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Get Rich Slowly
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73 Great Debt Elimination Tips | zen habits Post written by Leo Babauta. Last week, I asked you all to give me your best advice for getting out of debt. And boy, did you deliver. It was overwhelming, and I applaud you all. To take advantage of all the great advice you gave, I’ve compiled a list of the best tips below. It is not a step-by-step guide. There are also contradictory tips. I hope this serves as a valuable resource — let me know what you think in the comments, and feel free to add your tips! Don’t get into debt.

Adventures in $40 eyeglasses Last year, I stumbled upon a blog post about buying prescription eyeglasses online. It sounded too good to be true: you could get any frames you wanted quickly and cheaply, and the comments were filled with optometrists freaking out. Eventually, the author launched a dedicated blog for it called Glassy Eyes. When the site was recently mentioned on MetaFilter right around the time I was getting my 2-year exam, I decided to take the plunge myself and order some glasses online. Why Buy Online? As a lifelong near-sighted person, prescription eyeglasses and especially prescription sunglasses have long commanded a high premium due to the seemingly precise and scarce nature of creating them. Today things are different, with Coscto and Walmart bringing prices down to the $100-150 range for frames/lenses and they serve as a good economical option to the mainstays. Get Your Measurements Right First thing you need is an up-to-date prescription. Measure What You Have, Know What You Want The Verdict?

Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine - Top News - Business & News Blogs - Business Strategy 46 Things I Wish My Mom Taught Me About Money + New .COMs $7.99/yr plus 18 cents/yr ICANN fee. Discount based on new one-year registration prices as of 1/27/2012 with sale price reflected in your shopping cart at checkout. Discount applies to new registrations and renewals and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. 1 is rated the world's largest hostname provider according to Netcraft®. Swapaskill | a favour for a friend latest business news headlines sorted by topics america fiscal_cliff fraud mortgage bernanke sale bear_stearns jpmorgan MSNBC,MSNBC,MSNBC,MSNBC,MSNBC,MSNBC,,,,,,,,,,, Swedish home and furnishings retailer Ikea faced criticism after reports surfaced that pictures of women were digitally erased from the Saudi version of its catalog.

Overdraft bank fees cost billions By Daily Mail ReporterUPDATED: 11:24 GMT, 24 September 2008 ONE in three people with a bank overdraft ends up paying an extra £100 a year in punitive charges, according to research. They are charged up to £25 four times a year because they exceed the agreed limit on their current account. Some banks then charge up to £35 for each transaction after a customer goes too deeply into the red. However, research shows that many people simply lose track of how much money they have in their account. A report commissioned by the online bank Egg found that most people have 'an extremely poor understanding of the financial status of their current account'. The report found that more than 60% do not know how much money is in their account at any one time. But the resulting charges reap the financial institutions up to £1.3bn each year. The House of Commons Treasury Select Committee has expressed concern at overdraft charges after claims that banks are exploiting them to boost their profits. Which?

Why Every Business Needs A Duct Tape Entrepreneur | Whenever I think of duct tape, I think of my favorite television superhero MacGyver. What?!? There’s a ticking time bomb set to explode in 10 seconds? If Macgyver was a real person, who wouldn’t want him on your team? My Anti-Duct Tape Story When my wife and I first started out with our business, I used to spend an endless amount of time tweaking the look of the website. Amdahl’s Law Since I’m a microprocessor designer by day, one of the core principles of designing fast CPUs is defined by Amdahl’s law. More Duct Tape Please Duct tape entrepreneurs also excel at recognizing that a partial solution is sometimes better than no solution at all. Complicated=Bad! The final thing that duct entrepreneurs excel at is squashing everything that is remotely complicated. Conclusion If you don’t have a duct tape guy on your team or if you are a one man show, it means that you have to become the duct tape guy. Ready To Get Serious About Starting An Online Business? Similar Posts Have you read these?

Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog 102 Personal Finance Tips Your Professor Never Taught You If you're anything like me, you graduated from college and perhaps even took a finance class or accounting class here or there, but you didn't learn anything about managing your personal finances. In fact, there probably wasn't even an opportunity to take any such class in either high school or college. But if college is partly about training us for a job, shouldn't we learn what to do with the money we earn from a job? Especially in a country where 45% of college students are in credit card debt and 40% of all Americans say they live beyond their means, I think it's time to wise up to some of the challenges of money management. The Painfully Obvious But Rarely Followed Tips Pay yourself first. Career and Education Get educated. Credit and Loans Get a rewards card. Frugality Buy a used car. Homeowning Upgrade your old bathrooms and kitchens. Insurance Insure yourself against financial ruin. Investing Be wary of mutual funds. Retirement Optimize your 401(k). Saving Save now. Taxes

7 Money Tricks Rich Guys Know : My dad taught me how to rig a mainsail, my college buddies taught me how to hold my Jim Beam, and my teachers taught me how to parse Chaucer. But somehow no one got around to helping me calculate compound interest or build a diversified portfolio. Arcane skills? Perhaps, but learning them is the best way to avoid spending your retirement years nibbling on Alpo. Of course, people teach only what they know, and previous generations had less cause to study the finer points of finance, says Charles Farrell, a Denver-based investment advisor. Ensuring your financial survival will require learning to be your own CFO. Figuring Out Your Net Worth Would you start a diet without knowing your weight? And if you've never stepped on a financial scale, it's way too easy to binge on debt. One warning about net worth: The equity in your home is an asset, but its value is subjective, and it's not as useful in a pinch as cash or nonretirement investments. Running Your Ratios Gauging Interest

Business - Yahoo! Buzz How to Make a Spending Plan 30 Free eBooks To Learn Everything You Want to Know About Personal Finance |... Personal finance is something that we care about here at Mint. Learn more with great personal-finance tips in our blog article index. When you reach into a broad-ranging topic like personal finance, you find everyone and their cousin trying to reach across the Internet to give you advice. There’s so much information there that it can literally be overwhelming; there’s literally too much for the average person to sort through. Luckily for you, at Mint we’re looking to quash that “intimidation” factor. There’s no reason that personal finance can’t be thoughtful, cohesive, and comprehensive, so we’ve probed through the web to find 30 free e-Books/booklets across the topics you’ll reference most. We’ve sorted these e-Books into specific categories, along with a brief description we’ve written up on each of them. Just in case you don’t have time, the top e-Book in each category is our Minty Pick. Consumer Awareness Credit & Credit Cards Saving & Investing Mortgages Retirement Planning
