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Pixable, print your Facebook content!

Pixable, print your Facebook content!
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Pictarine - Zest of life Why (and matter in a Twitter world - thisisabore This article was written before “New Twitter” was launched, but I believe most of it still stands. It has been slightly update in September 2011 to include a few evolutions, but is mostly left untouched. [Note: this is a self-translation of a French post I wrote a little while ago. I don't like self-translating, it makes stuff sound less natural. Hopefully this will turn out ok, otherwise I know who to blame.] Let's immediately agree on the obvious question: Why would anyone use when everyone is on Twitter? Basically, this is the same question as “Why use Diaspora when everyone is on Facebook?” By now, I think most of you see where I'm going with this… There is always a network that is more popular than others at a given point in time, without it being an obvious guarantee of said network's quality. In our case, “everyone is on Twitter” clearly gives superior value to Twitter. Which brings us back to our question, what's the point of when there's Twitter? Ok, why not.

Warrior Poet RedGage Review - Initial Impressions Of RedGage Yes, you definitely could. Like anything else, it all depends on how much time and effort you put into it. An interesting feature of RedGage it that it displays how much users have earned on their profiles. It seems that photographs are the highest paying, on average, of the various content types you're able to post. You can certainly make money on RedGage other ways. RedGage isn't likely to make you a lot of money overnight. If your goal is to make a lot of money with RedGage, I'd recommend taking high quality pictures of everything interesting you can, and building up a large friend network to share them with. | 360° Аэрофотопанорамы | 3D Виртуальные Туры Вокруг Света Un simulateur de vision de bébé – Indispensable !! Un simulateur de vision de bébé – Indispensable !! Si vous avez un enfant en bas age, vous vous demandez peut être comment est ce qu'il vous voit ? Et bien de 0 à 6 mois, ça reste quand même méga flou et c'est ce qu'on peut voir grâce au site TinyEye qui permet de faire une simulation de vision de bébé à partir d'une simple photo. La photo là, c'est Pixelle qui ronfle sur mon bean bag... Vision d'un nouveau né A 8 semaines A 6 mois Pour la distance (qui est en inches), j'ai utilisé Google pour faire ma conversion de 50 cm en inches. Conclusion, avant 6 mois, le gosse ne vous reconnaitra pas... [Source et photo] Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Dashboard طريقة تحضير حلاوة الجبن | المكوّنات مكوّنات عجينة حلاوة الجبن: 1 كغ من جبنة العكاوي٬ المُقطّعة إلى شرائح رقيقة 1½ كوب أو 240 غ من السميد الناعم 3 أكواب من قطر السكر مكوّنات الحشوة: 3 أكواب أو 750 مل من الماء 1 علبة أو 397 غ من حليب نستله المكثف المحلى ¾ كوب أو 90 غ من دقيق الذرة 2 ملاعق طعام من ماء الزهر طريقة التحضير تُنقع الجبنة في ماء بحرارة الغرفة العادية لمدة 4 ساعات لنزع الملح منها (يُغيّر الماء كلّ ساعة) ثمّ تُصفّى. يوضع حليب نستله المكثف المحلى والماء، ودقيق الذرة في قدر كبيرة، وتُغلى الصلصة مع التحريك المستمرّ حتى تتكاثف. توضع الجبنة في وعاء فوق ماء يغلي وتُحرّك الجبنة حتّى تذوب. تُرشّ 4 ملاعق كبيرة من قطر السكر الساخن على طاولة العمل وتوضع عجينة الجبنة الساخنة فوقها، ثمّ توضع 4 ملاعق كبيرة أخرى من قطر السكر الساخن على الوجه وتُرقّ العجينة بالشوبك حتى تُصبح طبقة رقيقة تُقطّع بعدها إلى مربّعات طول كلّ منها 7 سم. يُخلط مزيج القشطة البارد حتى يصبح ناعماً وتُسكب ملعقة كبيرة فوق كلّ قطعة من العجين وتُلفّ. تُقدّم حلاوة الجبن مع الكمية المتبقية من القطر. / Update all of your social networks at once! Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky Tiny Eyes TinyEyes will show you how a baby sees an image that you provide. Our baby-vision simulation method is based on scientific studies of infant visual perception. Please remember that this is our best scientific guess about how a baby of a particular age would see the world. There is quite a bit of individual variability, so any particular baby may see things differently. For more information about the science of baby vision, visit this excellent site by professor Rowan Candy. Notes: Tinyeyes accepts most common image formats. Content Curation – How Infopreneurs Can Quickly Add Value | How To Blog & Information Marketing Content curation, a term that gained popularity in 2010, is the art of culling relevant, valuable and useful information from the vast ocean of data, and presenting it in a cohesive, interesting and comprehensive style that gives a ‘big picture’ view of a specific niche topic. No longer can anyone claim that they can peruse and make sense of all the content that exists (and is being constantly added) on even a very narrow range of subjects. 47 million websites were added in 2009 and an estimated 550 billion documents exist online today. The role of a content curator was first proposed around 2004, when the catchy term ‘Newsmastering’ was introduced by Robin Good of to describe a dedicated content analyst who would gather, collate and categorize content from various sources and compile it for consumption by those who are interested. What makes content curation necessary? Three factors drive the demand for content curation. What does a content curation process involve?

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