the meaning of integrals. Derivatives are all around us, even if we don’t recognize them as such. Every field has its own version of a derivative. Their confusion is understandable. Like slopes, derivatives can be positive, negative or zero, indicating whether something is rising, falling or leveling off. My high school calculus teacher, Mr. Another strategy is to head straight from A to B.

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Power Tools If you were an avid television watcher in the 1980s, you may remember a clever show called “Moonlighting.” Known for its snappy dialogue and the romantic chemistry between its co-stars, it featured Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis as a couple of wisecracking private detectives named Maddie Hayes and David Addison. While investigating one particularly tough case, David asks a coroner’s assistant for his best guess about possible suspects. “Beats me,” says the assistant. “But you know what I don’t understand?” (Click image to play clip.) That pretty well sums up how many people feel about logarithms. The same is true of many of the other functions discussed in algebra II and pre-calculus. To show you what I mean, let’s plot the graph of the equation You may remember how this sort of activity goes: you draw a picture of the xy plane with the x-axis running horizontally and the y-axis vertically. The droopy shape of the curve is due to the action of mathematical pliers. 1.

Elenco contenuti matematica ATTENZIONE!! Queste non sono programmazioni, non ci sono competenze, né abilità. Si tratta solo di sequenze di contenuti per avere una panoramica delle attività da svolgere durante l'anno scolastico. Se vuoi vedere, oltre ai contenuti, anche la scansione temporale (file di Excel) fai clic qui 1) Prerequisiti a. 2) La quantità a. 3) I numeri da 0 a 9 a. 4) Relazioni d'ordine fra i numeri a. 5) L'addizione entro il 9 a. 6) La sottrazione entro il 9 a. 7) Raggruppare in basi diverse a. 8) I numeri da 10 a 20 a. 9) Addizioni e sottrazioni entro il 20 a. 10) Problemi con addizione e sottrazione a. 11) Percorsi reticoli e forme a. 12) Classificazioni e quantificatori a. Se vuoi vedere, oltre ai contenuti, anche la scansione temporale (file di Excel) fai clic qui 1) I numeri entro il 100 2) L'addizione a) Il concetto logicob) I termini dell’addizionec) Calcoli mentali ed in riga entro il 20d) Calcoli mentali ed in riga entro il 100: 1. 3) Problemi a) Con una domanda ed una operazione: 1. 5) La sottrazione U.

Square Dancing I bet I can guess your favorite math subject in high school. It was geometry. So many people I’ve met over the years have expressed affection for that subject. Arithmetic and algebra — not many takers there. But geometry, well, there’s something about it that brings a twinkle to the eye. Is it because geometry draws on the right side of the brain, and that appeals to visual thinkers who might otherwise cringe at its cold logic? But my best hunch (and, full disclosure, I personally love geometry) is that people enjoy it because it marries logic and intuition. To illustrate the pleasures of geometry, let’s revisit the Pythagorean theorem, which you probably remember as a2 + b2 = c2. The Pythagorean theorem is concerned with “right triangles” — meaning those with a right (90-degree) angle at one of the corners. And since rectangles come up often in all sorts of settings, so do right triangles. They arise, for instance, in surveying. Anyway, here’s how the theorem works. Notice the word “on.”
