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Smore - Design beautiful online flyers and publish instantly

Smore - Design beautiful online flyers and publish instantly

WhatRunsWhere: WhatRunsWhere: Competitive Intelligence for Advertising in the Digital World | Discover your Competitor's Display and Mobile Advertisements 10 Best Google Drive Add-Ons You Should Be Using Google Drive is a great alternative for individuals who don’t have a word processor or any form of an office suite. It allows them to make documents, powerpoint presentations, excel documents and more without the added memory being eaten up or having to load a software on your computer. For those who do have a word processing suite, Google Drive is a great way to have collaborative documents on your computer. For example, it is the office software that I make use of whenever I have a group presentation that needs a couple of extra hands. While it is already a great service, add-ons make it even better. 1. Despite all of the advancements in communication technology, there are still some individuals who use fax machines. 2. UberConference brings conference calls to Google Drive. 3. In this era of everything being digital, there are still a couple of relevant communication elements that can be difficult to manage digitally. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Featured photo credit: Vimeo via

Wie ich 30.000€ an einem Tag verdient habe (mit E-Mail Marketing) | EOM In der Liste liegt das Geld. Dieses Zitat könnte man auch als das erste Gebot des Online-Marketing bezeichnen. Und auch wenn man von jeder Website - so klein sie auch sein möge - hört, dass E-Mail Marketing das wichtigste Tool für dein Online Business ist, so gibt es doch nur wenige ganzheitliche Anleitungen, die detailliert beschreiben, wie man damit gutes Geld verdient. Ich zeige dir heute - Schritt für Schritt - wie ich im November 2014 mit nur 3 gezielten eMails und ein paar wenigen Social Media Aktivitäten 30.000€ Umsatz gemacht habe - an nur einem Tag! Klingt nach reißerischem Marketing, oder? Idee Es war ein ganz normaler Donnerstag Nachmittag. Mit einem Angebot zu dieser Plattform meldete er sich dann auch bei mir. Black Friday (engl. Seit der Verbreitung des Internethandels werben am auf den Black Friday folgenden Cyber Monday viele Online-Händler mit entsprechenden Spar- und Gratis-Aktionen. Ok, das war also die Idee. Planung Meine Marketing-Strategie war auf 2 Säulen aufgebaut:

TeacherTube - Teach the World Visage | Sign In Using Animoto in the Classroom It’s unusual for me to write a blog post extolling the virtues of a single edtech tool – I usually prefer a rundown of several resource that can be used for any given subject, because there are so many brilliant tools out there to feature and usually so many advantages and disadvantages to using each one. But Animoto is a special case! It is incredibly easy to use, which is a huge plus for the classroom, but also presents a really wide and flexible range of possible uses, which isn’t always the case with the simpler end of edtech tools. If you’re not already familiar with Animoto, it’s a website that allows you to make your own videos by choosing a background template from a wide range of options, adding a piece of music, and then creating a completely unique compilation of photographs, video clips and text, which is then all magically pulled together into an incredibly professional finished product. The real beauty of Animoto is its sheer, joyful flexibility.
