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Identity Designed Symbol Signs — AIGA | the professional association for design The complete set of 50 passenger/pedestrian symbols developed by AIGA is available for all to use, free of charge. Signs are available here in EPS and GIF formats. Additional symbol signs are available free of charge at The Noun Project. Download the complete set of Symbol Signs (ZIP archive, 377 KB) About the symbol signs This system of 50 symbol signs was designed for use at the crossroads of modern life: in airports and other transportation hubs and at large international events. Prior to this effort, numerous international, national and local organizations had devised symbols to guide passengers and pedestrians through transportation facilities and other sites of international exchange. To develop such a system, AIGA and DOT. compiled an inventory of symbol systems that had been used in various locations worldwide, from airports and train stations to the Olympic Games. AIGA Signs and Symbols Committee members: Thomas Geismar Seymour Chwast Rudolph de Harak John Lees Massimo Vignelli

Siiimple Make Better Websites - Inspiration & Showcase for Quality Design and CSS Websites The Design Inspiration - Daily Logo Designs, Illustration Art, Website Showcase, Photos and Patterns Freelance Graphic Design Inspiration and Design Gallery | CSS GALLERY for inspiration | CSSMAYO iPhone and iPad Development GUI Kits, Stencils and Icons Apple don’t have any comprehensive pre-built GUI resources for app development, making it very hard to match the uniformed style of the iPhone or the iPad. You will need to create your own. To help streamline your iPhone app design and development, we have put together a fairly comprehensive collection of iPhone & iPad GUI kits that will allow you to focus on developing rather than having to design everything from scratch. Within this post you will find complete GUI kits and stencils, iPhone GUI elements and PSDs and finally a collection of the best icon-sets perfectly suited for the iPhone. iPhone PSD Vector Kit This iPhone PSD Vector set, from Smashing Magazine and designed by Renee Rist, comes with several button elements as well as six different iPhone interface options. iPhone PSD Vector Kit » iPhone GUI PSD Design Template iPhone GUI PSD Design Template » iPhone Design Stencils – Yahoo Design Pattern Library This iPhone Yahoo! Ultimate iPhone Stencil (OmniGraffle) Matte iPhone UI This.

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