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20 Must-Have Educational Resources For All Teachers

20 Must-Have Educational Resources For All Teachers
Edudemic often features posts providing a list of top resources for a particular category. Recently, the site posted the names of the LAUNCHedu finalists chosen by the SXSWedu® Conference, offering even more resources for the Edudemic staff to consider! On March 7, 2012, they will choose winners after a full day of presentations by the finalists. There are so many sites and programs on the Internet already, but this competition just goes to show that the need for educational resources is still great. I thought and pondered, considered and reconsidered, and researched and revised a list in my head this week. First, however, I created a wordle using some of the lists the editors have created recently. I divided my resources into categories, based on my interests as a teacher. Devices iPad – The iPad provides access to e-texts and incredible educational apps. Resources for Lesson Planning Classroom Resources Learning Management Systems Cloud Resources What about you?

Top 5 Apps for Organizing School Work Summary: While digital media gives us nearly unlimited access to info, organizing that info is critical–and that’s where these five resources can come in handy. These days, computers are an absolute necessity for students, and now even tablets are becoming required tools for their learning environments. Digital technology helps us take notes, write papers, do research, correspond and even take classes altogether. Hundreds of apps are out on the mobile markets to help students in their learning endeavors. Here are a few apps geared specifically towards organization for the student. 1. iHomework With tabs like Reminders, Courses, Teachers, Calendar, Reading, Completed and many other interactive features, this app acts like a personal assistant for your school schedule. 2. Sync your email and school calendars together, set, import or invite others to appointments in the calendar. 3. iStudent Pro This app is a lot like the iHomework app only perhaps a little sleeker. 4. 5.

Listen and Write - Dictation EduTech Wiki Little Bird Tales - Home France : «Génération Z» : des connaissances superficielles Selon un rapport, les moins de 20 ans, dits «génération Z» ne sont pas si compétents avec les nouvelles technologies. Ils les utiliseraient plus dans un but récréatif que formateur. Missionné par François Fillon, le député Jean-Michel Fourgous, spécialiste UMP du numérique à l'école, vient de lui remettre un épais rapport «Apprendre autrement à l'ère du numérique». Selon une enseignante citée dans le rapport, «nos élèves utilisent les ressources informatiques de façon quantitative, non qualitative. Selon l'étude internationale PISA qui évalue la lecture électronique chez les élèves de 15 ans, les jeunes Suédois ou Norvégiens ont acquis une culture numérique leur permettant d'analyser, d'évaluer et de faire la synthèse des diverses informations trouvées sur internet, culture faisant défaut aux jeunes Français. Le numérique devrait être une «discipline à part entière» Or, à l'heure actuelle, le numérique n'est pas ou peu enseigné. » Les parents pour l'entrée du numérique à l'école

happy To be happy is to experience happiness: a feeling of contentment or joy. Happy may also refer to: Film and television Happy (1933 film), a British filmHappy (2006 film), a Telugu film directed by A. KarunakaranHappy (2011 film), an American documentary directed by Roko BelicHappy (2016 film), a French filmHappy, one of the Seven Dwarfs, primarily in the Disney film Snow White and the Seven DwarfsHappy (1960 TV series), an American sitcomHappy, codename of the protagonist of the World War II film Decision Before Dawn, played by Oskar WernerHappy (dog actor), a dog in the television series 7th HeavenHappy (Sons of Anarchy), in the TV series Sons of AnarchyHappy, a Snow Hare in the animated series TabalugaHappy Walter Higgenbottom, a dog on the animated TV series The Mighty B!Happy Kyne, on the TV series Fernwood 2 NightHappy! Music Bands Happy (band), Japanese band formed in 2012 Albums Songs In print Places in the United States People In business Other uses

France : Les professeurs dubitatifs face au numérique L'usage du numérique à l'école a du mal à s'installer. Prononcez le mot «numérique» devant des enseignants, et vous verrez s'afficher sur les visages un sourire narquois ou une moue désabusée. Les nouvelles technologies à l'école, tout un poème… «Quelle est l'idée? Matériel inutilisable «Nous avons tous des anecdotes à raconter sur une journée de cauchemar en salle informatique, raconte Charlotte, professeur d'anglais qui dit rêver d'interactivité et de dialogue par webcam avec des lycéens anglais. Les récits de séance de validation du B2i - brevet informatique et Internet, rendu obligatoire pour les élèves dans le cadre du socle commun - font ainsi les belles heures des blogs de professeurs. «On nous demande de nous prononcer sur des choix d'équipement alors que nous ne sommes absolument pas compétents, regrette Jeanne-Marie, professeur de lettres. Il y a déjà longtemps que le mythe du numérique révolutionnant la pédagogie hante l'école. » Ça gazouille en primaire

What is Microtraining? Microtraining is a smart way of conveying information between people in only 15 minutes. It is a time-saving method for sharing knowledge and using the expertise of everyone in the organization. Microtraining does not replace formal learning but works as an updater and knowledge enhancer. Microtraining can take place in the organization, and . The Microtrainer Microtraining can be done by any one! The content Group & group size People learn from each other by being part of a group. Timing Microtraining sessions can take place at the time of need, due to the limited time for preparation and execution. during the first 15 minutes of work just after the coffee break in a work meeting in a workshop etc.
