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Cowbird · A witness to life

Cowbird · A witness to life

Launching a new idea in a post-paper world Subscribe to our free email newsletter. We'll update you once or twice a week, and we'll never rent or sell your email address to anyone. Thanks. Today my new manifesto Stop Stealing Dreams goes ‘on-sale’. Ideas that spread are worth a lot–to the community and to the creator of those ideas as well. But what if there’s no book to buy? We still don’t have a good way to demarcate when a book ends and when something else (a manifesto?) For this project, my goal is to spread the idea, not monetize it. I’ve posted the manifesto as both a printable PDF as well as a PDF you can read on screen and as an ebook (in both sideloading Kindle and ePub/Nook format). Mechanics (wins and frustrations): I wrote the manifesto in Nisus, a fabulous word processor for the Mac. To create the printable PDF, all I had to do was change the styles, add a footer and “save as PDF”. Creating the ebooks was a little trickier. Article by seth godin Subscribe to our free email newsletter.

Delilah The Sex Doll People get lost easily in my neighborhood. There is a long standing tradition of letting trees, ivy and bushes obscure street signs, and sometimes the privacy freaks take them down altogether at night when no one is looking, cut them up in small pieces, and hide them in the Recycle containers. The County Roads Department has given up hope of helping out tourists or those new to the area. If a candidate for County Supervisor ran on a platform advocating replacement or upgrading of street signs, petitions would circulate and he or she would lose on this issue alone. Hang in. In a village of eccentrics, crime bosses, drug dealers, best-selling novelists, movie stars and aging rockers. everyone, it seems, wants to be invisible. So people get lost and no one apologizes. This is how a husband and wife, new to the area and trying to find a party, found themselves one afternoon on a winding road with no idea where they were. Nothing new in that, but then they saw it: IT! Let’s call her Delilah.

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