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Le peer-to-peer le socialisme du XXIe siècle.Rue89 Le « peer-to-peer », souvent abrégé P2P, permet par exemple d’échanger des fichiers musicaux ou des films sur Internet. Napster, eDonkey, eMule, Kazaa ou encore plus récemment Spotify... sont des systèmes P2P. Or, ce mode de fonctionnement imprègne peu à peu nos modes de pensée, au point d’incarner, pour certains, un puissant levier pour changer le monde. C’est en tout cas la thèse soutenue par Michel Bauwens, l’un des théoriciens les plus reconnus des systèmes pair-à-pair, à l’origine de la Fondation pour les alternatives peer-to-peer. Antonin Leonard et moi-même l’avons rencontré dans une brasserie parisienne en décembre 2011 afin de mieux comprendre sa vision des choses. Greensiders : Comment tombe-t-on dans la marmite du peer-to-peer ? Michel Bauwens : A la fin des années 1990, quand j’étais responsable de la stratégie à long terme de l’entreprise Belgacom, j’ai pris conscience des incohérences flagrantes dans lesquelles baigne notre monde : Mais comment sortir du monde immatériel ?

How to act against ACTA This page lists different ways to take action against ACTA right now and to learn more about this dangerous agreement. ACTA is a multi-lateral trade agreement which threatens to change the Internet as we know it and puts fundamental freedoms at risk. The European Parliament will vote on ACTA this Wednesday July 4th and has the occasion to reject it once and for all. You will find on this page different ways you can act to defeat ACTA as a citizen. As a citizen, the main two things to do are: contacting Members of the European Parliament helping spread the word about ACTA. Contacting your Elected Representatives is the most useful thing you can do right until the wednesday's final vote in the European Parliament, last step of the procedure. [edit] How to? To easily get in touch with the right Members of the European Parliament, you can use our PiPhone. You also can use Political Memory to get the contact details of a precise MEP. [edit] Who to contact? [edit] General advice Here are some ideas:

Megaupload n'a jamais défendu l'internet Après l’annonce, jeudi 19 janvier, de la fermeture du site de téléchargement Megaupload par la justice américaine et l’arrestation de ses dirigeants pour « violations de droits d’auteur », « association de malfaiteurs en vue de commettre racket » et « blanchiment d’argent », les réactions se sont multipliées. Nicolas Sarkozy saluait le 20 janvier la fin de « profits criminels » du site internet, tandis que la commissaire européenne en charge des nouvelles technologies, Neelie Kroes, se disait préoccupée par les conséquences globales de l’action unilatérale des Etats-Unis. Laurent Chemla est informaticien, fondateur de Gandi Domaine, le premier « bureau d’enregistrement » de nom de domaine français, et auteur de Confessions d’un voleur (2002, Denoël). Il analyse les enjeux de cette affaire internationale, pour l’économie de la culture et la liberté du net. Que représente Megaupload dans le paysage internet ? Photo : chezyann - CC by-nc Megaupload en chiffres

Stop ACTA! On 4 July, the European Parliament has rejected ACTA with an overwhelming majority (478 against, 39 in favour, 165 abstentions). If you want to see who voted what you can either have a look here on Votewatch or all the details per groups and countries on here. Our first reaction to the vote is here. Thanks to all the activists and protesters. Thanks to all those of you who contacted the MEPs. Thanks to all MEPs who voted against the Agreement. ACTA is not the end. For historical reasons, we have archived our campaign below: What? On 21 June, the European Parliament’s lead committee INTA voted against the pro-ACTA amendments and in favour of a rejection by all MEPs. When? The whole Parliament will discuss the Agreement on 3 July, 15h and hold its final vote during its plenary session on 4 July, 12h. Who is Who? The ALDE, Greens, GUE/NGL and S&D groups have already taken a clear position against the Agreement. *You can browse all Members of the European People’s Party here on Memopol. a. b. c.

Open Rights Group | ACTA: signed, not yet sealed - now it's up to us January 26, 2012 | Peter Bradwell Today the EU and member states including the UK signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in Japan. You may remember the healthy debate held here about whether this international treaty was something that the UK should commit itself to, helping policy makers arrive at a collectively taken decision. No? Good spot - there was no such debate! We're getting to crunch time. ACTA procedure in EU ParliamentThe International Trade (INTA) Committee of the European Parliament is the main committee working on ACTA.The Legal Affairs (JURI), Development (DEVE), Civil Liberties (LIBE) and the Industry (ITRE) committees will first vote on their opinions after holding “exchange of views” on draft reports in the coming weeks.Opinions will then be sent to INTA to influence its final report, which will recommend the EU Parliament as a whole to reject or accept ACTA.The final, plenary vote by the EU Parliament on ACTA should be held no sooner than June.

Petitions Official Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Response to End ACTA and Protect our right to privacy on the Internet By Ambassador Miriam Sapiro Thank you for you for taking the time to participate in We the People, and for sharing your opinion about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and the importance of privacy on the Internet. The Administration has recognized previously the importance of protecting an open and innovative Internet in the context of our response to other petitions regarding the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). ACTA is an international trade agreement that establishes high standards for intellectual property enforcement. As you may know, the proliferation of counterfeit and pirated goods poses considerable challenges for legitimate trade and economic development. ACTA specifically recognizes the importance of free expression, due process, and privacy. Thank you again for taking the time to write and share your views.

ACTA: The new threat to the net 2,008,307 have signed. Help us get to our new target of 3,000,000 Update: 10 February 2012 Amazing! We smashed our 2 million target as we delivered to key decision-makers in Brussels this week -- let's get to 3 million before the crucial parliamentary debates Posted: 25 January 2012 Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Europe is deciding right now whether to ratify ACTA -- and without them, this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse. It's outrageous -- governments of four fifths of the world’s people were excluded from the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) negotiations and unelected bureaucrats have worked closely with corporate lobbyists to craft new rules and a dangerously powerful enforcement regime. Big corporate interests are pushing hard for this, but the EU Parliament stands in the way.
