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PDF to Flash Flip Book / Page Flip / Online Magazine - Pagegangster

Publication System : Catalogue interactif, brochure en ligne, magazine digital 6 gode råd til en mere troværdig shop | Kristoffer Hjerrild Du har netop fået en potentiel kunde på din shop…. Hvad sker der??? De smutter igen! Hvordan får man kunden til at føle sig tryg på din shop? Husk det fundamentale! Før vi går i gang med alt det andet skal din side se ordenlig ud. Du skal have oplysningerne i orden! Hvem ejer shoppen? Det er så vigtigt at du som webshopejere fremhæver disse informationer så kunden ved at du er en troværdig shop som man kan få kontakt til hvis der skulle være noget. Husk et billede Det kan være rigtig godt med et par billeder af dig under fx “Om os”. Overvej om du skal bruge Trustpilot, Emærket eller lignende Rigtig mange bruger Trustpilot, Emærket osv. Sikker handel Siker handel Sikker handel Sikker handel Jeg kan forstille mig at du som ejer af en professionel shop har sikker handel med betalingskort og fx Post Danmark til forsendelsen? Gå skridtet videre og lav en video! Er du ambitiøs? Det var mine råd for nu.

Uitgeven van je eigen boek: ontdek (je) schrijftalent | Issuu - You Publish 12 Reasons to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business Social media is fast becoming an essential part part the marketing mix for brands. Companies are increasingly using social tools to monitor conversations about their products, competitors, and industry, and engaging with their customers to build strong relationships. According Forrester Research's most recent Interactive Marketing Forecast, social media marketing will grow at an annual rate of 34% -— faster than any other form of online marketing and double the average growth rate of 17% for all online mediums: And new research from Access Markets International Partners shows that almost 70% of small and medium businesses actively use social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to promote themselves. 1. KnowEm: KnowEm has the highest number of sites (over 350) available for checking username availability. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Are you using social media to grow your business? Link to original post Connect: Authored by: Pam Dyer See complete profile

RealVue3D Packaging simulation software FFEI’s RealVue 3D Packager is a new product for creative professionals involved in the design and communication of advanced print and packaging designs. Whether you are a large corporate brand with in-house design communicating with a number of global stakeholders, or a dynamic creative agency serving demanding customers, RealVue 3D Packager will help to streamline communication, improve product-time-to market and reduce overall development costs. This packaging simulation software offers a fully interactive, animated 3D visualisation which simulates all aspects of the structural and visual design. RealVue 3D Packager offers the ability to preview the impact of a wide range of substrate and print related effects early on in the concept definition stages. RealVue 3D Packager synchronises in real-time with Adobe Illustrator updating the 3D model as artwork is added or modified.

Email marketing boosts sales across channels: report | Econsulta When retailers send out emails to their mailing lists, they might hope to see a jump in online sales. But according to a study conducted by Lightspeed Research on behalf of email marketer e-Dialog, they should also be looking for a jump offline. That's because the study found that nearly 60% of consumers who receive a marketing email are more likely to make an in-store purchase. The even better news: only a small number of consumers indicated that they'd be less likely to make an in-store purchase because of a marketing email. According to the study, intent does often lead to sales. Interestingly, the interaction between the online world and the offline world isn't a one-way street. These findings, of course, aren't really surprising. The good news is that with established techniques such as couponing and loyalty programs, linking what takes place online to sales that happen offline doesn't require rocket science. Photo credit: Don Hankins via Flickr. - World's leading electronic publishing solution 3 ting din landing page ikke må fejle på - hvis du vil sælge nog Der er 3 hovedelementer som din landing page - eller kampagne side skal indeholde - og et væld at småting som kan forbedre konverteringen. Læs videre og find ud af hvad disse ting er - og hvordan du kan bruge dem i din e-forretning. Jeg arbejder til dagligt med konverteringsoptimering for en række større og mindre virksomheder, og det slår mig hver gang, hvor lidt kendskab der er til brugernes adfærd. Det er kun i de absolut mest specialiserede af slagsen hvor man kan forvente en hvis grad af kendskab til området. De er så til gængæld super dygtige. For dig som ikke lige ved hvad en landing page er, så er det meget kort sagt, den første side som dine besøgende møder efter at have klikket på et link i søgemaskinerne eller et af dine bannere (altså de links du selv kontrollere - med andre ord - din online markedsføring). Der er nemlig 3 overordnede ting som din landing page skal indeholde for at give dine besøgende det bedste udgangspunkt for at konverterer. 1. 2.

Flash prospectus: créer un catalogue interactif en flash
