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Mariposas en crochet

Mariposas en crochet
Related:  erkarcedmaedentelle au fuseau

Fleurs au crochet Je vous présente des Fleurs au crochet que j'ai eu le plaisir de réaliser ! Vous trouverez pour ce modèle , mon ouvrage terminé et le tuto qui va au schéma. Voici 5 fleurs roses et mauves , auquelles j'ai rajoutées une perle pour la finiton ! J'ai trouvé le tuto sur le joli blog de " Katty " , les explications sont ici , elles sont données rangs par rangs! Dans la série des Fleurs au crochet, voici des nouveaux modèles trouvés sur le net . Voici des magnifiques fleurs au crochet , trouvées sur le site de " Passion-crochet " , les explications sont ici ! Il y a en tout 13 modèles de fleurs , les explications sont données rangs par rangs . Voici des jolie fleurs accompagnées de leurs grilles gratuites , trouvées sur le net ! Voici un choix important de magnifiques fleurs , trouvées sur , ici ou si vous êtes inscrites sur Facebook , sur la page d'une amie , ici ! Voici des belles fleurs et ses grilles gratuites , et de nombreux modèles supplèmentaires , trouvés sur la Galerie Picasa

20 free crochet baby booties patterns Crochet baby booties are the perfect handmade baby shower gift that everyone will love. Here I brought you guys a bulk load full of cuteness free crochet patterns baby booties. All Those adorable baby shoes tutorial can be whip up really fast and use little yarn. 1.Ashlee at Imtopsyturvy make this adorable Crochet wrap around button newborn boots for girls and boys. 2.This cute Mary Jane skimmers tutorial by Megan at Tampa Bay Crochet. 3.The adorable rain boots is perfect for spring.Get the tutorial at Repeat crafter me. 4.Dress up your little one with cowboy theme then this cowboy boots is perfect for you. 5.Cann’t get enough of cute little cuffed booties? 6.Make this darling sweet Moccasins Baby shoes that everyone will love by Littleme blog. 7.I am in love with this sweet little loopy bootie shoes by hodgepodgecrochet. 8.Have an hour? 9.Want some thing simple and pretty for your his or her little one toe? 10. 11.Isn’t this the cutest baby bunny slipper ever? 17.Oh so sweet! 20.

Pretty Little Petals [Free Pattern] Strictly speaking, this post was intended to be the "Part Two" section of the Granny Oblong saga. Except that I went on a frogging spree, and now the whole thing is sitting in the "in progress" box (which has a lid, so I don't have to look at them for a while! :P) But since you were promised a pattern, and since this is called "eggbirddesigns" not "eggbirdthefrog", a pattern ye shall receive!! Pretty Little Petals ETA: You can now link to this pattern on ravelry here Notes sp - space sl st - slip stitch sc - single crochet dc - double crochet ch - chain The pattern is written in American terms, however if you prefer UK terms there is a fab 'translator' here. To Begin: create a magic loop (if you're unsure how to do this, click here). Round 1: Ch1, 2sc into each space around. Round 2: Ch1, *2sc in next sp, 1sc in next sp* - repeat between * 6 times [18 sts total] Round 3: Change colour. Round 4: Ch3 (counts as first dc), 5dc in the same space. To finish, just sew in your ends, and hurrah!

/ Фото #47 - DMC Les Duos - Summerville Уведомления Все уведомления <div style="border:10px solid red;padding:20px;text-align:center"><img src=" настройках вашего браузера отключен JavaScript. К сожалению, наш сайт (как и многие другие) не может показываться вам нормально без этого компонента. <a href=" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline">Инструкции по включению JavaScript</a>. DMC Les Duos Фото 47 из 141 :: Вернуться в альбом :: Все альбомы Summerville #gallery 53664026 Вам необходимо авторизоваться для того, чтобы оставлять отзывы. +Оригинал Все размеры HTML и BB код В избранном у... Понравилось Статистика Просмотров: 2,793 2 сегодня Размещено: 05.03.2012 новостиразмещение рекламы / контактыблагодарностисвязь с администрациейответы на вопросысмс рассылка

CROCHETED ROPE BASKET I love having little baskets and containers around to keep things tidy, and have really been wanting to experiment with different materials to crochet with recently. This little basket is not only a perfect way to practice crocheting with rope, but also to hold little odds and ends! For this project I used a Size P crochet hook and one package of clothesline rope. To begin, start with a slipknot and then chain five stitches. In order to close up your loop, send your hook through the center of the original slipknot and chain one. Your loop should look like the one above. Send your hook through the center of the loop and single crochet six stitches. One completed round should look something like this. Chain one, and go around the circle again. Stitch markers definitely make it easier to keep track of where your rounds begin and end. Round and round we go... When your base is as wide as you want it (mine was four rounds), it is time to begin building up the walls. Keep going... and going...

Crochet Cuffed Baby Booties Pattern I started playing around with my Crochet Rain Boots pattern and adapted it into these cute little cuffed booties! Enjoy the the pattern and be sure to follow my instructions on where to start, end and join your rounds since it is different than the rain boots pattern! Always begin your rounds in the same stitch as your chain. In rounds 2-5 you will end your rounds in the same stitch as your chain. So technically you will be adding an extra stitch to each round. I have found that this helps keep the heal flatter. Crochet Cuffed Baby Booties Size: 6-12 months Supplies: Vanna’s Choice® medium worsted weight yarn in two colors Crochet hook size G-6 (4.0 mm) tapestry needle for weaving in ends Buttons for embellishments Abbreviations: ch – chain SC – Single CrochetHDC – Half Double Crochet *** You may make and sell products from my patterns but if you do I ask that you link back to my post.

Recycle your old t-shirts into yarn Are your hands itching to starting crocheting or knitting but you have no yarn at home? Do you have some old t-shirts laying around at home? If your answer is twice yes, than your problem is solved and you can start in no time ;-). Of course you can buy recycled T-shirt yarn in the shop, it has the same thickness as the one you will cut but it will have a different sentimental value. Nowadays we do think more in terms of recycling, well this is an excellent way to start. When searching on the net you will find more ways of 'how to cut your T-shirt into yarn', but for me this video explains it very well. The only part of the t-shirt used is the part just underneath the arms till just above the bottom seem of your t-shirt. This yarn is excellent for potholders or for home made carpets.

Cardigan - Home Crochet Owl Hat Pattern Round 1: Magic ring, Chain 2, DC 12 inside ring, joint to 1st DC, chain 2 Round 2: 2 DC in same stitch and in each around, join, chain 2 (24). Round 3: DC in the same stitch as Chain 2, DC, DC, 2 Dc in next, *DC in next 3, 2 Dc in next, repeat from * around, Join to 1st DC, chain 2. (30) Round 4: DC in the same stitch as Chain 2, DC, 2 DC in next, *DC in next two, 2 DC in next stitch, repeat from * around, Join to 1st DC, chain 2. (40) Round 5-7: Beginning in same stitch as Chain 2, DC around, join to 1st DC, chain 2 (40) Note: before joining round 7, change color. Round 8-9: In new color DC around, join to 1st DC, chain 2 (40) Do not fasten off, begin first earflap Earflap 1: Row 1: Starting in next stitch, HDC 8, chain 2, turn Row 2: HDC decrease, HDC 4, HDC decrease, chain 2, turn Row 3: HDC 6, chain 2, turn Row 4: HDC decrease, HDC 2, HDC decrease, chain 2, turn Row 5: 2 HDC decreases, chain 2, turn Row 6: HDC decrease, fasten off leaving long tale Earflap 2: Count 9 stitches away from seam.

Mon sac pour la rentrée : tricoté en rangs raccourcis et points d'astrakan Contrairement à l'an passé, pas de couture pour la rentrée de Jérémy ... "Je préfère les trucs des magasins, si tu m'en fais, ça fait trop p'tit garçon à sa maman !!!" ... "bon bah, ok, message reçu (snif ...)" (et pas de rentrée avec Jérémy, j'étais en déplacement et suis revenue hier soir, resnif ...) Pour me consoler, j'ai décidé de ME faire UN sac pour MOI ! Regardez comme je me suis gâtée et après je vous explique tout : J'aime beaucoup les sacs avec les anses rondes rigides comme celles-là et en voulais un en tricot ... au début, je voulais faire simplement des rectangles mais ça ne s'ajuste pas très bien au niveau de ces fameuses anses ... Bref, voici les EXPLICATIONS (tuto) : - Avec des aiguilles n°8 (j'ai utilisé environ 300 g de laine car le point d'astrakan en consomme beaucoup), j'ai monté 38 mailles, tricoté 2 rangs de point mousse puis, j'ai tricoté en rang raccourcis sur 12 mailles : C'est quoi les rangs raccourcis ? Au 4ème rang, on tricote les 38 mailles. A bientôt
