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CSS3 Tutorial

CSS3 Tutorial

Animated Buttons with CSS3 Still hyped by the possibilities of CSS3, I want to share some CSS3 button experiments with you. The idea is to create some animated link elements with different styles, hover effects and active states. View demo Download source The icons used in some of the examples are by and the symbol font is by Just Be Nice We’ll go through every example and see how the HTML structure looks and what the styles for the normal, the hover and the active states are. Please note that the animations/transitions will only work in browsers that support those CSS3 properties. In order not to bloat the tutorial, I will not be using any CSS vendor prefixes. Example 1 In this example we will create a big button with several details in it. Markup The structure is pretty straightforward: the icon will be an image and the other elements will be spans: In the style we will make sure that the right transitions are set on the element that we want to animate on hover. Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5

HTML5 Introduction Discover What’s New in CSS 4 CSS 3 is still slowly making its way onto the web, but the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the governing body that oversees the development of web standards, is already plotting the future of CSS with CSS 4. The W3C recently released the first draft of CSS 4, adding dozens of new rules to make web developers’ lives easier. The CSS 4 spec is brand new and no web browser actually supports any of these rules yet, but if you’re curious what the next few years will mean for CSS, the first draft offers a sneak peek at what’s in store for web developers. The biggest news in the current draft of CSS 4 is support for the much-requested parent or “subject” selector. CSS 4 includes a means of controlling which element in the selection chain is actually being styled. With the subject selector it’s simple: The “$” means that the rule is applied to the ul, rather than the li.clicked as it normally would. The :matches() syntax eliminates the need to write out section h1, article h1 and so on. See Also:

Splash and Coming Soon Page Effects with CSS3 CSS3 opens up so many crazy possibilities and today we want to show you how to go wild with splash and coming soon page effects using CSS3 animations. We'll experiment with animation sequences and how to bring some life to some simple elements. View demo Download source CSS3 opens up so many crazy possibilities and today we want to show you how to go wild with splash and coming soon page effects using CSS3 animations. The cute shoe photos that we are using in the first demo are by lovely Amira Almajid and you can find the set here. Please note that the animations will only work in modern browsers that support them. In order not to bloat the tutorial, I’ve omitted the CSS vendor prefixes but you’ll find them in the downloadable files. Example 1 Please note, that I added a longer delay for this example to give some time to load the images. The first example will have a couple of elements that we’ll animate. The Markup Ok, now the exciting part: the CSS! The CSS Let’s style the headline: Example 2

HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using In this tutorial, we are going to build a blog page using next-generation techniques from HTML 5 and CSS 3. The tutorial aims to demonstrate how we will be building websites when the specifications are finalized and the browser vendors have implemented them. If you already know HTML and CSS, it should be easy to follow along. Before we get started, consider using one of our HTML5 Templates or CSS Themes for your next project—that is, if you need a quick and professional solution. Otherwise, it's time to dig into these techniques. HTML 5 is the next major version of HTML. Before we begin marking up the page we should get the overall structure straight: In HTML 5 there are specific tags meant for marking up the header, navigation, sidebar and footer. It still looks like HTML markup, but there are a few things to note: In HTML 5, there is only one doctype. Instead of using divs to contain different sections of the page we are now using appropriate, semantic tags. "What?! That's all!

HTML & CSS Création de site hôtel et restaurant L'hôtellerie est un secteur qui a profondément changé avec l’arrivée d’Internet. Selon les études, en France, entre 70 et 85% des réservations de chambres d'hotel passent par Internet. L'objectif clé de la création d'un site internet d'un hôtel ou d'un restaurant et de son référencement est simple : augmenter le nombre de réservation en direct, sans avoir de commission à donner à un distributeur. Sans site de qualité, ce sont les centrales de réservations qui profite de cette manne avec des commissions allant de 17 à 25 %. Qu’est ce qu’un site internet de qualité pour un hôtel ? Séduire Le site Internet d'un hôtel doit : donner envie de venirdoit mettre en avant les atouts de votre établissementrefléter fidèlement son ambiance Avec une création graphique travaillée et adaptée aux spécificités du Web, nos experts vous proposerons les meilleurs solutions dans le respect de votre budget. Être visible Offrir un contenu utile Un site unique à votre image

Fix Inserted HTML5 Content with HTML5 innerShiv When working with HTML5 today, many of you know that you'll need to include the "HTML5 shiv" to ensure that CSS will recognize and be able to style those elements in browsers that aren't yet hip to HTML5. Credit for that to Remy Sharp, Jon Neal, John Resig and anybody else who contributed to that idea. Also for the benefit of those non-hip browsers, it's best to reset many of the HTML5 elements to block-level as they should be: Now we're all set to use and style HTML5 elements. But wait! What happens if we dynamically add HTML5 to the page via JavaScript. var s = document.createElement('div'); s.innerHTML = "<section>Hi! Or in jQuery: $("body").append("<section>Hi! Hip browsers do fine, but Internet Explorer will once again not recognize the new element and not apply CSS to it. Joe Bartlett has written a great work-around to the problem called HTML5 innerShiv and I thought more people should be aware of it. Using it Please note that this script does not require jQuery. 1. 2. Quick demo. Share On

New structural elements in HTML5 By Chris Mills, Bruce Lawson Introduction HTML5 brings two new things to the table: new APIs that add essential new features to the open standards web development model, and new structural elements that define specific web page features with much more accurate semantics than were available in HTML 4. You can find articles covering many of the new APIs by looking for Dev.Opera articles marked with the HTML5 tag. This article, on the other hand, focuses on the latter — we will briefly look at how the new semantic elements were chosen, what the main new features are and how they are used, how headings work in HTML5, and browser support for these new elements, including how you can support them in older browsers. The contents are as follows: Introducing HTML5 structural elements HTML4 already has a lot of semantic elements to allow you to clearly define the different features of a web page, like forms, lists, paragraphs, tables, etc. But it could be so much better. <figure> and <figcaption>

KNACSS, un framework CSS minimaliste qui claque sous la dent ! New form features in HTML5 By Patrick H. Lauke, Chris Mills Introduction HTML5 includes many new features to make web forms a lot easier to write, and a lot more powerful and consistent across the Web. This article gives a brief overview of some of the new form controls and functionalities that have been introduced. Bad form? Let's face it – HTML forms have always been a pain. Back when HTML 4.01 became a stable recommendation, the web was a mostly static place. To fill the need for the more sophisticated controls required for such applications, developers have been taking advantage of JavaScript libraries and frameworks (such as jQueryUI or YUI). HTML5 aims to standardise some of the most common rich form controls, making them render natively in the browser and obviating the need for these script-heavy workarounds. Introducing our example To illustrate some of the new features, this article comes with a basic HTML5 forms example. New form controls The first new input type we'll discuss is the number type: placeholder

Les classes conditionnelles en HTML Les cancres du Web, Internet Explorer 6, 7 et parfois 8, nous mènent souvent la vie dure. Même quand on s’abaisse à leur niveau, il leur arrive de ne pas comprendre, ou d’y mettre de la mauvaise volonté. La solution classique (comprendre: à l’ancienne) est d’utiliser des hacks CSS. Ces derniers sont déconseillés car peu fiables; en effet, on ne sait jamais à l’avance quels seront les navigateurs sur le marché dans deux ou cinq ans, et comment ils comprendront ou pas nos hacks CSS. Une deuxième solution, conseillée par Microsoft et Alsacréations (que du beau monde :)), est d’utiliser les commentaires conditionnels. Nous allons voir dans cet article que l’utilisation habituelle des commentaires conditionnels a quelques inconvénients, et proposer une technique qui combine plusieurs avantages : les classes conditionnelles. Le problème des commentaires conditionnels Cependant, dans la pratique, une feuille de style corrective pour Internet Explorer ne suffira pas. Une alternative ?

Getting to Flow When design and client cultures truly come together, magical and memorable projects emerge. These magic projects aren’t random, though: I’ve come to understand that the conditions for creating good work aren’t a mystery, and that with a few thoughtful changes you can make those conditions more likely to occur on your next project. To get there, you’re going to have to challenge your clients to be a part of your creative process. We want to do Good Work#section1 In the best partnerships, all parties have the space to do Good Work: “enjoy[ing] doing your best while at the same time contributing to something beyond yourself,” as Coert Visser writes. These magical projects don’t depend on a single culture dominating the partnership, though. Flow is a concept credited to Mihalyi Csíkszentmihályi, a Hungarian psychology professor, who described his observations in academic articles and in the popular book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Enabling immediate feedback#section2

CSS Length Explained When styling a web site with CSS you might have realised that an inch on a screen is not an actual inch, and a pixel is not necessarily an actual pixel. Have you ever figured out how to represent the speed of light in CSS pixels? In this post, we will explore the definition of CSS length units starting by understanding some of the physical units with the same name, in the style of C.G.P. The industrial inch (in) People who live in places where the inch is a common measure are already familiar with the physical unit. The device pixel Computer screens display things in pixels. Display pixel density, dots per inch (DPI), or pixels per inch (ppi) The physical dimension of a device pixel on a specific device can be derived from the display pixel density given by the device manufacturer, usually in dots per inch (DPI), or pixels per inch (PPI). The MacBook Air (2011) I am currently using comes with a 125 DPI display, so (width or height of one device pixel) = 1/125 inch = 0.008 inch = 0.02032 cm

html - Would you recommend starting from HTML5 & CSS3 for beginners
