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The Ultimate Guide To Pinterest

Pinterest: Not Just for Stay-at-Home Moms and Aspiring Wedding Planners If you have been online lately (and who hasn't?), you may have heard of Pinterest by now. Pinterest is a hot new social media website that provides a way for users to save and display ideas on virtual pinboards. The majority of Pinterest users are women. I have seen a few men on Facebook ask, "What's the big deal? Isn't this just like Facebook?" The following are among the most common topics that are shared: WeddingsBaby showersOutfitsRecipesMakeupHairstylesDecoratingCrafts Users have the option to follow all of their friends' boards or only specific ones. Although the majority of the users are women, Pinterest also has a male following. MusicTravelBooksHealthy livingMovies In short, anything you can find online. Pinterest is similar to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Delicious, Reddit, and StumbleUpon. What Does Pinterest Have to Do With Business? At this point, you might be wondering, "So, what's in it for my business?" Here are four ways you can use Pinterest to get more business.

Découvrez 20 outils intéressants pour Pinterest Voici une liste avec quelques outils qui vont vous aider à optimiser votre expérience sur Pinterest. 1. Pin Search : Ajoute l’option de recherche Google aux pins 2. PinPuff : Mesurez votre performance sur le réseau. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. : Partagez des captures d’écran 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Lawyer assesses Pinterest's copyright situation Pinterest Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pinterest est un site web américain mélangeant les concepts de réseautage social et de partage de photographies, lancé en 2010 par Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp et Ben Silbermann. Il permet à ses utilisateurs de partager leurs centres d'intérêt, passions, hobbies, à travers des albums de photographies glanées sur l'Internet. Le nom du site est un mot-valise des mots anglais pin et interest signifiant respectivement « épingler » et « intérêt ». Pinterest est valorisé à 5 milliards de dollars US[1]. §Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] §Genèse[modifier | modifier le code] Cold Brew Labs Inc est fondée en août 2008 par Ben Silbermann, ancien employé de Google, et Paul Sciarra, qui travaillait auparavant pour une société de capital-investissement[2],[3]. §Lancement du site[modifier | modifier le code] §Accroissement du trafic[modifier | modifier le code] Au début de l'année 2012, la société compte 16 employés[6]. Evan Sharp grandit à Chicago.

Pinterest quiere ser rentable Pinterest, la red social de moda The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes Pinning just got easier. We’ve talked a lot about Pinterest on Author Media. We’ve talked about why authors should pin, how to supercharge your pinning, and we even hosted The Busy Author’s Guide to Popularity and Profit on Pinterest. Today, we’re offering a new tool. While browsing, I came across this Pinterest infographic that was too good not to share with the author community. Tweetables: The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes. To recap, Pinterest image sizes: Profile images: 165 x 165 pixels.Pins in feed: 238 pixels x adjusted to height.Expanded pin size: 735 pixels x adjusted to height.Pin boards complete size: 238 x 284 pixels.Cover image: 217 x 146 pixels.Tiny thumbnails: 51 x 51 pixels. As you create pins, it’s important to be strategic. Inspirational quote pins drive tons of traffic for authors but they aren’t the most effective pins floating around on the boards. You may not know this, but the most clicked on image size are the long, skinny pins. It’s your turn:
