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Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry

Seb Janiak — Photographer & Director William Kass / Minimize - FOOD. Rarindra Prakarsa Photography Art Prints non disponibile By Simon Tomlinson Updated: 15:04 GMT, 20 November 2011 They are so often photographed individually by star-gazers all over the world. But one amateur snapper is celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime picture which includes three stunning natural phenomena - the Northern Lights, Milky Way and a meteorite - in one frame. It was taken by Tommy Eliassen in Ifjord, Finnmark, Norway, at the very beginning of the new aurora season. Three in one: Amateur photographer Tommy Eliasson caught this stunning time-lapse image of a meteorite streaking through the Milky Way (above centre) alongside the vibrant colours of the aurora In one image, the whole of the frame is filled with the solar system's billions of brightly lit stars - with the vibrant green flashes of the Aurora illuminating the sky. Another shows the streaks of green flashes dropping to earth like rain with a meteorite soaring through the middle of it - all while a shimmering lake is illuminated by the colourful display.

Rinze van Brug Photography Bing Wright Travel, traditions, culture - documentary, travel and cultural photography by Mitchell Kanashkevich David McCandless Photography I know I’m really guilty of this kind of judging and I’m trying to stop, but I want everyone to understand that there’s no such thing as “bad” art. If you think it’s “bad,” it’s mostly likely that you don’t, or can’t understand it. Please stop acting high and mighty because you don’t listen to pop music, or rock, or indie, or county, or rap, or whatever. Everything has its place and just because you don’t connect with it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. Art, in any medium, is emotion. How can you expect to understand an emotion you’ve never felt before?
