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Upper-Body Makeover - The Ultimate Arms and Abs Workout

Upper-Body Makeover - The Ultimate Arms and Abs Workout

two hundred squats Lean Legs Workout Nothing complements the season's hiked-up hemlines quite like a pair of gorgeous gams. And getting them is easier than you may think. This workout, created by Marcela Ceselka, a personal trainer at Club H Fitness in New York City, targets every inch of your lower body—glutes, quads, hamstrings, hips, inner thighs, and calves—to build lean muscle in your bottom half and boost your metabolism, while also improving your core strength and balance. Three days a week, do two or three sets of this routine, resting for 60 seconds between each exercise. Shorten your break time (or get rid of it completely!) to increase the challenge even more. GET STARTED * Watch this video to learn how to do the exercises * Download a printable version of the workout MOVE 1Step Up with Leg Lift Place your right foot on a step or bench and put your hands on your hips. MOVE 2Reverse Lunge with Front Kick Keeping your abs tight, step back with your right foot and lower into a reverse lunge. MOVE 3Lateral Leg Lift

Blueberry Banana Flaxseed Smoothie The best part about Mother’s Day, besides getting adorable misspelled hand-made cards and breakfast in bed, was the NINJA making serious noise in my kitchen! Yep, my wish came true. I received a Ninja, Professional Blender from my family. And, I’ve already started creating an endless hit list of dishes that should soon meet the wrath of the Ninja’s 6-blade technology- from gazpacho to marinades to chopped veggies to sauces to spreads. Last year I got hot pink multi-colored Nike I.D. running sneakers and this year I got a sleek black, high-powered blender that’s so big, I can’t fit it in any of my pint-sized cabinets of my apartment kitchen. But, that doesn’t matter. My NINJA My new kitchen appliance is ideal for ice crushing, blending, pureeing and controlled processing with just one touch of a button. I decided to work with the ingredients I had stocked because I was too eager to get the Ninja working! Like any smoothie, there’s no skill required for its production. Smoothie Ingredients

Thigh Workout Details - Top 10 Moves for Thinner Thighs This slimmer-thigh circuit created by Jessica Smith, fitness expert and star of the 10 Pounds DOWN: Better Body Blast DVD will help strengthen and tone your whole lower body—especially those thighs. For best results, perform 15 reps of each move, back to back without rest, up to four days a week. And be sure to couple your lower-body workouts with cardio exercise and a healthy diet to stay slim and trim for good. Want to boost your burn? You can use your keyboard to see the next slide ( ← previous, → next) Slim, strengthen, and define your thighs with this power circuit! Promo Subtitle Image Alt Text Woman's legs Title Text Top 10 Moves for Thinner Thighs Media Folder: Media Root By Jessica Smith Topics: FeaturedTopic: leg workouts Related articles

Fast Full-Body Workout Ideas Even if you have all the time in the world to spend at the gym, who wants to? Get in and out and on with your day by doing workouts that will strengthen all your muscle groups in a short time and get the heart rate up as well. Here are 10 do-anywhere total-body workout ideas that will save you time. Celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins developed a belly-fat-blasting workout sequence that is fast and effective. From oblique crunches to exercise-ball moves, this workout combines strength training and cardio for one effective circuit. See all the moves (and download the printable PDF) here.If you've got 15 minutes, you must print out this 5-4-3-2-1 workout from a FitSugar reader. Read on for five more fast ways to work your entire body. Don't have an exercise ball?

Large Hadron Collider: Auf der Suche nach dem heiligen Gral der Physik - Large Hadron Collider Am 5. April dieses Jahres konnte Steve Myers, Direktor für Beschleunigung und Technologie des europäischen Kernforschungszentrums Cern bei Genf, die Korken knallen lassen. Er ist Herr über den Large Hadron Collider (LHC), den größten Teilchenbeschleuniger der Welt. In der Nacht zuvor hatten Techniker die beiden gegenläufigen Protonenstrahlen, die fast lichtschnell durch den Tunnel des LHC rasen, auf eine Energie von jeweils vier Tera-Elektronenvolt (TeV) beschleunigt. Die Frühschicht meldete dann „stabile Strahlen“. Auf diese Chance warten die Cern-Physiker schon lange. Zurück zum Urknall In den dabei gewonnenen Daten suchen die Forscher nach Hinweisen auf neu entstandene Partikel, um noch offene Fragen über den Aufbau der Materie zu klären. Eines der wichtigsten Forschungsziele dabei ist, das Higgs-Teilchen aufzuspüren. Das Teilchen des Peter Higgs Ein Problem aber bleibt: In den Formeln des Standardmodells haben die Partikel keine Masse. Hier kommt das Higgs-Teilchen ins Spiel.

Equipment-Free Workouts for Women: Exercise At Home with No Equipment, at Get a total-body workout, totally sans gear. Do these body-weight moves twice a week, completing the recommended sets and reps with perfect form. Published: July 25, 2008 | By Jenny Everett Pushups are proof positive that gravity makes your body one hell of a workout tool. Which is fan-freakin'-tastic, because getting to the gym--or even locating your own dumbbells (need a forensic detective?)--isn't always realistic. We asked WH columnist Amy Dixon, an exercise physiologist and group fitness manager at Equinox in Santa Monica, California, to design a killer head-to-toe body-weight routine you can do anytime, anywhere. Click on each move to watch video of it.

You Know You Want Sexy Abs! | healthkicker The next month or two of work on Xanga 2.0 is going to be busy, so I wanted to share with everyone a roadmap of how we’re thinking about things! We’re dividing the work on this project into four basic phases. Phase 1. Data migration As described here, we’ve imported over every account that we have on Xanga over to the new system so that anyone who could sign into Xanga can still sign into Xanga 2.0. Finally and most important of all, we’ve imported over 2 million blogs from the old system. * We’ve archived the blogs of the hundreds of thousands of blogs where the user has logged in in the past 5 years and has at least two subscribers. * We did an additional set of archives for 200k users who had logged in the past year and had at least 10 blogs. * We’ve also archived the blogs of every single user that’s ever been premium at any point in the past… And of course, a lot of you guys archived your own blogs using the old Xanga archive generator. Phase 2. Phase 3. Phase 4.

The #1 Best Arm Exercise to Get Rid of Arm Flab The American Council on Exercise (ACE) has finally answered the question women have been asking for decades: how can I get rid of arm jiggle and what is the single best arm exercise to target this troublesome area? Scientists at the Exercise and Health Program at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse conducted a study using 70 female participants to find out once and for all. By attaching electromagnetic (EMG) electrodes to women’s triceps while performing various arms exercises, the scientists were able to record the women's real-time muscle activity and determine which arms exercises produce the most muscle activity; read: blast arm jiggle the most! Results from the EMG revealed that the triangle pushup registered the most muscle activity amongst all the exercises tested making it the number one exercise for eliminating arm jiggle. What’s more, you don’t even need any equipment to execute this uber-effective exercise.

Body Weight Workouts How to Get Rid of Muffin Top Now that I’m five months into my weight-loss journey, my body has changed significantly: I see definition in my arms, my glutes are rock hard and my legs are toned. I even have a flatter stomach than I used to—but my pesky muffin top is still there. Ugh. I asked my personal trainer, Stephanie Pipia, if there were certain exercises I could do to eliminate it. Stephanie says some parts of your body lose fat faster than others, but keeping up with a consistent, challenging exercise routine will help you eventually lose fat everywhere. So long story short, you can do crunches till you are blue in the face, which will help you build muscle, but will not get rid of the belly fat. And it’s not just about exercise. Our 2012 Weight Loss Diary writer, Yasmin, is a 32-year-old web content producer who is looking to get healthy and love her body! Who’s helping Yasmin?

Passé Abs Series - Trainers Reveal: The Best Abs Exercises of All Time The Teaser "I have researched this move in my lab, and it is very effective at activating all of the abdominal muscles (the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and the transverse abdominins), and yet the movement is very straightforward and does not require several steps or positions," says Michele Olson, Ph.D., a senior clinical professor at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, AL. "This move is also great for learning how to breathe correctly when engaging the abdominal muscles in order to get a very deep and full activation of the abdominal wall, and the ‘up’ position of the legs during the entire exercise greatly limits any action of the hip flexors." To do it: Lie on the floor with arms extended above head and both legs lifted in the air at about a 45-degree angle.

7 One-Minute Exercises for a Total Body Fast Workout When it comes to working out, most of us have one excuse card that we play over and over again: I don't have the time. From kids to work, "time" is the roadblock that has kept many us from enjoying a healthy lifestyle. To add more practicality to your busy life, I have devised a quick and effective workout based on seven moves that will get you lean and firm and will fit into your daily routine—no matter what. I challenge you to take the next seven minutes of your life and invest in something worthwhile...yourself! * Perform each exercise for one minute, unless otherwise noted * Do not rest between exercises 1. Coach’s tip: To ensure a proper stance, be certain to distribute a greater amount of weight on your front leg. 2. Coach’s tip: To benefit most from this exercise, concentrate on your breathing. 3. Coach’s tip: To ensure that your hips are stable keepyour feet shoulder width apart. 4. 5. Coach’s tip: Your goal is height and not repetitions in this exercise. 6. 7.

Yoga für Beine und Po | Workout-Video | Fitness Damit auch Beine und Po gestrafft werden, zeigt Nina Winkler exklusiv für SHAPE ein Yoga-Workout mit fließenden Power Moves. SHAPE Online Sehen Sie im Video, wie Sie mit gezielten Übungen Beine und Po in Topform bringen. Zur Traumfigur in nur zwei Wochen: Bei diesem effektiven Yoga- Workout von Nina Winkler liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den Beinen und dem Po. DVD-Tipp Noch mehr intensive Yoga -Übungen gibt es auf Nina Winklers Fitness-DVD. „Yoga Fusion“ von Nina Winkler (KSM um 15 Euro) jetzt bei bestellen >> Abnehmen: Schlank-Tipps auf COSMOPOLITAN Online >> Fitness: Bikinifit auf JOY Online >>
