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Drama Map

Drama Map
Download the plug-in tools you need to use our games and tools, or check to see if you've got the latest version. Learn more Looking for ways to engage your students in online literacy learning? More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Classroom Resources › Student Interactives Student Interactive An updated version of the Story Map, this interactive best suits secondary students in literary study. Related Classroom & Professional Development Resources back to top Grades 9 – 12 | Calendar Activity | April 27 Playwright August Wilson was born in 1945. Students use the Timeline Tool and Drama Map to create a decade-by-decade record and play of their community's history. Grades 5 – 12 | Calendar Activity | March 24 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof premiered in New York in 1955. Students are introduced to the characteristics of drama, read a chapter from a novel the class has read, and create a script from the chapter that they will present to the class. Related:  Berättande texter

Literary Elements Map An updated version of the Story Map, this interactive best suits secondary students in literary study. The tool includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities, focusing on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development (shown at left). As with the Story Map, this interactive can be used in multiple contexts, whether they be author studies, genre studies, or thematic units, among others. Grades 5 – 9 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Fairy Tale Autobiographies Students read and analyze fairy tales from several cultures, identifying common elements. Grades 6 – 8 | Lesson Plan | Unit Story Character Homepage Students analyze personal homepages, as well as a character in a book they have read, and then create a homepage for the character. Book Reviews, Annotation, and Web Technology Students work in groups to create annotated book reviews with links to topics of interest related to their book.

13 Free Web Tools Students and Teachers Should Know About | MindShift | KQED News Web-based tools continue to proliferate, giving teachers more to add to their arsenal, but it can be hard to determine which resources are worth spending time exploring. At the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) conference this year, Adam Bellow, founder of EduClipper, and Steve Dembo, Online Community Manager for Discovery Education offered a quick run through of some favorite apps. The two educators are early adopters of ed-tech classroom strategies and have a lot of experience with tech integration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Katrina Schwartz Katrina Schwartz is a journalist based in San Francisco.

Story Map The Story Map interactive includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities. The organizers are intended to focus on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development. Students can develop multiple characters, for example, in preparation for writing their own fiction, or they may reflect on and further develop characters from stories they have read. After completing individual sections or the entire organizer, students have the ability to print out their final versions for feedback and assessment. The versatility of this tool allows it to be used in multiple contexts. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Collaborative Stories 1: Prewriting and Drafting Students hone their teamwork skills and play off each other's writing strengths as they participate in prewriting activities for a story to be written collaboratively by the whole class. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Unit back to top

ICT - Drama FreewareSoftwareICT ReadingsDigital ResourcesInteractive Sites Freeware Free Audio and Video Software Free Audio and Video Software suitable for arts teaching and learning. Sleepover Planet Sleepover Planet is a complete online toolkit which takes the teacher and students step by step through the process of staging a school musical. Snapshot of Learning for Audacity This Snapshots page from the Software for Learning site contains screen shots taken from learning sessions using Audacity software. Software Adobe Audition Adobe Audition provides a multi-track recording studio for producing audio effects of a professional standard. Software For Learning - Drama This Software For Learning page provides links and descriptions of software that might be used in drama education. Sound Forge Sound Forge®software is an industry-standard digital audio editing application for professional recording, editing, effects processing, and streaming media creation. ICT Readings The Virtual Drama Studio Digital Resources

Anders & S rens skriv vningar Om du har läst våra skrivtips så vet du att vi ofta iakttar andra människor. Som författare har man alltid ögon och öron öppna för att se vad som inträffar, eller som nästan råkar hända. Det finns oändligt många händelser i böckerna som har hänt oss själva, någon vi känner eller som vi hört talas om. Att alltid ha en anteckningsbok till hands för att skriva ner idéer är vårt bästa tips. Ett annat väldigt bra sätt att träna på ditt eget skrivande är att läsa andras berättelser. Därför är det bra att läsa samma bok flera gånger. Det alltså bra att öva på sitt berättande. Här hittar du skrivövningar och ett arbetsblad att skriva ut (pdf).

Radio Days: A WebQuest By Cynthia Matzat Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation| Conclusion Introduction Back before there were televisions and computers, there was radio. Top The Task You are an employee of a local radio station. The Process Step 1: Each person in your group is to select one of the following positions. All members of the group are expected to contribute in each area. Step 2: Once each group member has selected a job, you are to research the history of radio drama. All members of the group need to contribute to the construction of the timeline. Click here to see some example timelines made by former students. Step 3: Each member of the team is to research his or her particular area. Step 4: Once you have researched your particular area, get together with your group members and discuss your findings. Step 5: After each member has contributed his or her ideas, you should write your part of the radio drama. Step 6: Step 7: Resources Evaluation Conclusion

Cutting up the Text Evidence We dove into setting again while reading Tuck Everlasting. As we delve more and more into citing text evidence, I wanted the students to really see what that meant. Chapter one of the book describes the setting of the book in great detail. In fact, it is so vivid that I had the students dissect the chapter to create a drawing. Then, I made a copy of chapter one for each student. This really helped to show the students that authors truly do paint pictures with their words. Wow...short and sweet!

Didaskalia - The Journal for Ancient Performance Volume 12 (2015) Volume 11 (2014) Volume 10 (2013) Volume 9 (2012) Volume 8 (2011) (new annual numbering begins) 7.02 - Close Relations (2009) 7.01 - Masks (Winter 2007) 6.03 - Responses to Ancient Drama in Contemporary Performance (Autumn 2006) 6.02 - Contemporary Electronic Research Initiatives (Summer 2005) 6.01 - Developments and Trends in Contemporary Research (Spring 2004) 5.03 - Electra (Summer 2002) 5.02 - Tantalus (Autumn 2001) 5.01 - Otago (Summer 2001) 4.02 - General Issue (Autumn 2001) 4.01 - Crossing the Ancient Stage (Spring 1997) 3.03 - The Performance of Homeric Epic (Winter 1996) 3.02 - General Issue (Autumn 1996) 3.01 - General Issue (Spring 1996) 2.03 - Roman Stagings (Winter 1995) 2.02 - Ancient Stagecraft (Autumn 1995) 2.01 - New Ancient Theater (February 1995) 1.06 - Supplement 1 - How is it Played? 1.05 - Embodying Ancient Theater (December 1994) 1.04 - Fusing Greek and Asian Drama (October 1994) 1.03 - Translating for the Stage II (August 1994) 1.01 - Founding Issue (March 1994)

Berättar-10:an Pennvässaren finns från 1 febr 2012 att beställa från Studentlitteratur. Ett boklöv rullar ut ur sitt skal.Snabbt och lätt.Ett riktigt löv - ett riktigt träd, redan från början. En riktig berättelse - redan från början Svara på 10 frågor och strax finns berättelsen där.Den duger precis som den är,hel och vacker i sin form, just så som det nyutslagna trädet. Lgr 2011 - Nya kunskapskrav i svenska Läs om hur MaketeMetoden kan underlätta vägen mot en ökad måluppfyllelse. Berättar-10:an Berättar-10:an är ett fristående kopieringsunderlag till skrivhandledningen Pennvässaren. © Veronica Grönte och Argument Förlag 2002 & 2005 • Berättar-10:an hjälper dig att skriva en dramatisk berättelse utan ansträngning.• Berättar-10:an låter dig förstå att en berättelse kan vara intressant trots att den är kort.• Berättar-10:an gör det enkelt att gestalta karaktär och miljö.• Berättar-10:an fungerar som inspiration när idéerna tryter. Undertext - att läsa mellan raderna 4. Berättelse skapad i Berättar-10:an Början
