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Google Knowledge Graph Could Change Search Forever

Google Knowledge Graph Could Change Search Forever
Google has a confession to make: It does not understand you. If you ask it “the 10 deepest lakes in the U.S,” it will give you a very good result based on the keywords in the phrase and sites with significant authority on those words and even word groupings, but Google Fellow and SVP Amit Singhal says Google doesn’t understand the question. “We cross our fingers and hope someone on the web has written about these things or topics.” The future of Google Search, though, could be a very different story. In an extensive conversation, Singhal, who has been in the search field for 20 years, outlined a developing vision for search that takes it beyond mere words and into the world of entities, attributes and the relationship between those entities. In other words, Google’s future search engine will not only understand your lake question but know a lake is a body of water and tell you the depth, surface areas, temperatures and even salinities for each lake. Big Changes Coming Beyond Search

High-Tech : Google paie les internautes pour scruter leur vie privée Le géant de l'Internet propose de rémunérer ses utilisateurs en échange d'un accès complet aux sites qu'ils visitent. Google vient de présenter son programme Screenwise, qui permet de suivre à la trace les internautes en échange d'une rémunération pouvant monter «jusqu'à 25 dollars en cartes cadeau». Tous les utilisateurs américains du navigateur Chrome de plus de 13 ans, disposant déjà d'un compte Google, peuvent s'inscrire à ce programme qui, selon l'entreprise, l'aidera à «améliorer ses produits et services et à créer une meilleure expérience en ligne pour tout le monde». Concrètement, après l'inscription, les utilisateurs devront installer une extension sur leur navigateur. Chaque inscrit recevra alors une carte cadeau Amazon d'une valeur de 5 dollars au moment de l'inscription, puis de 5 dollars supplémentaires tous les trois mois. Interrogé par le site ArsTechnica, un porte-parole de Google a déclaré: «Bien sûr, [le panel] est complètement optionnel.

How to Turn Off Google Search Plus Your World Results If you are tired of seeing the pileup of social content from Google+ friends every time you use Google, you can now do something about it. Here's how to get old Google back and block the personalized results that Google Search, plus Your World spews up. When the Google Search, plus Your World update debuted in January, the new Google feature didn't gain many fans. Twitter and others criticized the enhancement for bumping up Google+ profile pages (images, videos and mentions in posts by the 62 million+ people on the social layer of Google) that relates to your search term. Many thought the search giant was favoring its own links instead of bringing up the most relevant links, tainting the progress of the open web. SEE ALSO: How Google’s +1 Button Affects SEO Follow the directions in the video to turn off Google's new enhanced search feature. Tell us in the comments if you will disable personalized searches or if you like the Google+-related recommendations.

Two Weeks In, Google Says "Search Plus Your World" Going Well, Critics Should Give It Time Two weeks ago, Google launched Search Plus Your World. Since then, Google has faced strong criticisms that SPYW is making its search relevancy worse and favoring its Google+ social network too much. Not so, says Google search chief Amit Singhal. Most Google users are happy, Singhal said. I talked today with Singhal — the “Google Fellow” who oversees all of Google’s search algorithms — about the reaction to Search Plus Your World. What’s been your overall reaction or thoughts as you’ve seen all the debate about Search Plus Your World? The overall takeaway that I have in my mind is that people are judging a product and an overall direction that we have in the first two weeks of a launch, where we are producing a product for the long term. There are two main changes that Search Plus Your World introduced. Every time a real user is getting those results, they really are delighted. How about the concerns that Google+ is being favored too much? This is the first two weeks of the product.

Pourquoi le succès de Google+ est assuré En ce moment la blogosphère est particulièrement agitée et surtout très partagée au sujet de Google+ : il y a ceux qui n’y croient pas, et ceux qui attendent de voir. Il faut dire que depuis le lancement de sa plateforme sociale (Google lance sa plateforme sociale unifiée Google+), Google peine à convaincre, même si les équipes avancent dans la bonne direction. Force est de constater qu’au fil des années, Google s’est éparpillé et qu’ils payent maintenant le retard accumulé sur le volet social. Qu’importe, même si ça n’a pas été officiellement confirmé, Google+ est au coeur de la stratégie de Google et je suis intimement convaincu que son succès est assuré. Des avis contradictoires Il y a eu ces dernières semaines pas mal de bruits autour de la chute de l’audience de Google+ : Google+ Traffic Falls 60% From Post-Launch Highs. Le service est maintenant ouvert à tous, et bénéficie même d’une promotion sur la page d’accueil de Google, un sacré coup de pouce !

Google to merge user data across its services As Google grows, it wants to streamline its many products and keep single profiles about each user. Google announces changes to its privacy policyGoogle will soon create a single profile of the data it has about each userThe new policy will take effect on March 1 (CNN) -- Google plans to start combining information the company collects about each user of its various websites and services into a single profile, the company announced on Tuesday. Previously, Google said it did not create comprehensive profiles across its various properties, including its leading search engine, Android smartphone operating system and YouTube video site. In a statement, Alma Whitten, a Google privacy director, wrote that the changes "will mean a simpler, more intuitive Google experience." First ever look inside Google New York Google's Eric Schmidt: exclusive preview The new privacy policy, too, has already sparked concerns voiced on social networks, including on Google's own platform.

12 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert If you’re like me, you probably use Google many times a day. But chances are, unless you're a technology geek, you probably still use Google in its simplest form. If your current use of Google is limited to typing in a few words and changing your query until you find what you’re looking for, I’m here to tell you that there’s a better way -- and it’s not hard to learn. On the other hand, even if you are a technology geek and can use Google like the best of them already, I still suggest you bookmark this article of Google advanced search tips. ⬇ Download Now: SEO Starter Pack [Free Kit] The following Google advanced search tips are based on my own experience and things that I actually find useful. Here's an overview of some of the most useful Google search tricks. 1. Let's say you're searching on Google for content about inbound marketing. Example Search: "inbound marketing" 2. Example Search: inbound marketing -advertising 3. Example Search: inbound marketing OR advertising 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Médias & Publicité : Les internautes délaissent un peu Google De nouveaux sites réunissent aujourd'hui les passionnés autour de centres d'intérêt communs. Un défi pour le géant américain et son moteur de recherche. Le Web fait sa mue. Avec Facebook et Twitter, les internautes ont constaté qu'ils pouvaient découvrir des contenus sur Internet grâce à leurs amis et plus seulement en faisant des recherches sur Google. Ce basculement vers un Web de la recommandation va aujourd'hui un cran plus loin. Aux États-Unis, Pinterest est devenu un véritable phénomène. D'autres services, dont le projet de départ n'était pas de créer de tels «index» thématiques du Web, y ont été poussés par leurs utilisateurs. De même, le site de questions-réponses Quora a adapté son offre en lançant le service «Boards» fin décembre 2011. Des cibles recherchées par les marques «Ce n'est pas la fin du moteur de recherche, car on en aura toujours besoin pour chercher un coiffeur pour enfants à San Francisco.

New Site Helps You Control Google Search Results for Your Name Potential employers, clients and dates are all Googling your name. BrandYourself, a new website launching Thursday, helps make sure they find what you want them to. The website guides you in search optimizing the links you want to push up in Google results for your name. Here’s how it works: You choose the links you want to “boost,” for example your LinkedIn profile. BrandYourself tracks the links you choose and lets you know if their Google rankings change. The startup also provides a profile page where you can link to all your other online profiles. Co-founders Pete Kistler and Patrick Ambron launched the first beta version of BrandYourself in 2008. “By focusing on one important thing, we were able to make the product more powerful and effective,” BrandYourself Co-founder Patrick Ambron tells Mashable. That one thing – boosting positive links in search results – has been proven to be important. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, Maravic

Google's Privacy Update: What You Need to Know Google's new privacy update that will allow the company to eventually integrate its products will kick in March 1. Tuesday's news that Google condensed its 70 privacy settings into one easier-to-understand and more transparent document, paves the way for the company to meld its products into a more integrated and intuitive user platform, i.e. Google needed to give itself permission to sync your products in the future. Nothing will change tangibly on March 1 — Google products will all still look and function the same. Not searching for a gym membership in January? Just like with iTunes and other online services, there is no way to opt out of a privacy policy, other than not using the service — and that's unlikely considering Google is the world's largest search engine. When Google launched Search Plus Your World it had some people wondering if Google searches would be tainted with irrelevant Google+ results. Photo courtesy of iStock, by Alija.

Du Web personnalisé au Web personnel C'est la nouvelle sensation Internet du moment. Le site Pinterest propose aux internautes de collectionner des images en ligne autour de thématiques (recettes, mode, déco et design, voitures, bricolage...) qui les intéressent.En France comme outre-Atlantique, les médias se passionnent pour ce service qui n'a pas attendu d'avoir leur attention pour séduire des millions d'utilisateurs en deux ans. Il représente une nouvelle génération de services communautaires centrés sur les intérêts des utilisateurs, susceptibles de bousculer quelque peu la domination de Google sur l'accès au Web. En effet, les réseaux sociaux comme Pinterest, qu'on peut nommer "réseaux d'intérêts", participent d'un besoin croissant de placer des filtres sur la Toile. L'expérience Web est ainsi encore plus personnalisée. Voir prospérer ces réseaux d'intérêts est une évolution qui semble assez logique, à l'heure où Facebook fédère un internaute sur deux et sert d'identité numérique sur un nombre croissant de sites. 1.

The Good News About Google's New Search Plus Your World Google launched a major new feature this week called Google Search Plus Your World and many people are incredibly upset about it. The feature presents search results from your contacts on Google's social network, Google+, and the things they've shared. It's clutter, critics say, it's unfair, it's a violation of a sacred contract between users and Google. Be that as it may, the feature can also be pretty awesome. Below I've listed 5 examples of search queries that were fabulously improved by the availability of the new search results. Sullivan offers evidence that a search for Britney Spears will never be the same and that only a few ambitious brands are highlighted in a search for the word cars. I don't know about you, but when I want to find Britney Spears, I know where to go. But look for business or technical terms and if you've got friends like I do, the new Google search feature is great. Ok, here are some examples of the new search being a big win.

Is Google+ Mandatory For Marketers? And Is That So Bad? When Google launched its Google+ social network, the marketing world (along with everyone else) barely noticed. When Google decided to make this social network a bigger part of search results, marketers had little choice but to sit up and take action. Over the last week or so, we at Motivity have spent a fair amount of time talking to clients and constituents about Google’s latest move, and what’s emerging is a picture of concern and skepticism. Is Participation Mandatory? Many of the advertisers I have spoken to feel they are being forced into participation in Google’s social platform because of the recent addition of Search Plus Your World. It doesn’t help that the average advertiser’s experience of working with Google leaves much to be desired. Additionally, marketers — the paying customers — are growing tired of having new products sprung on them the same way Google surprises the (largely) non-paying consumers. The sales approach doesn’t sit well with some, either.

Qu’est-ce que l’identité numérique ? Je ne suis pas le premier à tenter de vulgariser le concept d’identité numérique, Leafar (Raphaël pour les intimes) a ainsi déjà proposé une représentation de l’identité numérique (voir son billet : U.lik unleash Identity 0.2), j’avais également déjà abordé la question dans un précédent billet. Je souhaite avec cet article compléter cette vision et y apporter ma touche personnelle. Les utilisateurs au coeur du web 2.0 Avec la prolifération des blogs et wikis, la multiplication des réseaux sociaux et l’explosion du trafic sur les plateformes d’échanges, les contenus générés par les utilisateurs prennent une place toujours plus importante dans notre consommation quotidienne de l’internet. Tous ces contenus laissent des traces sur les sites qui les hébergent et dans les index des moteurs de recherche, ils sont également systématiquement rattachés à un auteur. De la volatilité de l’identité numérique Les différentes facettes de l’identité numérique

Not At Any Price: Twitter Denied Data To Google And Bet On Itself If Twitter continued to sell its firehose to Google, fewer searches would occur on Twitter’s internal search engine where the microblog platform can serve its own ads. That’s why sources familiar with the negotiations tell me Twitter wouldn’t renew the data access deal at any price, or at least set a ludicrously high price to sink the deal. Cash and increased visibility on Google Search was more valuable to Twitter in 2009 when it was still trying to gain serious traction. There are a lot of conflicting reports on exactly how negotiations went down, stirred up by the launch of Google Search plus Your World (Search+) which favors Google+ results. [Update: As Liz Gannes points out, Twitter did do a firehose deal with Bing. Actually, I think backing out of the Google firehose deal was a courageous move for Twitter. Unfortunately for the end-user, no deal means Search+ isn’t quite as useful as it could be, as Steven Levy describes.
