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Why “Infographic Thinking” Is The Future, Not A Fad

Why “Infographic Thinking” Is The Future, Not A Fad
We get a lot of infographic pitches. Almost all of them suck. Why? Because while they may well be "information plus graphics," they often lack what designer Francesco Franchi calls "infographic thinking." This isn’t just "how to make some numbers and vector graphics look clever together." Franchi issues a lot of wisdom we’ve heard before--"If we don’t have content, we can’t have design," "You have to be informative but also entertain the reader," etc. "Infographic thinking" doesn’t let designers to interpret a narrative visually; it lets them invite the viewer [to] join in the process of interpretation, too. [via Stellar Interesting; Image: Jakub Krechowicz/Shutterstock]

Motion Graphics Work That Informs: BBC Knowledge 60 Everything is a Remix episode 4, produced by Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker. "Our system of law doesn't acknowledge the derivative nature of creativity. Instead, ideas are regarded as property, as unique and original lots with distinct boundaries. But ideas aren't so tidy. They're layered, they’re interwoven, they're tangled." A must watch video experience. Find out more: Everything is a Remix episode 4, produced by Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker. "Our system of law doesn't acknowledge the derivative nature of creativity. But ideas aren't so tidy. A must watch video experience. Find out more:

Интервью с Дагом Маком (Doug Mack), CEO интернет-магазина One Kings Lane | Опыт | В онлайн-ритейле есть две оригинальные вариации на тему: flash sales, «молниеносные продажи», когда интернет-магазин продает товар с очень большой скидкой в течение непродолжительного периода времени, и curated sales, «продажи по рекомендации», когда интернет-магазин привлекает известного человека, который советует посетителям приобрести тот или иной товар и принимает участие в отборе ассортимента. Согласно, в 2011 году микс из этих двух вариаций был крайне популярен в среде интернет-торговцев. Среди прочих адептов такой смеси особенно выделялся One Kings Lane, распродажный интернет-магазин всякого декора и украшений для дома, отбираемых популярными личностями. One Kings Lane удалось привлечь внушительную аудиторию и сделать большую ее часть лояльной. Сегодня социальные медиа сильно влияют на шоппинг и общение с компаниями. Материал Talking with… One Kings Lane CEO Doug Mack из блога Каким вы видите будущее молниеносных продаж? Одного продающего сайта уже недостаточно.

Christopher Donohue: Information in a multi dimensional and empowered way By Christopher DonohueIt is such an exhilarating time in which a significant number of the global collective now have access to an abundance of information via the web and social platforms. However, some suffer from information overload. Many also think that information can only reside in books, online text or in documents (Word, Excel, presentations, and databases). But imagine information graphically represented, to help you break through the information flood and enable you and your team to focus on what information and tools are truly needed. Bottlenose assists with information overload with flexible, deep dive feed customisation options and via the sonar visualisation of topics. Written content © 2012 Christopher Donohue, FourBuckets.
