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Open Culture

Accueil The Science Network Web 2.0 to support the nets Web Tools that support this standard •Gizmos ExploreLearning currently has over 450 Gizmos with accompanying curricular materials, all with the aim of sharing the “Ah-Hah!” moment with teachers and students. • SAS Curriculum Simulations By integrating technology and instruction, SAS Curriculum Pathways helps students master the core disciplines in an efficient, cost-effective manner. • Google Earth Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean. • Earth Browser EarthBrowser is an innovative earth simulation that combines an easy to navigate 3 dimensional globe with real-time weather conditions and 7 day forecasts for thousands of locations worldwide. •Survey Monkey We are the perfect tool for educators, speakers and trainers. •SMART Response A technological way to assess students, more commonly known as Audience Response Systems. •Lego Robotics Kits This is LEGO Digital Designer.

Bloc-notes | Arts plastiques Licorice Pizza: A Toot and a Snore A Toot and a Snore I’ve got something a little different today. Something you can’t just push play on, and walk away while it hums in the background. Myself, I had to put on headphones and give this a careful listen. The John Lennon / Paul McCartney boot A Toot and a Snore in ‘74 has something of an infamous reputation. I’m going to turn the mic over to Wikipedia at this point for a description of what A Toot and a Snore is all about: A Toot and a Snore in '74 is a rare bootleg album of the final recording session in which John Lennon and Paul McCartney played together, which gained wider prominence when McCartney made reference to the session in a 1997 interview. For the most part, Lennon is on lead with his guitar, while McCartney sings harmony and plays drums. Bootleg Zone has an excellent transcript of the recordings if you care to follow along. The entire recording is about half an hour.

Canal-U - Accueil Documentary Heaven :: Food For Your Brain | Free Online Document Everyone Sits in the Prison of His Own Ideas - TNW Entrepreneur “Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas. A human being is a part of the whole called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” – Albert Einstein There are several ways to build a succesful company. Apple doesn’t do market research, or so they say. When Jeff Hawkins was developing the first PalmPilot he walked around with a wooden prototype in his back pocket. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen built YouTube because they needed an easier way to share videos with their friends. You’re already locked up in the prison of your own ideas.

Repères chronologiques pour l'architecture Ve - VIe s.Après la chute de Rome en 476, seul l'Empire romain d'Orient est en mesure d'élever des édifices monumentaux : Sainte-Sophie de Constantinople (532). VIIIe s.L’architecture religieuse carolingienne est au service d'une liturgie complexe : abbatiale de Saint-Denis (754-770), chapelle de Charlemagne à Aix-la-Chapelle (792-797). IXe – Xe s. Essor des grandes abbayes bénédictines et diffusion du « plan type » dit de Saint-Gall (830). XIe s.Recherches et expérimentations : changements liturgiques (primauté donnée à l'est du sanctuaire), innovations techniques (usage plus systématique de la voûte) et artistiques (essor du décor sculpté monumental) : Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa (début XIe s.), Saint-Philibert de Tournus (à partir de 1008), Sainte-Foy de Conques (1041), Vézelay (à partir de 1096), etc. L'architecture romane Années 1140 – 1180Premier art gothique : la voûte d’ogives permet de concilier une meilleure diffusion de la lumière dans l'église et l’allègement des structures.

King Tubby KING TUBBY - Explosive Dub O engenheiro de som King Tubby (Osbourne Ruddock) começou a carreira fazendo as misturas no gravador de 2 pistas de Sir Coxsone Dodd. Gravava as vozes numa pista, e os instrumentais na outra. O produtor Bunny Lee foi quem inaugurou, mais tarde, o hábito de colocar no lado B dos singles a versão, inundando o som (a maneira de King Tubby) com muitas massas e ecos de ressonância.A maior parte dos proprietários dos velhos sound-systems continuaram em Kingston, conseguindo superar, com maior ou menor dificuldade, os períodos de confrontos políticos, de menores vendas de discos, ou interdição de bailes. Faixas: 01 - Soundtrack Dub 02 - Easy Skanking Dub 03 - Burning Dub 04 - Daylight Dub 05 - Stepping Dub 06 - Just A Man Dub 07 - Send Me Dub 08 - In Love Dub 09 - Perfidia Dub 10 - Reggae Dub 11 - Babylon Dub 12 - Love Me With Your Heart Dub 13 - Music Field Dub 14 - So Fine Dub 15 - True Dub 16 - Freedom Dub 17 - Today Dub 18 - No One Dub 19 - Good Man Dub

Veille documentaire AM&AA Members Group News "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." — John Quincy Adams I’ve created a leadership checklist that should act like a hub and spoke of effective leadership practices. The challenge is distilling effective leadership practices into one-liner reminders that are easy to evaluate the behavior, where possible. I used a specific “user story” format (“As a leader, I …”) to both make each line item a standalone story, but also to test these as personal “unit tests” for leadership. It’s a work in progress. Top 10 Leadership Checks As a leader, I seek first to understand, and I listen to people until they feel heard (empathic listening.) Core Checks As a leader, I am a self-starter and I take the initiative. Action As a leader, I ask, "What do we want to accomplish?" Change As a leader, I anticipate and prepare for changes. Communication As a leader, I challenge ideas while respecting other opinions. Decisions and Choice Problem Solving


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