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PVV boos over nep-twitteraccount

PVV boos over nep-twitteraccount

Nep-minister op Twitter: Wie ben ik? Wat is nog waar in een wereld waarin de grenzen tussen virtualiteit en realiteit steeds meer vervagen? Gisteren zag Wouter Bos het levenslicht op Twitter (noot: mijn weblog was hier verantwoordelijk voor). Een fake account weliswaar. Thamarberber@maximeverhagen: Ik mag aannemen dat @wouterbos nep is…?? Natuurlijk is dit niet nieuw. Het aantal communicatiekanalen dat internet ons biedt neemt nog steeds toe. Een oplossing heb ik niet voor handen. Op onze Jaggle telefoon ontvingen wij een telefoontje van het Ministerie van Financiën met de vraag of wij zo snel mogelijk alles van Wouter Bos op Twitter willen wissen.

Search Facebook Tells Salman Rushdie He Has to Go By His Given Name, Ahmed Rushdie - Alexis Madrigal - Technology This is the sort of thing that makes you wonder what real names policy is all about. Today on Twitter, Salman Rushdie detailed his adventures with Facebook's name police. "Amazing. 2 days ago FB deactivated my page saying they didn't believe I was me. I had to send a photo of my passport page. You know, Ahmed Rushdie, world-famous author of The Satanic Verses and Midnight's Children. Seriously, what is the point of forcing Salman Rushdie to go by Ahmed Rushdie? Update (1:46pm): Our collective exasperation worked!

Should journalists confirm information before passing it along on Twitter? On Thursday many journalists unknowingly perpetuated a hoax that CNN had suspended Piers Morgan due to the British tabloid phone-hacking scandal, sparking a conversation about whether journalists need to slow down before tweeting. Others have chronicled the spread of the rumor, including TheNextWeb and Ross Neumann with a Storify. But as people were issuing mea culpas to their followers, Reuters’ Felix Salmon wrote a provocative post on his Tumblr blog, suggesting that Twitter is more like a newsroom than a newspaper. Rumors happen there [on Twitter], and then they get shot down — no harm no foul. … In the newsroom, we say things like “did you hear that Piers Morgan just got suspended?” Many people dismissed Salmon’s argument immediately, including commenters on my Romenesko post about it. The reactions illustrate how journalists are dealing with the hybrid nature of Twitter — part conversation, part publishing. Here’s how journalists are working through this issue.

Less Is More: Using Social Media to Inspire Concise Writing Overview | How can online media like Twitter posts, Facebook status updates and text messages be harnessed to inspire and guide concise writing? In this lesson, students read, respond to and write brief fiction and nonfiction stories, and reflect on the benefits and drawbacks of “writing short.” Materials | Slips of paper with brief stories (see below; one per student), computers with Internet access Warm-Up | Before class, select six-word love stories from The Times’s Well blog, in the post itself and in the reader comments, to share with students. To use fictional stories instead of or alongside memoirs, include the following “short short story” by Ernest Hemingway, along with stories posted on the Web site inspired by it, Six Word Stories: For sale: baby shoes, never used. Print your selected stories on slips of paper and distribute them to each student. Then lead a discussion, using questions like these: What do these stories have in common? And in “How Do I Love Thee? Technology 3.

Twitter alerts via email by Twilert Government backs down on plan to shut Twitter and Facebook in crises | Media The government has climbed down on plans to ban suspected rioters from using social networking websites in times of civil unrest. The home secretary, Theresa May, told social networks at a meeting on Thursday that the government had no intention of "restricting internet services". Research in Motion (RIM, the maker of BlackBerry), Facebook and Twitter were summoned to the meeting with May after David Cameron signalled a clampdown on the sites following the recent riots in England. The social networks were poised to face down the government on its plans, which they warned could usher in a new form of online censorship in the UK. However, government ministers sought to back away from the prime minister's comments and instead focus on how law enforcement could better use Twitter and Facebook in emergencies. A Home Office spokeswoman described the meeting as constructive.

Twitter study casts doubts on ministers' post-riots plan | UK news Analysis of more than 2.5m Twitter messages relating to the riots in England has cast doubt on the rationale behind government proposals to ban people from social networks or shut down their websites in times of civil unrest. A preliminary study of a database of riot-related tweets, compiled by the Guardian, appears to show Twitter was mainly used to react to riots and looting. Timing trends drawn from the data question the assumption that Twitter played a widespread role in inciting the violence in advance, an accusation also levelled at the rival social networks Facebook and BlackBerry Messenger. The unique database contains tweets about the riots sent throughout the disorder, which began in Tottenham, north London, on 6 August. The home secretary, Theresa May, will meet representatives from Facebook, Twitter and Research in Motion, the Canada-based BlackBerry maker, on Thursday. David Cameron had previously indicated he would contemplate more restrictive measures.

Dit artikel laat een van de belangrijkste oorzaken van de ramp in Alphen aan de Rijn zien. Tristan van der Vlis had nooit een semiautomatisch wapen mogen krijgen. by meijer_bianca Jan 16

Deze pearl laat zien dat de politie weinig overzicht heeft op het gebied van wapenvergunningen. by meijer_bianca Jan 15
