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EZ Slang: Speaking Effective English and Accent Reduction Training

EZ Slang: Speaking Effective English and Accent Reduction Training

اشهى نت: انواع الكلام فى اللغة الانجليزية Direct and Indirect Speech من انواع الكلام فى اللغة الانجليزية :الكلام المباشر والغير مباشر Direct and Indirect Speech نقصد هنا الكلام الذى يطلع مباشرة من الفم والكلام الاخر المنقول على لسان فلان . يعنى مش الكلام اللى من تحت لتحت على رأى المصريين وللتوضيح اكثر وبطريقة انجليزية صميمة : الكلام المباشر ( direct speech ) : وهو نقل نفس كلمات المتكلم بالضبط وبدون اي تغير حيث يُوضع بين علامتي الاقتباس ( quotation marks ) وغالباً مايستخدم هذا الاسلوب في الروايات المكتوبة , لانهُ احيانا من الصعب تذكر كل ماقالهُ المتكلم . الكلام الغير مباشر (indirect speech) : وهو اعادة صياغة ما قالهُ المتكلم بطريقة اخرى , حيث ان هذا النوع هو الاكثر شيوعاً . She said’ I need more money ‘. She said that she needed more money. indirect speech ‘I don’t know much about music’. Judy said that she didn’t know much about music. indirect speech يسمى (said) فعل القول reporting verb 1-تحويل الكلام المباشر الى الكلام غير مباشر في الجملة الخبرية · اذا كان فعل القول ماضياً , ينبغي عمل مايلي : 1- نغير الزمن اذا كان مضارعاً الى الماضي لكي يطابق فعل القول . ?

Urban Dictionary Cinco recursos para aprender inglés de manera divertida El inglés resulta esencial en la formación de los escolares, para abrirles las puertas a otros países y culturas y como herramienta esencial en su futuro laboral. Te recomendamos cinco recursos para motivar a tus estudiantes a estudiar inglés de una forma divertida. 1. La web Anglès 365 ofrece una interesante recopilación de canciones destinadas al aprendizaje del inglés en Infantil. Las canciones llevan la letra incorporada, y las frases se van iluminado como en una especie de karaoke.2. Puedes incluir estos recursos y otros que consideres interesantes en tu Cuaderno del Profesor y en los Cuadernos de Estudio digitales de aulaPlaneta, para que tus alumnos los utilicen en clase. 10 ESL Vocabulary Games to Get Your Students Seriously Engaged | FluentU English Educator Blog Trying to teach a group of intermediate students ain’t easy. At this level, rehashing the basics is a bore and introducing more advanced topics can result in frustration. Tired of seeing only two or three students actually paying attention in your class? It’s amazing what a difference a few fun games can make! Things like building vocabulary are an essential part of learning English, but they can be dull. 10 ESL Vocabulary Games That Will Get Your Students Engaged 1. This game is fast-paced, but allows students some time to think. Begin by tossing the ball at a student. Take things up a notch with a different version of “Last Man Standing.” 2. Most English speakers are familiar with Pictionary, the drawing game. Chalkboard Pictionary. Divide the class into two teams and create a small column for each team on one side of the board. The student must convey the word to his or her team using only drawings. 3. Write down words on slips of paper for students to choose. 4. 5. 20 Objects 6. 7. 8.

تحدث الانجليزية في وقت قصير من خلال المحادثات Kyoto Toastmasters Club English Prepositions Exercises on Prepositions Prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs). Even advanced learners of English find prepositions difficult, as a 1:1 translation is usually not possible. One preposition in your native language might have several translations depending on the situation. There are hardly any rules as to when to use which preposition. The following table contains rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English: Prepositions – Time Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction) Other important Prepositions Exercises on Prepositions Synonym Games and Worksheets for ESL Here is our collection of worksheets and activities for teaching synonyms and the meta-language used for describing synonyms such as the following phrases: . . . is another word for . . . . . . means the same thing as . . . . . . is a synonym for . . . Synonyms are a great way to introduce vocabulary, so we've added three sections covering about 90 synonym pairs. Synonyms for Young Learners A set of worksheets and activities aimed at young learners that cover simple adjective and verb synonyms. Synonyms for Young Learners Synonym Card Game Synonyms for Describing Character A worksheets that looks at how synonyms can be used to describe character. Synonyms and Character Description Synonym Pairs Basic Level Basic Worksheets: Students read a sentence and choose a word from the box that is most like the word in italics. Worksheet A Worksheet B Basics Concentration Cards: Students can review this set of synonyms by playing the game memory. Basic Cards Synonym Crossword Synonym Pairs Intermediate Level

Tales of a SUPERMOM ... or something like that
