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Least I Could Do A List of Books | 623 of the Best Books Ever Written OVERCOMPENSATING: The Journal Comic With a Seething Disdain for Reality. Sons of the Storm JOHN GREEN: Make gifts for people John and his brother, Hank, are the Vlogbrothers. They helped pioneer video blogging when they communicated only through YouTube videos for a year. They’ve since produced a wide variety of video series and have attracted a devoted army of fans known as the Nerdfighters. I discovered John Green when a reader sent me the link to the awesome Crash Course World History series, which Green hosts and co-writes. This quote is taken from a 2009 Vlogbrothers video. RELATED COMICS: Advice for Beginners by Ira Glass. – Green’s official website. – DFTBA! The Adventures of Dr. McNinja Minecraft Wiki The 100 Best Books of All Time Many publishers have lists of 100 best books, defined by their own criteria. This article enumerates some lists of "100 best" books for which there are fuller articles. Among them, Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels (Xanadu, 1985) and Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Novels (Grafton, 1988) are collections of 100 short essays by a single author, David Pringle, with moderately long critical introductory chapters also by Pringle. For publisher Xanadu, Science Fiction was the first of four "100 Best" books published from 1985 to 1988. Lists[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]

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