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A little piece of Comics This is a comic about the backfire effect. The first big expansion pack of Exploding Kittens is now shipping. It contains 20 game-changing cards, along with a human-sized cone of shame. I made a new thing. Next Page » All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2016 Matthew Inman. Apprendre à l'air libre | Chroniques erratiques d'une instruction à l'air libre 6 things I learned from riding in a Google Self-Driving Car Last week, a friend and I got a sneak peek at Google's new self-driving cars. In addition to spending an afternoon cheating on my Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder, I got to chat with the engineers about the project. 1. We drink. 2. The car we rode in did not strike me as dangerous. In the early versions they tested on closed courses, the vehicles were programmed to be highly aggressive. 3. Google's new fleet was intentionally designed to look adorable. By turning self-driving cars into an adorable Skynet Marshmallow Bumper Bots, Google hopes to spiritually disarm other drivers. Google's next generation of self-driving cars are your Marshmallow Overlords. 4. Some of the scenarios autonomous vehicles have the most trouble with are the scenarios human beings have the most trouble with, such as traversing four-way stops or handling a yellow light (do you brake suddenly, or floor it and run the light?). Freaky. 5. I'm biased. They ignore the smarter questions. 6. -The Oatmeal

I Waste So Much Time Spurious Correlations Mon maçon était illustrateur. I Knew a Programmer that Went Completely Insane Not long ago one of our programmers just lost it and he lost it good. He walked into the manager’s office and began screaming strange things. If I didn't know him as well as I did I would have thought that he was on some kind of drug. But what had really happened was nothing short of a complete mental breakdown. He was one of the hardest workers I had seen in the industry. However, his productivity was not so great when he landed in a mental institution. Later he spoke about how the effort he put into the company should have given him more respect and a better position. It may be hard to swallow but the extra effort and hours that you put into your job as a software developer does not usually amount to someone higher up thinking you should run the company. All too often we lose site of the human factors in software. Source Good Reading Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (Second Edition) This was required reading when I was going to school. Death March (2nd Edition)
