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Portfolio d'enseignement du français langue seconde

Portfolio d'enseignement du français langue seconde

Liens 2013-2014 | L'École branchée Ces deux répertoires sont tirés du Guide annuel 2013-2014. Ils sont rendus disponibles ici pour faciliter la vie à nos lecteurs, qui n’auront qu’à cliquer sur les liens pour visiter les ressources plutôt que de taper toutes les adresses. Répertoire 1 : Ressources pour TBI Répertoire 2 : 60 + 1 outils qui changeront votre vie (extraits du dossier L’incontournable tableau blanc interactif) Quelques ressources en vrac Les activités TBI des éditions Dominique et Compagnie activites_tbi.asp En format SMART Notebook ou Activinspire, une collection de fichiers gratuits pour exploiter certains des livres jeunesse édités par Dominique et Compagnie. JeRé Un père de famille partage sur ce site des tonnes de fiches d’activités pour le primaire. Niveau de bruit dans la Les balles sauteuses sur cette page Web s’activent de plus en plus à mesure que le niveau debruitmontedanslaclasse!

What Technology Does What: An #edtech Chart For Teachers What Technology Does What: The Ultimate #edtech Chart For Teachers by TeachThought Staff Okay, we’ve had this post half-finished for long enough that some of the apps we had here are no longer relevant, so we figured it was probably time to go ahead and publish it even if we couldn’t figure out the best way to format it. This is what we hope will be an ongoing collection of the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom. We may even just crowdsource it–open it up as a wiki and let you add your expertise. Maybe something like this? As a teacher I want students to… General …work with pdf files iBooks, iAnnotate PDF, Papers, Noteshelf, GoodReader …Stay Focused 30:30, Simply Noise, Simply Rain …Save content privately Pocket , pearltrees, Evernote …Save content socially and/or elegantly Pocket (iTunes), Pocket (Android), Scoopit, Pearltrees …Create a list of daily web reading (e.g., RSS) Flipboard, feedly, Pulse …Self-direct their own learning Depends on what they’re learning, of course. Been

Ten Popular Ed Tech Tools That Were Updated This Summer During the summer the IT department at your school may have been working to update the technology infrastructure in your school. At the same time, the developers of many of your favorite apps and services were working hard to update what you can do with technology in your classroom. Here are ten popular services that were updated over the summer. Remind 101, the popular service for sending text messages to students and parents, changed its name to simply Remind. Padlet, one of my favorite tools for sharing notes, introduced a couple of slick new offerings. TodaysMeet, a long-time favorite tool of mine for backchanneling in the classroom, this month introduced two long-requested features. Storyboard That, a tool for creating cartoons, introduced new teacher guides., a site that offers dozens of free tools for teachers, introduced a slick new classroom timer. Thinglink, a service for creating interactive images, added the option to create interactive videos.

The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education What is a hashtag? A word or phrase preceded by a “#.” How do hashtags work? Twitter can be a busy place with lots of tweets–and thus lots of “noise.” A #hashtag is a way to aggregate tweets that are appended with a hashtag. See also 50 Of The Best Education Accounts On Twitter Who can use hashtags? Anyone. What else do I need to know? Don’t hashtag spam–if your tweet doesn’t add to that hashtag’s topic, discussion, or user base, don’t add the hashtag.Use more than one hashtag if it applies to more than one topic, but choose wisely. Meeting Times Many of the hashtags have “meeting times” where educators agree to “meet and tweet”–that is, send out messages on a topic at a certain time on a certain day. If you do participate at the agreed upon time, you’ll see the tweets stream in live and participate in said conversation (via twitter) in what is nearly real-time. Note, this list of hashtags will be updated periodically, including reorganization, and functional linking on all hashtags. Trends iPad
