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The Battle of Oakland

The Battle of Oakland

Cognitech, Inc. Announces Donation of Software to the Oakland Police Department Pasadena, CA (PRWEB) January 31, 2012 Cognitech, Inc. has announced the recent donation of it's forensic video enhancement Tri-Suite 11 software system to the Oakland Police Department, at the request of the Oakland Law Enforcement, and in the interest of the City of Oakland, CA, community at large with the purpose of forensically enhancing and analyzing video footage from the Occupy Oakland protests in order to find the forensic truth in the recorded incidents/events footage. The Cognitech, Inc. Cognitech, Inc. About Cognitech, Inc In 1988, Cognitech, Inc. was the first company in the world that designed and developed the unique Video Investigator® hardware and software products for professional forensic CCTV video processing and analysis.

Why Gardening Makes You Happy and Cures Depression - Articles - Permaculture College Australia Robyn Francis While mental health experts warn about depression as a global epidemic, other researchers are discovering ways we trigger our natural production of happy chemicals that keep depression at bay, with surprising results. All you need to do is get your fingers dirty and harvest your own food. In recent years I’ve come across two completely independent bits of research that identified key environmental triggers for two important chemicals that boost our immune system and keep us happy - serotonin and dopamine. What fascinated me as a permaculturist and gardener were that the environmental triggers happen in the garden when you handle the soil and harvest your crops. Getting down and dirty is the best ‘upper’ – Serotonin Getting your hands dirty in the garden can increase your serotonin levels – contact with soil and a specific soil bacteria, Mycobacterium vaccae, triggers the release of serotonin in our brain according to research. Harvest 'High' - Dopamine Robyn Francis 2010 Share:

The Cancer in Occupy - Chris Hedges' Columns The Cancer in Occupy Posted on Feb 6, 2012 By Chris Hedges The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement. Black Bloc adherents detest those of us on the organized left and seek, quite consciously, to take away our tools of empowerment. Because Black Bloc anarchists do not believe in organization, indeed oppose all organized movements, they ensure their own powerlessness. In Zerzan’s now defunct magazine Green Anarchy (which survives as a website) he published an article by someone named “Venomous Butterfly” that excoriated the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN). “Of course,” the article went on, “the social struggles of exploited and oppressed people cannot be expected to conform to some abstract anarchist ideal. Solidarity becomes the hijacking or destruction of competing movements, which is exactly what the Black Bloc contingents are attempting to do with the Occupy movement.

Activists and Anarchists Speak for Themselves at Occupy Oakland January 28 was not supposed to turn out the way it did. After Occupy Oakland failed to occupy its first two targeted buildings and had a short-lived street battle in front of the Oakland Museum, police in riot gear contained the march of nearly 1,000 in a public park. There was a dispersal order, but no means of escape. Protesters with shields attempted to push the police line, which responded with several volleys of tear gas into the crowd, still trapped. As marchers, both masked and bare faced, continued north, taking the street, they chanted powerfully, suddenly and without reservation: "When Oakland is under attack, what do we do?" As the move-in committee said Monday in a statement on January 28: "This time, the chant was not an empty one." Occupy Oakland, January 28, 2012. This principle, this fight, appears to be at the heart of recent critiques of "anarchists," "Black Bloc" and the tactics some choose to employ in political protest, especially in Oakland. But so does Hedges.

How to Create a CSS3-Only Tab Control Using the :target Selector Do we need another tab control? Probably not, but this example demonstrates the power of the CSS3 :target selector. We’re going to build an attractive animated tab control using HTML5 and CSS3. Essential Features You’ll find many CSS3-only tab controls throughout the web. not displaying any tab content if you link to the page without a hash selector, i.e. you link to mypage.html rather than mypage.html#tab1.not highlighting the active tab. This solution overcomes those problems — view the demonstration page… What about IE6, 7 and 8? Were you expecting modern CSS3 effects to work in a browser released in 2001? You therefore have two options: Don’t offer legacy browser support. The HTML Here’s our basic HTML5 code. <article class="tabs"><section id="tab1"><h2><a href="#tab1">Tab 1</a></h2><p>This content appears on tab 1. This is different to HTML tab code you’ve seen before. The CSS First, we’ll style the article container. This is followed by the sections. We can now style the tabs.

Concerning the Violent Peace-Police I am writing this on the premise that you are a well-meaning person who wishes Occupy Wall Street to succeed. I am also writing as someone who was deeply involved in the early stages of planning Occupy in New York. I am also an anarchist who has participated in many Black Blocs. While I have never personally engaged in acts of property destruction, I have on more than one occasion taken part in Blocs where property damage has occurred. (I have taken part in even more Blocs that did not engage in such tactics. It is a common fallacy that this is what Black Blocs are all about. I was hardly the only Black Bloc veteran who took part in planning the initial strategy for Occupy Wall Street. This is why I feel compelled to respond to your statement “The Cancer in Occupy.” Let me just lay out a few initial facts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All this is secondary. I am appealing to you because I really do believe the kind of statement you made is profoundly dangerous. 1) they are not part of us 1. 2. 3.

The_Judge Thelton Henderson Thelton Eugene Henderson (born November 28, 1933,[1] Shreveport, Louisiana) is currently a federal judge in the Northern District of California. He has played an important role in the field of civil rights as a lawyer, educator, and jurist. Career[edit] Henderson received both his undergraduate and law degrees from University of California, Berkeley. In 1962, he became the Justice Department's first African-American lawyer in the Civil Rights Division. He was sent to the South to monitor local law enforcement for any civil rights abuses, a role that included investigating the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing which killed four girls. After a stint in private practice, he served as director of a Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County office in East Palo Alto, California. Federal service[edit] In June 1980, he was appointed by President Jimmy Carter as U.S. In a landmark 1995 civil rights case, Madrid v. Honors and recognition[edit] Additionally, the Thelton E. References[edit]

Report predicts demise of OS-centric app storefrontsGoMo News Rating: Bring on D2C and HTML5 Market Analyst, Juniper Research has just released a new report that predicts the demise of OS-centric app storefronts in favour of HTML5 and direct-to-consumer (D2C) models. “The closer integration between web-based apps and handsets should mean that the advantage that native apps have is reduced,” the report claims. Most do not possess the scale of traffic to make D2C a viable option: in most cases, the storefront will continue to be the optimal discovery and distribution mechanism.” The report also concludes that most network operator storefronts will struggle to attract developers due to lack of scale. By contrast, the introduction of operator billing across leading storefronts – such as the Android Market and Ovi Store had led to a dramatic rise in revenues. Additionally, the mass deployment of in-app billing options has meant that – for many storefronts – post-download revenues had surpassed those of PPD (Pay-Per-Download).

The Psychopathology of a Liberal OWS! Baiter [Since Chris Hedges, a columnist at the website truthdig published the provocatively titled, "The Cancer in Occupy" four days ago, there has been boocoo Internet debate and some vigorous responses, for example, this one at Counterpunch. Occasional Fire on the Mountain essayist SKS, who wrote a widely read piece on this blog on the problems of infiltration and provocateurs in OWS!, posted this angry reply to Hedges on Facebook. FotM republishes it with his permission to help it get the wider circulation it deserves.] The Stockholm Syndrome of Occupy:Chronicle of a Death Foretoldby SKS I do not want to repeat what many have said, more eloquently or timely. Ever since the Oakland Commune came into national consciousness with their successful strike in November, liberals who initially became infatuated with Occupy Wall Street! Naomi Wolf launched perhaps the first notorious salvo of the liberal commentariat, when, going all in with her arrest cred, she called OWS! So why Stockholm Syndrome?

Obstructions of justice - Page 2 Carly (left) is arrested Dec. 30 for having a yoga mat, as were two tree sitters (right) Police cars had pulled up on 14th street, and a line of police exited. In unison, they started advancing, brandishing batons. Many who were at the scene grabbed their possessions and fled. Most just backed away as the cops advanced. A handful stood in front of the teepee, and were arrested on the spot. Twelve were arrested, including La Rose. "I took one picture and I was told to back up," he said. Then there's Chris, another occupier arrested Jan. 4. On Jan. 7, OccupyOakland held an "anti-repression march," claiming that recent arrests are an overt attempt to repress the movement. "There is evidence that would go to show that they were targeting people based on First Amendment activity, and not for illegal activity," said attorney Mike Flynn, president of the NLG-SF. But OPD spokesperson Johnna Watson told us these arrests were perfectly legal.

LibreOffice developer shows prototype Android and HTML5 ports The Document Foundation (TDF) announced plans last year to create mobile and cloud versions of LibreOffice. A preliminary iOS porting effort that was undertaken earlier in 2011 demonstrated the viability of the project and showed that the open source office suite could have a future beyond the desktop. In a presentation this week at the FOSDEM conference, SUSE developer Michael Meeks shed some light on the current status of the porting project. The presentation slides, which he published on his blog, offer insight into some of the underlying technical details and the rationale for some of the high-level design decisions. Reusing code The LibreOffice developers aim to maximize the amount of code that is shared between the desktop, mobile, and cloud variants of the office suite. Due to the inherent complexity and sophistication of an office suite, writing a separate version for each environment or rewriting from scratch in a form that is more conducive to portability would be impractical.

2 Oakland officers disciplined over Occupy protest actions This post has been corrected. See note below. Two officers involved in Occupy protests have been punished by the Oakland Police Department for violating official policy after an onlooker’s video showed one of them with dark tape obscuring his nameplate, according to court documents. After an internal affairs investigation into the actions of Officer John Hargraves and Lt. In the declaration, Jordan said he did not disclose the punishment “on advice of my legal counsel.” Attorneys in a more than decadelong legal case against Oakland and its police department took Hargraves and Wong to federal court in connection with their actions during a daylong general strike called by Occupy Oakland in early November. The two officers were among a small uniformed group standing outside the police headquarters as protesters chanted and marched on the Oakland Civic Center. In a video Williams posted on YouTube, the officer ignored his questions. -- Maria LaGanga
