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DIY Craft Project: How to craft a twine-ball light garland {As featured on Rock n Roll Bride} Time for another DIY craft project and today I’ll be showing you exactly how you can make this twine-ball light garland yourself. It’s one of those projects that’s a little bit messy and does take quite a bit of time, but it is so much fun. Plus you have a really cool piece of decor at the end of it. How-to make a Twine Ball Light Garland I’ve seen twine balls used for all sorts of purposes, from chandeliers to dining table decor, so I thought I’d have a go at making a light garland using this idea. I chose to use coloured twine, alternating between pink and purple twine balls. {You will need} Twine ~ Either plain or in colours of your choosingPVA Glue ~ About 1/2 litreCornflourWarm waterBalloonsMarker penVaselineOld tray for the glue mixtureA broom or long piece of wood to hand the balloons fromTwinkly light garland to attach the twine-balls toFishing wireSpraypaint in the colours of your choice ~ I used Rustoleum painters touch multi-purpose paint {Four} This is the really messy part.

Menu Planner We all know that planning what to make for dinner can be a daunting task. The thinking is always worse than the actual making, right? A menu planner is a great way to alleviate the daily planning stress. Just simply sit down with your family once a week to plan your meals and you are set. Basics for both Menu Planners- Your family probably has a dozen or so Go-To-Meals that they like to eat. Magnetic Menu Planner: (Kits Available August 20th- Call to order yours today) Kits for this planner will be $24 and will include everything you need to make this exact board (adhesive and ink not included). If you would prefer to make the planner from scratch...Here are the instructions: Ingredients you will need: Magnet board (this size available at Heartland for $6.99)Patterned PaperEnvelopeDays of Week Template- Download Menu boardsRibbonBottle CapsBottle Cap ToppersMagnetsPost-It-Note PadMod PodgeInkOther decorative elements as desired. Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 Gypsies Vintage Receipt Holder

Persephone Magazine | Blog | The Lazy Lady's Guide to DIY: Hanging Herb Garden - StumbleUpon At some point near the middle of March, I always decide that I’m “done” with winter. The sweaters and jackets get pushed to the back of the closet, the flip flops come out, and I inevitably freeze my butt off for several weeks until the weather catches up with my warm-weather state of mind. Likewise, my cravings for fresh herbs and veggies are always a little ahead of the season. Growing your own herbs is a great way to save money and avoid buying too much at a time and letting most of it go to waste. What you’ll need: Tin containers with snap-on plastic lids (tea, cocoa, and coffee cans are a good bet), coat hangers, pliers, scissors, herbs (I bought basil, rosemary, dill, and cilantro for about $2.50 each), masking tape, coffee filters, a nail, a hammer, X-acto knife, scrap fabric or paper, and glue or spray adhesive. After you’ve emptied and cleaned your cans, remove the bottom of the can with a can opener. Slide the bottom inside the can, holding it up from inside. Happy growing!

DIY Yarn Bowl Two weeks ago, while discussing DIY ideas about our No New Gifts Christmas I mentioned a lovely yarn bowl that I wanted to make. Most of you know how much I value hand work be it just for the sake of mental health and the feeling of accomplishment. In a mostly virtual and fast-paced world, one of the most precious acts is working with your hands to create practical objects that can be touched. So, of course I didn't waste much time and dived happily at the project together with my daughter in the first moment available. Yes, this is a great project to work on with children and teenagers, and it requires a maximum of 40 minutes. Before I continue, let me make it clear that while for many of you yarn bowls like this are probably just a regular basic school activity, for me the process was absolutely unknown (except from the bleached memories of making paper mache once in my life, looong time ago) and extremely exciting. Mix well 1/2 cup of flour with 2 cups of lukewarm water.

delightful country cookin: homemade air freshener "Don't you get fresh with me, ya hear!" Oh, I love it when adults (especially grandparents) say that to little kids. What does it mean exactly? Does it mean we'd rather children get dirty with us? Haha...who knows? Today, I'm going to ask you to actually get fresh with me. I digress. I was roaming around on Tasty Kitchen one day when I came across a recipe for homemade air freshener. To make these little beauties, you first need a heat-proof jars (I found mine for $0.99 each at Michael's), food coloring colors of your choice, and essential oil. Into each jar, drop a few drops (I repeat...a doesn't take more than 2 or 3) of food coloring. Now for the fun part. Why salt? Get one cup of water boiling on the stove. Then, pour in the other cup of cold water and the salt, stirring until the salt is dissolved. Quickly pour the hot gelatin mixture in each of your jars, and then use a disposable stick or spoon to stir it into the oil and food coloring.

DIY Beanbag Cushion Looking for hours of entertainment? Meet, The Rollie Pollie bean bag chair. It’s a chair, it’s a toy, it’s your favorite pillow. Made of durable cotton twill or soft vinyl, each bag is actually a slip cover (with another Rollie Pollie inside) then filled with mounds and mounds of soft cluster stuffing. Now, pick your favorite…. Drag it around, Dive right in! Or take a little nap. Build a Rollie-Pollie-man: kick off your shoes: Or do what I love best….find a yummy treat, and just relax, watching your favorite show. Who said you were a couch potato?

- StumbleUpon If you’ve been following my blog, you know how I made 60 of these painted frames with song lyrics for our wedding decorations /favors… Well, a lot of wedding guests loved them and took one home, but we had a ton left at the end of the night, which we boxed back up and took home with us… So we now have 30 of them hanging on our big white living room wall! Yay!! There are several duplicate lyrics, some of which I already changed out to engagement photos, but once we get our wedding photos I’ll switch out some more lyrics with photos (but just a few, because we love the look of the lyrics!) So, hey, you want to know how to make these yourself? I made 2 different types of painted frames: textured frames that were just plain spray painted, and smooth(ish) frames that were painted with lace used as stencils. I did them in batches of 6-10 at a time – sprayed 1 coat over them all, then went back with a 2nd coat over them all. For the lace stenciled frames, there are a couple extra steps. / feat.

DIY 3-D Wall Hanging Ready to craft? This project is so easy, anyone can do it. Before you start making excuses, let me tell you, I’d never painted before. Never used acrylics or done art on canvas. Need some ideas? Use different kinds of sticks. Maybe leave off the bird and use butterflies. This project should take two days. Day 1, Step 1 in creating your own three-dimensional wall art: Paint your canvases with some acrylic paint. Step 2: Leave the canvases to dry and start preparing your foliage. Step 3: If you plan to use an additional color on your canvases (I mixed some white and light grey to make the moon) you can go ahead and add that. See the final assembly tips on day two after the paint dries on Page Two! About Erica Mueller Erica Mueller has written 22 posts in this blog. Erica Mueller is a stay-at-home mom to two lively little boys. Pages: 1 2

Spoonflower <div style="background-color: #AE0000; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; left: 0; padding: 5px 0; position: fixed; text-align: center; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 101;"> Spoonflower works best with JavaScript enabled. <a href=" target="_blank">Learn how to enable it.</a></div><br \><br \><div style = 'clear:both'></div> Fabric: Fabric Wallpaper Decals Gift wrap Designers Collections Create Shop Connect Join Sign in Sign in using your Spoonflower account: Can't remember your password? Or use Facebook to log in: New to Spoonflower? Signing up is easy. Sign Up

DIY Vases Everyone loves vases, but it’s difficult to find one that is unique and not the same old run of the mill vase you’ve seen 1000 times before. As the most prominent centerpiece, you always want a vase to be special, just like the rest of your decor. Whether it is empty, holding flower, a candle pebbles or anything else, a vase can be boring or the perfect accent you’ve been looking for. And it’s only better when you can make it yourself flexing your craft skills and saving some money as well. This lovely vase is simple and its beauty is its simplicity. For this cozy yet stylish vase, pick up some clear craft glue and yearn and collect a few pop bottles, beer or wine bottles. For some true vintage charm, these are the way to go. courtesy of This is simple, whimsical and somehow elegant. For this ornate design, either buy punch paper or create your own with sturdy poster board paper, stock paper, card paper, construction paper or something else you know of.

guest post {Marie Darby…diy photo lampshades PINTEREST UPDATE: This is a post from 2010. I do not take custom orders, only the tutorial is available. The lamps have held up wonderfully. As many of you requested, Marie is sharing a little tutorial here on how she made her lampshades. Marie is happy to do custom orders for those that prefer buying over making! * LAMPSHADE – Hobby Lobby carries self-adhesive shades & nightlights, Target has some smaller lamps for $19 that would be perfect for this project, I’ve found some lamps & shades on Craigslist. * GLUE – I used a hot glue gun for the first lamp. * VELLUM – I buy this in packs of 20 (I think) in the scrapbooking section of Hobby Lobby. * CRAFT KNIFE OR SCISSORS, PENCIL & RULER – to trim the vellum, I used a ruler and pencil to mark the cut lines & then used a craft knife and self-healing mat to cut the vellum. * PHOTOS – I used a free program called Picasa to make the photo collage (I believe this program is made by Google, check their page of programs if you are interested).

Made By Marzipan You can make these eye catching wind chimes out of soda cans and washers. They make a light tinkling sound, and the metal shimmers in the sun. Supplies: Soda cans (3 or 4)Butterfly punchSingle hole punchClear thread & needlesMetal washers (medium and large)TwineTwigs How To: You’ll need a few basic supplies. You’ll need three or four empty soda cans. You’ll need a hole punch, and some metal washers. First you need to cut off the top and bottom of the can. Trim the edges so that they are smooth. Now use your punch to make butterfly shapes. Use your hole punch to make a hole in the center of each butterfly. Now it’s time to work with the thread. If you’re having trouble threading your needle, try using a permanent marker to color the tip of the thread. We’re going to thread needles on BOTH ends of our thread, because it will make the thread much easier to keep track of. When adding the butterflies to your strand, put them so that the pattern is facing outward.
