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How to fold a suit, pants and shirt to go in a suitcase without wrinkling

How to fold a suit, pants and shirt to go in a suitcase without wrinkling

Drivers are wasting their money on premium gas According to a new study by the American Automobile Association, AAA, there is no benefit to using premium gasoline in a vehicle that only requires regular fuel. Time For years, drivers have been under the impression that premium gas was better for their car. Not so, says AAA. A new AAA study says American drivers wasted more than $2.1 billion dollars in the last year by using pricier premium-grade gasoline in cars built to run on more traditional regular fuel. For cars designed to run on regular fuel, AAA found that using premium provided "no benefit" compared to regular gas -- no improvements to engine life, fuel economy or even reducing tailpipe emissions. “Drivers see the ‘premium’ name at the pump and may assume the fuel is better for their vehicle,” said John Nielsen, AAA’s managing director of Automotive Engineering and Repair in a statement. Over the same time period the study found drivers needlessly used premium gasoline in their cars more than 270 million times.

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