Technologist Tweets Curriculum Revitalization, Career & Technical Education King Jouet connecte 10 de ses magasins avec des bornes tactiles e-commerce Via un article plutôt succinct de qui ne nous avait pas échappé, on pouvait apprendre au début du mois de novembre que King Jouet avait installé des bornes cross-canal dans ses magasins à l’approche de Noël. Le site dédié à l’actualité de la distribution expliquait alors : “Le dernier dispositif mis en place par King Jouet est la “borne à jouet” : une borne, installée en magasin, permettra de commander tous les jouets, même les plus volumineux. De quoi permettre aux magasins de petite taille de proposer une offre plus complète. Le client choisit ensuite entre la livraison à domiicile, chez les bénéficiaires du cadeau ou en magasin.” Or, nous pouvons vous en dire un peu plus aujourd’hui à propos de ces fameuses bornes à jouet. De son côté, le site précise que : Ceux qui connaissent bien Connected Store savent que nous sommes plutôt bien placés pour parler de ces nouvelles bornes e-commerce King Jouet ;-). Articles similaires:
How to be an explorer - News & Advice - Travel I grew up imbibing the idea that the world was all explored. It's encouraged by watching too much television. In one evening you can easily get the impression you've gone right round the globe. Or is it? I've recently been to the Gilf Kebir, an area the size of Switzerland in south-west Egypt with no water at all. This example is replicated throughout the world. Just because we've flown over everywhere in a jumbo jet doesn't mean we've explored it. Actually it's the growth in adventure tourism that has sparked the recent surge in DIY exploration. Tim Cope, a young Australian explorer, first experienced the unexplored possibilities of Siberia while on a bicycle trip across Russia. I started making jungle expeditions in the late 1990s to try to find and film the world's longest snake. In 2005, a new cave so vast that two helicopters could fly through was discovered deep in the Venezuelan jungle. Even being somewhere 10 years after the last visitors feels like exploration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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Home | American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Volvo "Concept You," Now with Touch Control Cockpit Posted by Ray | 16 Sep 2011 | Comments (4) Volvo has gone second person for the second edition of their "Concept" series: where the inaugural installment was mostly exterior, with just a tease of a high-tech interior to match, the "Concept You" features a fully functional digital cockpit, which boasts touch screens and eye sensors that activate them (because sometimes touch just isn't enough): The control centre in Concept You consists of four main areas; a digital Driver Information Monitor, a head-up display on the windscreen, a touch screen on the upper part of the centre console and a touch screen between the two individual rear seats. The wood/leather steering wheel has aluminium and glass paddles with integrated touch screens. The touch screen in the upper part of the centre console remains in sleeping mode until the driver looks at it. A hidden infrared camera registers the eye movements and information is displayed on the screen. Or maybe it's Volvo's answer to Cadillac...
Speleology Grotte des Faux-Monnayeurs, Mouthiers-Haute-Pierre (France) Speleology (also spelled spelæology or spelaeology) is the scientific study of caves and other karst features, their make-up, structure, physical properties, history, life forms, and the processes by which they form (speleogenesis) and change over time (speleomorphology). The term speleology is also sometimes applied to the recreational activity of exploring caves, but this is more properly known as caving, spelunking or potholing. Speleology and caving are often connected, as the physical skills required for in situ study are the same. Speleology is a cross-disciplinary field that combines the knowledge of chemistry, biology, geology, physics, meteorology and cartography to develop portraits of caves as complex, evolving systems. History[edit] Cave geology, hydrogeology and biology[edit] Geochemistry speleothems[edit] Cave cartography[edit] Cave biology[edit] Caves provide a home for many unique biota. Endogean Parahypogean Hypogean
IBM CIO Discusses Big Blue's BYOD Strategy IBM CIO Jeanette Horan has plenty of IT projects and systems to worry about, but perhaps one of the most pressing and timely is Big Blue's ongoing BYOD (bring your own device) rollout, which is aimed at including all of the company's 440,000 employees over time. The IBM workforce is "hugely mobile," with many working at client sites, home offices and other locations outside corporate buildings, Horan said in a recent interview at IBM's office in Cambridge, Massachusetts. IBM has long had a corporate managed mobile-phone plan that historically has focused on BlackBerrys, she said. But over time, more iPhones and other devices began cropping up in the workforce, and IBM decided it was time to get in front of the issue, Horan said. IBM's BYOD program "really is about supporting employees in the way they want to work," Horan said. IBM is also building "fit-for-business" takes on consumer-friendly applications like the popular cloud file-hosting service Dropbox, Horan said.
Education Week American Education News Site of Record Business loves Technology - Surfaces tactiles: «Touch me, I want to feel your product» Publié le 31 août 2011 Téléphones, tablettes, écrans, PLV, ou encore vitrines, les surfaces tactiles s'insinuent dans notre quotidien. Et contrairement à ce que pourrait laisser penser le phénomène qu’elle représente actuellement, cette technologie interactive de demain ne date pas d’aujourd’hui... Retour vers le futur : · 1972: IBM crée le PLATO IV, le premier ordinateur à écran tactile. · 1984: Bell invente le premier écran « multi-touch ». · 1996: Palm lance le premier PDA, le Palm Pilot. · 2007: Apple met sur le marché le premier modèle de l'iPhone. Autrefois réservée aux ancêtres des «geeks», cette technologie s’est aujourd’hui largement démocratisée, notamment grâce à Apple. Une étude, reprise par HP en 2009, sur l'adoption des technologies tactiles en France, démontre une grande maturité des Français face à ce type d'interfaces (source de l’étude). Plus ça touche, plus ça buzze! + Adidas propose en magasin l'accès à son catalogue de chaussures de foot, sur un mur interactif. Touche moi.