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Online papers on consciousness

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Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition Center for Consciousness Studies . Tucson . Arizona Renseignements pratiques pour les étudiants Aides, financements, renseignements divers L'association nationale des docteurs ès sciences (ANDES) et son "guide des aides aux formations doctorales et post-doctorales" maintenant en ligne gratuitement visité le 24 1 2005 Association du Doctorat Scientifique Lyonnais visité le 24 1 2005 Lyon Campus, France Un site de services pour les étudiants de la région lyonnaise, mis en place par le Pôle Universitaire de Lyon et la ville de Lyon. Auprès de la Caisse d' Allocations Familiales de l' Agglomération Lyonnaise, demande d'aide au logement étudiant sur internet. visité le 24 1 2005 Etudis, France "Le site de l'étudiant relié" : offres de stage et d'emploi, logements, petites annonces, agenda, forum de discussion. L'association Bernard Gregory Aide les doctorants et les jeunes docteurs de plus d'une manière avec "le marché de l'emploi des docteurs" qui propose: offres d'emploi, dépot de CV en ligne, conseils concernant l'insertion professionnelle. Science Professional Network

Anger potentiates the reporting of threatening interpretations: An experimental study - Scholars Portal Journals This paper reports the results of an experiment investigating the effect of induced anger on interpretational bias using the homophone spelling task. Four groups of participants experienced anger, anxiety, happy or neutral mood inductions and then completed the homophone spelling task. Participants who experienced anger and anxiety inductions reported significantly more threat/neutral homophones as threats compared to control participants; moods had an emotion-congruent effect on threat reporting, with negative moods increasing the tendency to report threat/neutral homophones as threats and positive moods increasing the tendency to report positive/neutral homophones as positive. The findings provide evidence that anger potentiates the reporting of threatening interpretations and does so independently of any effect of concurrent levels of state and trait anxiety.

Web resources on consciousness, philosophy, and such Web resources related to consciousness, philosophy, and such. Compiled by David Chalmers Here are a small number of high-quality academic resources on the web that I find useful or interesting. The emphasis is on sites containing real intellectual content. See also my lists of people with online papers in philosophy and of online papers on consciousness. Consciousness resources Philosophy resources Philosophy journals online Cognitive science resources Meta-resources Disorders of consciousness Interactive demonstrations Miscellaneous sites with interesting content Go to: David Chalmers' home page

Science And Consciousness Review Psychedelics constitute a class of psychoactive drugs with unique effects on consciousness. Psychedelic means "mind-manifesting" and refers to the ability of these drugs to illuminate normally hidden aspects of mind or psyche. Native American shamans consumed psychedelic plants such as the peyote cactus (contains mescaline), psilocybe "magic" mushrooms (contains psilocybin), or the brew called ayahuasca (contains DMT and harmaline) in order to communicate with God or the spirit realm. The most potent psychedelic is the semi-synthetic ergot derivative lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), which has detectable effects at microscopic doses. Researchers first thought LSD induced a “model psychosis” that might shed light on the nature of schizophrenia.However, as the psychedelic experience or “trip” does not resemble endogenous psychoses, this interpretation was later discarded. Psychedelic drugs are not addictive. References Doblin, R. (1991). Feldman, R.S., Meyer, J.S., & Quenzer, L.F. (1997).

Conducting Research with Non-clinical Healthy Undergraduates: Does Effort Play a Role in Neuropsychological Test Performance? + Author Affiliations ↵*Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, Canada M1C 1A4. Tel.: +1-416-287-7424; fax: +1-416-287-7642. Abstract Poor effort by examinees during neuropsychological testing has a profound effect on test performance. Introduction Since the mid-1900's, the use of undergraduate students as research participants has been a popular practice at research universities. One issue regarding the use of undergraduate students that has yet to be investigated concerns the test-taking effort exercised by these participants during neuropsychological research experiments. The need to assess suboptimal effort in undergraduate participants is based on two factors. Collaterally, it is important to note that there has been an increasing interest in test-taking effort and malingering in the past few decades (Morgan & Sweet, 2009). Methods Participants Measures Symptom Validity Tests Procedure Results

II: Soul Consciousness Sacred Texts Hinduism Tagore Index Previous Next We have seen that it was the aspiration of ancient India to live and move and have its joy in Brahma, the all-conscious and all- pervading Spirit, by extending its field of consciousness over all the world. But that, it may be urged, is an impossible task for man to achieve. If this extension of consciousness be an outward process, then it is endless; it is like attempting to cross the ocean after ladling out its water. But, in reality, it is not so absurd as it sounds. As in the region of knowledge so in that of consciousness, man must clearly realise some central truth which will give him an outlook over the widest possible field. All our egoistic impulses, our selfish desires, obscure our true vision of the soul. Likewise, our soul when detached and imprisoned within the narrow limits of a self loses its significance. The doctrine of deliverance that Buddha preached was the freedom from the thraldom of Avidyā.

Articles ou documents accessibles en ligne HTP Prints, the History & Theory of Psychology Eprint Archive. It is offered as a free service to the community of scholarly historians and theoreticians of psychology with the goal of promoting the rapid dissemination of new work in the field. Authors who wish to post papers to the archive should first consult the HTP Prints Policy Document. HTP Prints is edited and administered by Christopher D. Green of the History & Theory of Psychology Program at York University (Toronto, Canada), and it is supported by the kind technical assistance of York's Arts Technology Support Group. visité le 9 4 2003 HighWire Press (Stanford) liens avec plusieurs centaines de milliers d' articles en tete intégral gratuit.

Cognitive versus stimulus-response theories of learning Blood - Holograph of Your Consciousness Peering into the microscope and looking at live blood, you can see a reflection of cause and effect. When you're not feeling well, your blood doesn't look good. Often, the worse you feel, the worse it looks. When you get better, the blood also gets looking better. But something else is going on. Change your blood, and you'll change your consciousness. Change your consciousness, and you'll change your blood. Our blood holds elements - the vibrational imprint - of who we are. I recall someone asking at a seminar if anyone had ever had a blood transfusion and then felt different afterwards. A humorous story maybe, but it holds some truth. Similar stories are told of individuals who have had organ transplants. Why? Get someone else's blood or other organ tissue, and you have to assimilate their imprint and remake it your own. As you get deeper into this work and research its topics, a new way of looking at health will undoubtedly begin to unfold for you. you can make it so, if you think it so.

Catalogue en ligne Centre d'Information et de Documentation <br>du CRA Rhône-Alpes Aujourd'hui l'autisme se définit comme un trouble neurodéveloppemental et conduit la Haute autorité de santé à préconiser un diagnostic le plus précoce possible. Pour autant, les professionnels restent confrontés quotidiennement aux symptômes déroutants de ce syndrome même si les progrès de la recherche ont amélioré les connaissances. Une interrogation subsiste : que connaît-on véritablement de ce trouble de la communication ? Regards périphériques sur l'autisme est un livre passerelle qui témoigne de l'expérience diversifiée du centre diagnostique pour l'autisme créé au centre hospitalier Sainte-Anne depuis plus de dix ans. Le rôle de l'équipe d'évaluation - pédopsychiatres, psychologues, psychomotriciens, orthophonistes, généticiens... ?
