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Rationally Speaking | Official Podcast of New York City Skeptics - Current Episodes The Partially Examined Life | A Philosophy Podcast and Philosophy Blog The Science of Everything Podcast Radio 3 - Podcast Pubblicità radio3 A3, l'arte nel mondo Ad Alta Voce Alza il volume Artista dell'anno Battiti BATTITI compilation Claudio Abbado e la Rai Due sulla strada Fahrenheit File urbani Hollywood party Hollywood Party - Il Cinema alla Radio I concerti del Quirinale Il cantiere © RAI 2013 - tutti i diritti riservati. ShareThis Copy and Paste

Podcast Join neuroscientist, philosopher, and best-selling author Sam Harris as he explores important and controversial questions about the human mind, society, and current events. Harris is the author of the best-selling books The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, and Waking Up—along with the forthcoming Islam and the Future of Tolerance (with Maajid Nawaz). The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. Harris’s work has been published in more than 20 languages and has been discussed in The New York Times, Time, Scientific American, Nature, Rolling Stone, and many other journals. Harris is a cofounder and the CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. Subscribe Subscribe via SoundCloud Subscribe via iTunes Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via RSS Support the Podcast The Waking Up Podcast Archive About Serial - Serial In May 2014, a U.S. Special Operations team in a Black Hawk helicopter landed in the hills of Afghanistan. Waiting for them were more than a dozen Taliban fighters and a tall American, who looked pale and out of sorts: Bowe Bergdahl. President Obama announced Bergdahl’s return in the Rose Garden, with the soldier's parents at his side. Hailey canceled its celebration. Now, in Season Two, we get to hear what he has to say. For this season, Sarah Koenig teams up with filmmaker Mark Boal and Page 1 to find out why one idiosyncratic guy decided to walk away, into Afghanistan, and how the consequences of that decision have spun out wider and wider.

Top 30+ des podcasts à écouter de toute urgence, la radio mais en mieux Le podcast est en train de s’imposer petit à petit comme une vraie alternative à la radio avec des podcasts indés de plus en plus écoutés auxquels on ajoute les replays des émissions stars des stations. Comme à Topito, on en écoute beaucoup, en français, en anglais, pour les parents, pour le voyage… on vous a fait notre best-of à nous : 1. Topito Happy Hour Chaque dimanche, toute l’équipe de Topito débat pour arriver à sortir un Top 3, le tout dans dans la bonne humeur et la mauvaise foi absolue. Ecouter sur Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify ou Deezer 2. Chaque mardi, Thomas, Benoit et leurs invités lisent et écoutent vos pires anecdotes en direct. 3. Clément et Urbain, vidéastes (pour les deux) et humoriste (surtout pour un) parlent ensemble toutes les deux semaines du monde qui les entourent. Cinéma / Séries 4. 2 heures de perdues Autour de la table, une poignée d’amis vous racontent un film avec une totale mauvaise foi. 5. Comedy / Humour 7. Pénélope est une trentenaire parisienne.
