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“And Then There Was Salsa”

“And Then There Was Salsa”

Tweetie 2 Gaining Native Foursquare Support While Loren Brichter may be hard at work on Tweetie Two for the Mac, he hasn’t given on his baby: Tweetie 2 for the iPhone. While the app hasn’t been updated since late November, a new build is due shortly with one big addition: native Foursquare support. What this means is that anytime someone in your tweet stream sends out a tweet from Foursquare (which, to the annoyance of some users, happens automatically at times), that Foursquare link (shown as a URL) will be able to be opened in Tweetie in a way that displays the location information in a nice format. When a tweet is eligible for this feature, you’ll see a purple square logo in the upper right hand corner of the tweet in Tweetie.

Most Wanted Twitter Hacks and Plugins for WordPress Looking to harness the full power of Twitter to drive traffic to your WordPress site? When used effectively, Twitter can help you find new users, expand your content reach, and bring traffic to your site. In this article, we will show you the most wanted Twitter hacks and plugins for WordPress. 1. Floating Social Bar

Foursquare Introduces New Tools for Businesses - Bits Blog foursquare.comFoursquare’s new statistics page will share information about users with business owners. 11:10 a.m. | Updated Corrected the name of the AJ Bombers restaurant. Foursquare, a location-based social network, plans to distribute a free analytics tool and dashboard in the coming weeks that will give business owners access to a range of information and statistics about visitors to their establishments. Tristan Walker, director of business development at Foursquare, said that the latest features were intended to help local merchants run their stores by giving them more information about their customers. “We’re trying to give businesses more retention with current customers and the ability to add new customers with specials,” said Mr.

New Banksy: Lights, Camera, Vandalism Current Issue On sale now at newsstands or on screen May 2014 - Issue #160 All year long, Juxtapoz is celebrating its 20th Anniversary by showcasing the pivotal figures in contemporary art over the past two decades. Some artists are blue chip, some are underground heroes, others are behind-the-scenes legends. This month, we honor one of the great artists from Los Angeles during our existence, Alexis Ross, who has been monumental in various landmark exhibitions including "Street Market" at Art In the Streets.

27 Cancel Subscriptions to WaPo Over Photo of Two Men Kissing - DCist This front-page photo, by Washington Post photographer Bill O'leary, caused 27 people to cancel their newspaper subscriptions. Do read this killer blog post from Washington Post ombudsman Andy Alexander today on complaints from readers about last week's front-page photo of Jeremy Ames and Taka Ariga kissing. The two men had just emerged from D.C. Superior Court after filing for a marriage license on Wednesday, and a Post photographer captured their happy moment. LED Street-Lights are Greenest Choice, Life-Cycle Study Shows Image: KnossosInduction Lights Are Close, But No CigarMost people who have been following lighting tech seem to be convinced that light-emitting diode (LED) lights are the future, but it's always good to see new research being done on them. The more sure we are that they're the way to go, the better. It always sucks to invest a lot of time and money into something only to later realize that it's not nearly as good as we were first led to believe (*cough* corn ethanol *cough*). Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have conducted the first cradle-to-grave assessment of LED streetlights, and the results are interesting. Image: University of Pittsburgh

Selected July 27th, 2011 Selected is a series of animated gifs where Mike Guppy replaced the main character with an marching ants outline. His version of the Mona Lisa is a response to Replaced Mona Lisa by Mike Ruiz. found at It’s Nice That The Effects of Twitter on Politics Posted by Michael Duvall in Social Media , Twitter on Nov 16th, 2009 | 5 responses If you hadn’t already figured it out, Twitter has had an effect on our society in many different ways. From saving lives to keeping in touch with loved ones, Twitter is one of the more influential and accessible social networking websites. In fact, Twitter has even had a direct on politics, as we have learned from the 2008 Presidential election.

Slowly, states are lessening limits on marijuana By William M. Welchand Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY LOS ANGELES — James Gray once saw himself as a drug warrior, a former federal prosecutor and county judge who sent people to prison for dealing pot and other drug offenses. Gradually, though, he became convinced that the ban on marijuana was making it more accessible to young people, not less.

Twitter Research In Spring 2013 I revised my use of Twitter in my Advanced Rhetoric courses as follows, primarily to bridge the online and face-to-face sections: Twitter Posts We will hold an ongoing conversation about our observations of rhetoric in contemporary culture in the form of a class Twitter feed. You may either use your current Twitter username or create one specifically for this course. Either way, you must follow me at @profpignetti. Tweets should be personal thoughts/insights/questions and/or links to relevant material on the web, and should include the course hashtag (#rhetoric371). You must post at least 2 course-relevant tweets per week, preferably before Sundays at noon.

Valve Brings Hit Games, Steam Service to Mac It’s officially official: Valve will bring its Steam online distribution service and titles from its massive library of hit games to the Mac this April, the company confirmed Monday. The successful content-delivery service will bring Valve titles like Left 4 Dead and the upcoming Portal 2, as well as games from other publishers, to Apple computers for the first time. The move was telegraphed last week in a series of teaser posters that mashed characters from Valve games into retro Apple ads.

It's Alive! Banksy's Street Art Gets Animated We’ve seen Banksy’s famous graffiti come to life as real people re-enacted his scenes for photographer Nick Stern and now an artist by the name of ABVH has brought them to life in a different way. ABVH has created animated GIF versions of some of our favorite works by Banksy and they have been spreading through Tumblr like wild fire. What could be more entertaining than watching a mouse run on a wheel all day?
