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TechShop is the SF Bay Area's Only Open-Access Public Workshop

TechShop is the SF Bay Area's Only Open-Access Public Workshop

Lasersaur Lasersaur The Lasersaur is an open source laser cutter. We designed it to fill the need of makers, artist and scientist who wanted a safe and highly-capable machine. Unlike others it comes fully loaded with knowledge to run, maintain, and modify. Since its conception, Nortd Labs and the Lasersaur community has generated knowledge to develop a comprehensive system. How can you Contribute? Unlike software, hardware RD is costly even when living off of Ramen. Short on cash? $32 Beta Access: Support the project and get full access to design documents, community (mailing list), and software before the project goes fully open source. $(any) Project Support: Simply want to support the project? We Accept Bitcoin! Credits Mad props to,,, grbl,, and their giants' shoulders.

Understanding Wisdom and the Wheel - Wheel Wisdom is the ability to live in a chaotic world. It requires the "knowledge behind the knowledge," which means an understanding of the hardware of the mind, its structure, as opposed to the software - the particular languages, sciences, and religions which the mind creates. This is knowledge of Chaos, of the real world in which we all live, and how to find the hidden universal order, the fractal pattterns, which lie behind it. The order follows number and can be found by many methods that take you beyond yourself, including music. By understanding the knowledge behind the knowledge you can make sense beyond meaning. Making sense of everything for yourself allows you to make the appropriate choices in the chaotic world of chances, to self-evolve towards the infinite. Although knowledge is without bound, Wisdom has a limited number of criteria. The Wheel is the primal archetype which makes possible an understanding of the Wisdom of all cultures of the World.

Grand Opening of TechShop Tokyo in the Ark Mori Building on April 1 : FUJITSU JOURNAL First of all, after entering the workshop, we were surprised by the spacious area and the abundance of work equipment. The workshop, with a maximum ceiling height of eight meters and floor space of about 1,200 m**, has a wide open space filled with bright light from large windows, which makes us forget the fact that we are in a building in the bustling area of Roppongi. The workshop, designed to incorporate the style of the U.S. Wire-cut electric discharge metalworking machine 3D printer * DIY: Do It Yourself ** Users are asked to bring in materials.

Wiki RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend... RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. We are using 3D printing to do this, but if you have other technologies that can copy themselves and that can be made freely available to all, then this is the place for you too. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017.

Marloes - COUTURE SHOES TechShop is the World's First Open-Access Workshop -- Invest in TechShop TechShop is a membership-based, do-it-yourself workshop and prototyping studio that provides makers of all ages and skill levels affordable, open access to a wide range of tools, equipment, resources, and workspace. Since 2006, TechShop has opened nine locations across the U.S, from San Francisco to Detroit to Austin to Washington DC. TechShop has provided its members with the tools and support they need to launch dozens of companies and create thousands of new jobs in the process. Just ask successful businesses like Square and DODOcase, which created their prototypes right at TechShop! When a new TechShop opens, the impact on the community is immeasurable. TechShop partners with universities, community colleges, corporations, nonprofits and companies big and small. Right now, you can purchase TechShop, Inc. We are currently providing investors with a 10% discount, meaning a stock price of $2.286 per share. Please note that there is a $10,000 minimum for all investments.

A little nouveau » Art I came accross these watch sculptures by Dominic Wilcox today, and I think they’re pretty much the most brilliant things ever made: “Adventures of a young vegetarian OR Pigs shall fly. “A small girl attempts to stop a butcher chopping up a pig by hanging on his arm while the pig floats away”. “The numbers and hands of a watch are swept away by a watch sweeper.” “A man so engrossed in his iPhone that he fails to notice a monkey balanced on the head of a weightlifting boy standing on the arm of an elderly rollerskater.”

TechShop What’s TechShop? TechShop is a global network of open-access creativity hubs bringing together the hardware, software and people you might need to turn an idea or invention into reality. Part fabrication and prototyping studio, part hackerspace and part learning centre, TechShop typically provides access to more than $1 million worth of professional equipment and software. TechShop is designed for everyone regardless of their skill level. It operates like a gym, where a monthly membership gives you access to facilities, equipment and the local and international TechShop community. A TechShop in Lower Hutt? We think we’re onto a winner by working with TechShop to look at establishing a facility for the greater Wellington region in Lower Hutt. Before any decisions are made, Council is undertaking a market assessment which began in March this year. What’s next? Information from the draft feasibility study has provided target membership numbers to make a TechShop viable for the region.

ShoeRazzi 米国生まれの会員制DIY工房『TechShop』 | 3DP id.arts メイカーズムーブメントの火付け役としても知られる米国生まれの会員制DIY工房『TechShop』 この大規模DIYスペースが日本に上陸『TechShop(Powerd by Fujitsu)』として東京・赤坂にあるアーク森ビル3階に、2/18からプレオープン(グランドオープンは4月)いたします。 既に多くのメディアでも紹介されているため、ご存じの方も多いと思われる同施設は、米国内で8つのDIY工房を展開する「TechShop」とFujitsuが提携し、日本初上陸となったオープンアクセス型DIY工房です。 都心の一等地、アーク森ビルにオープンした「TechShop Tokyo」は、敷地面積1200m・天井高8m(最大高)という巨大な空間を要しており、数十台の最先端工作機器などを常設。 趣味用途の工作から、本格的なプロトタイピングが可能なDIYスペースです。 今回は、この施設の設備などについて簡単にご紹介してみたいと思います。 TechShop Tokyo内には、カテゴリー毎に下図のようなエリアが設けられています。 フロアマップ カラーリングエリア カラーリングエリアには、本格的な立体プリントができるUVプリンターRolandDGの「LEF-20」の他、MUTOHの大判プリンターや転写プレス機など、プロ仕様の機器が設置されています。 UVプリンター RolandDG LEF-20 樹脂加工エリア(3Dプリンター等) 樹脂加工エリアには、5台のレーザーカッター(トロテックSpeedyシリーズ)と、MakerBot Replicator(5th)、AFINIA H800の計4台の3Dプリンターを常設。 レーザー加工用の材料(木材やアクリル)は、基本的に会員の持ち込み利用となるそうですが、グランドオープン後は同施設内での材料販売も検討しているそうです。 また、3Dプリンター用フィラメント(材料)については、基本的にTechShop側で用意された物を使用することになっているそうですが、異なるフィラメント(素材)の利用の要望があれば、一度ご相談いただきたいとのこと。 3Dプリンターは現在4台のFDM機のみ 複数材料での造形検証される際は、3DFS(3Dプリンタ用フィラメント専門ショップ)を利用してみてください。 テキスタイルエリア このテキスタイルエリアは圧巻ですね。 ブラザーの商業用刺繍ミシンPR1000e

Solar-Powered Night Garden in Jerusalem My favorite part of Disneyland was always the Main Street Electrical Parade. It seems gluttonous now: a procession of mechanized floats, covered in rainbow light bulbs, all buzzing and twinkling to the tune of music. Fortunately, O*GE Architects and Interactive Gallery have sated my light-show fix with a solar-powered, LED-licious Night Garden. The installation was part of the recent Light in Jerusalem Festival and dazzled visitors to the Gan Habonim (Jerusalem Citadel) with giant neon-colored, luminescent flowers whose petals opened and closed throughout the night. The Night Garden, created with the Israel Electric Corporation, consisted of lotus blossoms, tulips and “dewdrop flowers” made of steel, metal mesh and Hebron glass. Says O*GE, ” Our aim for this installation was to demonstrate that by using alternative energy and technology, not only are we safeguarding our environment, but, we are also creating a poetic, magical experience.” + O*GE Gallery + O*GE Architects

TechShop Announces New Partner Licensing Model, Closes Pittsburgh Location Readers: This is an abbreviated version of a letter from ​TechShop CEO Dan Woods to ​members, sent out today. We’re republishing it here with his permission. Today TechShop is making a fundamental change in how we do business by announcing our new partner licensing model. We are seeing a constant and increasing interest and demand from new markets eager to invest in makerspaces to transform their communities and to generate the kind of economic and social impact that TechShop has had in its existing markets. The licensing and managed services strategy will allow us to co-develop new locations with strategic partners – corporations, universities, municipalities, real estate developers – and rapidly grow a network of stores across the country. Photo courtesy of TechShop While we are announcing this new strategy today, we have been using the model successfully internationally with partner-operated stores in France, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates with many more countries in development.
