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4 Inspiring Examples of Digital Storytelling

4 Inspiring Examples of Digital Storytelling
Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing. In 2011, Sundance Film Festival created The New Frontier Story Lab, an initiative created to foster the development of a new style of media production. As media began to depart from traditional, linear films intended for a passive audience, the launch represented an innovative new era in entertainment. The New Frontier Story Lab helped many an interactive narrative come to life. President of the National Film Board of Canada, Tom Perlmutter's multi-platform interactive productions have also been revolutionizing transmedia. At the intersection of films, games and the Internet, today's creators are using multiple platforms, where the audience can actively reshape the stories themselves. 1. 2. The experience imagines that a mysterious virus has begun to afflict adults in a rural town. 3. 4. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, shevvers

The QR Code Church Bookstore QR Codes have been around for a while and people are continually coming up with new ways of using them. As you may have see on ChurchMag, one grocery store chain in South Korea has done just that. In an attempt to increase market share without adding new storefronts, Tesco unveiled a virtual storefront in subway stations, using QR codes as a means of shopping. Customers scan the codes using their smartphones, pay online using a credit card, and enjoy having the products shipped directly to their homes by Tesco! Check out this video demonstrating the process: [More Photos Here] This got me thinking: How might the Church use this technique? Obviously we are not normally in the business of selling goods, but one area that this does apply is Church bookstores. Traditionally, only the largest churches have bookstores in their buildings. Until now. This can be done in a variety of ways. One important consideration to keep in mind: Related Invitations Done Right: QR Code Awesomeness In "Marketing"

How to Create an Awesome Infographic [INFOGRAPHIC] There's no better way to show companies how to create an engaging infographic than through outlined steps in the form of an infographic. A new infographic by Infographic Labs — first published by — highlights the best practices of developing a creative way to get the word out about new data. As the amount of information we consume on the Internet grows and attention spans decrease thanks to a bevvy of distractions from email to Facebook, market research firms and other companies are packaging new data in visual ways. SEE ALSO: 20 Reasons to Switch to Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC] From how to pick color schemes and graphics to approaching layout, this infographic gives you a rundown on how to best get your information out to others. What do you think makes for a great infographic? Infographic via Infographic Labs

url?sa=t&rct=j&q=storytelling&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CEoQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.storynet 2011 New Frontier Story Lab | Archives | Sundance Institute The New Frontier Story Lab is a new initiative to support artists and creators developing projects that explore the convergence of film and new media technologies. The New Frontier Story Lab will focus on supporting projects that have original stories and engage audiences in innovative ways, across multiple platforms. Organized as an immersive lab experience, activities will include individualized story sessions, conversations about key artistic, design and technology issues, and case study presentations. Credits Projects As you use our Online Archives, please understand that the information presented from Festivals, Labs, and other activities is taken directly from official publications from each year.

The Contexts We Make I’ve been presenting on this topic for quite a while. It’s officially an obsession. And I’m happy to say there’s actually a lot of attention being paid to context lately, and that is a good thing. But it’s mainly from the perspective of designing for existing contexts in the world, and accommodating or responding appropriately to them. For example, the ubicomp community has been researching this issue for many years — if computing is no longer tied to a few discrete devices and is essentially happening everywhere, in all sorts of parts of our environment, how can we make sure it responds in relevant, even considerate ways to its users? Likewise, the mobile community has been abuzz about the context of particular devices, and how to design code and UI that shapes the experience based on the device’s form factor, and how to balance the strengths of native apps vs web apps. All of these are worthy subjects for our attention, and very complex challenges for us to figure out. 1.

Twitter network analysis of events – what’s possible? I recently connected with Daniel Knox (@djkn0x) on Twitter – which is where it seems most of my connections are happening these days. Among other interesting entrepreneurial activities Daniel is playing with a new venture that does analysis of Twitter activity around events. To show me Daniel created a visual network analysis of the Twitter activity around Future of Crowdsourcing Summit (#foc10) that we ran a few weeks ago in Sydney and San Francisco. Here is the explanation of the diagram that Daniel gave me: Here is a simple visualization of the #FOC10 tweeters. In the visualization the size of the node indicates the inbound connections (in-degree), while the color of the node represents the outbound connections from low (orange) to high (green). Daniel also provided the following stats: • Top tweeters using #FOC10: @natecochrane (38 #FOC10 tweets), @amylyden (29), and @kobygeddes (24) And this wordcloud (which you can zoom in on and move around):

Les Sentiers Numériques Why Tablet Publishing Is Poised to Revolutionize Higher Education Trevor Bailey is director of worldwide education at Adobe Systems, and leads the programs and strategies that make Adobe products easily available to education institutions. Today, only 57% of students who attend college in the U.S. actually graduate. The country ranks 12th among 36 developed countries. Technical literacy and strong learning engagement are two important paths toward boosting college graduation rates and better preparing students for lifelong career success. Better Study Habits and Performance With Tablets Market intelligence firm IDC projects worldwide shipments of more than 70 million tablets in 2012, up from 17 million in 2010. In order to cater to a generation weaned on technology, educational institutions need to be at the forefront of the tablet revolution. Richer than their print counterparts, digital textbooks include a number of interactive features. Interactive Learning Leads to Better Retention Studies show that interactive content can boost learning retention.

How technology is transforming events One of my speaking bureau just asked me to provide them with a few quick ideas on how technology is changing events, as one of their key clients is having an internal meeting to discuss their future use of technology in events. I only had 10 minutes free to write something, so it’s far from comprehensive, but I thought worth sharing here. After events: - Social networking and discussions among people attending the event - Access to video and other event content - Run and track initiatives generated from the event - Suggestions for next events As I was looking for the links above, I was interested to see that introNetworks has morphed from an events platform to an enterprise platform that helps employees to make useful internal connections, including integration into SocialText. For those who are interested in the future of events, below are a couple other pieces I have written on the topic.

Les nouvelles technologies au service de l’inclusion sociale Soumis par Mélissa Lessard le 26 avril 2012 - 17h34 Les nouvelles technologies, et particulièrement les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), nous sont de plus en plus indispensables dans nos vies personnelles et professionnelles. Pourtant, en Europe, près d’un quart de la population n’a jamais utilisé internet. L’écart entre les personnes qui ont accès aux TIC, qui savent les utiliser, et les autres est défini comme la fracture numérique. Cette fracture « technologique » est généralement le résultat d’une fracture sociale. L’accès à internet constitue-t-il la seule fracture dont peuvent souffrir les gens ? Ce travail s’inscrit plus largement dans le cadre d’une étude en cours de réalisation, s’intéressant à l’apport des nouvelles technologies en termes d’inclusion sociale et notamment dans le secteur des services de proximité (services à la personne). -> Consultez le document (PDF)

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