NCLD - National Center for Learning Disabilities

National Association of Special Education Teachers: Teachers Teaching Exceptional Children
Special Need & Education Resources for Grades K-12
Special Education Resources By Topic Accommodations and Environment Curriculum Support IEP Resources Behavior Management Special Education Inclusion Understanding that special education resources are applicable to both general education and special education teachers alike, TeacherVision provides resources that can be used as part of an IEP both in the general education classroom and in specialist resources rooms. Our resources have been curated from leading special education partners and publishers, and are easily categorized for the most common uses by both generalists and specialists. What Is Special Education? Special education can generally be defined as the integration of instructional, behavioral, social-emotional, developmental, and curricular support services and strategies designed to help students with disabilities learn. Most students designated for special education services will receive an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Accommodations and Environment IEP Resources