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Making Sense of Marcel Duchamp

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L'artista che crea dipinti digitali degni di Pollock con un algoritmo Central Park. Immagini via I dipinti astratti dell'artista Chang Liu in Wild Growth, sono creati grazie a Processing, un'applicazion che genera opere d'arte a partire da dati ricavati da riprese video: il suo è un progetto interattivo creato per l'ITP winter show del 2014, che investiga alla maniera di Pollock i confini tra l'ordine e il disordine, tra gli algoritmi e il lavoro manuale.

Art Periods and Movements Periods and Movements A movement is a style or technique followed by a group of artists who share common goals and beliefs. Movements are confined to a specific period of time, anywhere from a few months to several years, and can be visual, architectural, or literary. THE MUSIC LESSON by Johannes Vermeer Comparing the girl with her reflection we can notice that the back of her head, directly seen, is more conventionally perceived, more recognizable, perhaps more touching, her reflected face, its detail dissolved, its humanity suspended in light, has a deeper kind of completeness. The face is reflected not only in the mirror but also in the painter's temperament. For the first time we have the sense that he has a use, however oblique, for the whole of human appearance. Lawrence Gowing, Vermeer, 1952 signed lower picture frame at right IVMeer (IVM in monogram) c. 1662-1664 - Arthur K.

Peter Stemmler Based in: New York Ryder Ripps is a voracious collector and dedicated chronicler of all things World Wide Web. As an archivist, he established Internet Archaeology in 2009, a repository for early digital images saved from defunct GeoCities websites, as well as a download-able archive of his own Facebook profile. As a creator, he maintains numerous Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook projects, is a co-founder of, an image-sharing chatroom of sorts that is the birthplace of many JPEG and GIF memes, a partner at the creative firm OKFocus, and a collaborator with artists the likes of Ryan Trecartin and M.I.A. All before even mentioning his installation and physical-media work, like "Facebook Art" (2010-11).

on Mirrors Ancient and primitive mirrors were typically made of polished stone (obsidian in Stone Age Turkey, and jet in Pre-Columbian Peru), perhaps wetted to make them more reflective, and then metal (copper, bronze, silver, tin, etc.) In the 16th century, Venetian and French glassmakers developed a process in which transparent glass is coated with mercury (to the back side). Processes using an alloy of silver are most often used in manufacturing contemporary mirrors, but several materials — a number of metallic, ceramic,

Strawberige: the back story (part 1) Female Nudeby Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1807 In the Stillness by Bryce Cameron Liston Nude in front of a mirrorby Serge Ivanoff, 1945 Nude with Calla Lilies by Diego Rivera, 1944 Nude in a Chair by Pierre Auguste Renoir L’ultima lezione di Chris Burden Scritto da Marco Senaldi | martedì, 12 maggio 2015 · 0 Chris Burden, TV Hijack, 1972 LA SINDROME DI VAN GOGH Viviamo in tempi davvero strani. Siamo talmente convinti che non esistano più eroi, che ci rendiamo conto del contrario solo quando ne scompare uno. Conceptual Art First published Thu Jun 7, 2007 The philosophy of art has confronted myriad issues relating to an equally diverse subject matter. From primeval painting to postmodern poetry, and from the problem of how music can convey emotion to that of nature of the existence of fictional characters, the whole spectrum of artistic activity has been considered by philosophers of art, and the questions they have sought to answer extend far into neighbouring philosophical realms and beyond. To date, however, philosophical interest in what may broadly-speaking be called conceptual art has been notably sparse. And this seems surprising. After all, both philosophy and the diverse kinds and styles of art and art-making that fall under the conceptual tradition all have one thing in common: they are both intended to make you think.

La vasca di Damien Hirst alla Fondazione Prada Lo scorso 9 maggio ha aperto a Milano la Fondazione Prada, un’istituzione dedicata a arte e cultura che si presenta come un complesso molto grande di edifici preesistenti – che un tempo appartenevano a una distilleria – e di nuove costruzioni. Le strutture, vecchie o nuove, sono state adibite a spazi espositivi di opere d’arte contemporanea, e uno di questi ospita un’opera particolare: l’installazione di una vasca cubica piena di pesci, con dentro anche oggetti “femminili” e con uno strano lettino ambulatoriale. L’opera si chiama Lost Love, è di Damien Hirst ed è del 2000. Lost Love è costituita da una vasca di vetro di forma cubica su cui è stato installato l’impianto di acquario.

The Art History Online Reference and Guide 20 pittori da indovinare © Eurydyka Kata e Rafał Szczawiński Eurydyka Kata e Rafał Szczawiński sono due graphic designer polacchi e formano il duo Redesign, che si occupa di grafica, impaginazione e prodotto. Come nel loro precedente lavoro sulle serie televisive, con questo progetto i due provano a tracciare in maniera minimalista il profilo di alcuni dei più importanti artisti e pittori della storia dell’arte. Il progetto si chiama Iconic Painters ed è composto da una serie di poster nei quali sono rappresentati tre simboli stilizzati.

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