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The Grammar Wheel: The MOST USEFUL FREE TOOL to HELP form questions in English!

The Grammar Wheel: The MOST USEFUL FREE TOOL to HELP form questions in English!
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Past simple – regular verbs The past simple is the most common way of talking about past events or states which have finished. It is often used with past time references (e.g. yesterday, two years ago). Please explain past events or states! A past event could be one thing that happened in the past, or a repeated thing. I stopped at a zebra crossing. A state is a situation without an action happening. We stayed at my grandparents' house last summer. How do you form the past simple? Regular past simple forms are formed by adding -ed to the infinitive of the verb. start → startedkill → killedjump → jumped Yes, but there are some spelling rules. agree → agreed like → liked escape → escaped If a verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, the consonant is usually doubled before -ed. stop → stopped plan → planned If a verb ends in consonant and -y, you take off the y and add -ied. try → tried carry → carried But if the word ends in a vowel and -y, you add -ed. play → played enjoy → enjoyed OK, not quite so easy! Aaagh! Good question.

Interactive Calendar – Speakeasy News Les rituels de début de cours, particulièrement importants pour les jeunes apprenants sont parfois réalisés de façon mécanique sans que les élèves comprennent toujours l’intérêt de donner la date ou de dire le temps qu’il fait. Voici un exemple d’activité introductive qui enrichit le rituel de la date et donne l’occasion d’élargir les horizons culturels des élèves. Pourquoi un calendrier interactif ? C’est une conversation sur Twitter avec une collègue d’anglais de l’académie de Créteil, Carine Alves, qui est à l’origine de la création de ce calendrier interactif. La création d’un calendrier interactif relevait pour moi de quatre besoins. Deuxième besoin : je souhaitais atténuer quelques frustrations. Troisième besoin : je voulais mettre en avant le plaisir et le temps de la découverte. Quatrième besoin : je souhaitais travailler sur les deux premiers piliers de l’apprentissage mis en évidence par les neurosciences cognitives auxquelles je m’intéresse fortement. Auteur(s) :

Teaching online with Comprehensible Input - Online teaching with Comprehensible Input A few months ago I attended a workshop "PQA" with Kirstin Plante and Carmen Meester.I had already seen Justin Slocum Bailey and Sabrina Sebban-Janczak at work in Agen, where they also did a PQA with us. So I was convinced of the value of this method.Already in the 1st week of september I tried to do a PQA with my students, but that was disappointing! I soon realized that a good PQA is so much more than a 'class discussion' with your students. And so I was very happy to have the opportunity to attend the workshop with Kirstin and Carmen. I still find it difficult to find 'good questions' for a PQA, because the 'quality' of your PQA depends entirely on the questions you ask.So, if you have already done a nice PQA with your students, let me know the question you asked. You would do me a great favor. The PQA A while ago (before the lockdown) I asked my students the following question: "Which country would you like to visit once? Download File

8 Ejercicios populares que incluso los instructores de fitness realizan incorrectamente Los expertos en fitness están seguros de que puedes ponerte en buena forma sin ir al gimnasio. Para eso alcanzan los ejercicios que se pueden realizar en casa: plancha, abdominales, sentadillas. Pero solo parecen simples a primera vista; en realidad, muchas personas los hacen mal. averiguó sobre los errores comunes en los ejercicios básicos, estudió los consejos de los especialistas y ahora sabe cómo corregirlos. 1. La plancha es uno de los ejercicios básicos más efectivos que involucra a todas las partes del cuerpo. Los errores Elevar la pelvis conduce a una distribución inadecuada de la carga, por lo que la sección de los hombros se tensa demasiado, lo que puede provocar dolor en el cuello. La técnica correcta Coloca los codos exactamente debajo de las articulaciones de los hombros, relaja el cuello y mira hacia abajo. 2. Un ejercicio básico para ejercitar los tríceps y la parte superior del cuerpo, ideal para principiantes debido a la facilidad de ejecución. Los errores

Dsxyliea A frneid who has dyslixea dercsibed to me how she experiences rendiag. She can raed, but it tkeas a lot of conoenttaricn, and the lerttes seems to “jump around”. I remeebmred rdeanig aobut typoglycemia. Wouldn’t it be possible to do it intlraceivety on a webiste with Javacsript? Srue it wolud. Feel like maikng a bokomarkelt of tihs or sohetimng? Dxseylia is cihractezared by difticfluy wtih lnaering to read flleutny and with auccrate coespmhonrien dtpseie normal iietllgnence. Delveopmental rniaedg disorder (DRD) is the most comomn learning dsiaiilbty. Some see dyslxeia as diitcnst from rednaig dfifciulties rtsulnieg form otehr ceusas, such as a non-noerluogical dcnieifecy with vioisn or hnarieg, or poor or inaduqaete reading icstruntion. Sruoce: Wekipidia Paesle eanlbe JicvSaprat to view the <a herf=" bolg cmmoents powered by

Anglais - Académie de Normandie Périmètre de Rouen - Travailler la mémorisation en présentiel en langues vivantes grâce aux roues numériques Pourquoi utiliser une roue ? Une roue numérique en ligne permet de travailler la mémorisation en présentiel d’un lexique et de développer la prise de parole en continu et en interaction à partir de ce lexique. Quand utiliser une roue ? La roue peut être utilisée tout de suite après l’introduction du lexique pour voir si les élèves ont commencé le processus de mémorisation et pour renforcer ce dernier. En cours de séquence pour développer la prise de parole en continu : à partir d’un mot ou d’une image, l’élève doit faire une ou plusieurs phrases. Quels types de roue ? Il existe des roues permettant de ne rentrer que du texte. Comment utiliser une roue ? Certaines roues peuvent être préparées à l’avance et sauvegardées. Le top des roues numériques 1. Site : 2. Site : le + : très simple d’utilisation (on clique sur la petite roue crantée pour modifier les paramètres) ; un mode Super Fullscreen ! 3.

Texas Doctors Rank (1-9) The Risks of Catching COVID-19 In These Activities On Monday, the Texas Medical Association (TMA), an organization of 53,000 physicians and medical students across the state, released a chart of common activities ranked by their chances of spreading COVID-19. The chart ranks activities like checking one's mail with a low-risk score of "1" but other activities like going to a bar with a high-risk score of "9." The activities were ranked by physicians from the TMA COVID-19 Task Force and the TMA Committee on Infectious Diseases. A spokesperson from the TMA told Newsweek that the numeric rankings do not represent absolute percentages on whether a person will or won't contract coronavirus through certain activities. As such, a "1" doesn't represent a 10 percent likelihood of contracting the virus nor does a "9" equal a 90 percent likelihood. Newsweek subscription offers > "The risk of exposure increases in you're close together for long periods of time and not following the other protocols," the TMA spokesperson told Newsweek.

Crea recorridos de realidad virtual con estas herramientas Una de las aplicaciones más interesantes que proporciona la realidad virtual a la educación es que podemos ‘trasladarnos’ a otros lugares y desplazarnos a través de ellos como si estuviéramos allí. Un ejemplo son estas entradas de las que ya os hemos hablado: Las mejores visitas virtuales a museos, lugares de interés…, 10 visitas virtuales al Patrimonio de la Humanidad en España, Visita las 7 maravillas del mundo sin salir de clase o 20 museos con visitar virtuales para descubrir. Pero, ¿qué os parecería crear contenidos y recorridos de realidad virtual para el aula? Las siguientes herramientas os ayudarán. Crear animaciones en 3D, animarlas con código y explorarlas gracias a la tecnología de realidad virtual o aumentada. Así es CoSpaces Edu, una herramienta que optimiza las habilidades de alfabetización digital, mejora la creatividad y fomenta la colaboración en el aula. Se puede utilizar no sólo para crear aplicaciones con realidad virtual sino también aumentada.

3 Useful YouTube Tricks, a Video Listening+Speaking Activity. A Flipgrid Proposal. Unit 1 of my textbook is dedicated to questions. All sorts of questions: indirect, with prepositions at the end, negative interrogative questions, echo questions, question tags… etc. Yeah, I know. This year, for my first lessons dealing with questions, I have decided to choose one of the hundreds of interviews to celebrities available online. Sharing a youtube video with a specific start time You probably know how to share a video starting at a specific point. Sharing a youtube video with a specific start and end time That’s a bit more complicated. 1:20 -1 minute= 60 seconds+ 20= 80 seconds (start time) 2:15- 2 minutes= 120 seconds+15 = 135 seconds (finish time) Now, grab the embed code for the video. The resulting embed code is Getting the transcript. You can easily get the transcript from a youtube video clicking on the three dots next to the save button. Level: B2Skills: listening and speaking Procedure: Play the video once and ask students to just listen. Here are the questions.

30 Awesome Anchor Charts to Spice Up Your Classroom Bored Teachers, LLC (“Bored Teachers,” “we,” “us,” “our”) provides its services (described below) to you through its website located at (the “Site”) and through its related services (collectively, such services, including any content, new features, and applications, and the Site, the “Service(s)”), subject to the following Terms of Service (as amended from time to time, the “Terms of Service”). We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change or modify portions of these Terms of Service at any time. If we do this, we will post the changes on this page and will indicate at the top of this page the date these terms were last revised. In addition, when using certain services, you will be subject to any additional terms applicable to such services that may be posted on the Service from time to time, including, without limitation, the Privacy Policy. Overview of the Service Your Registration Obligations Member Account, Password, and Security Mobile Services General

6+1 tipp a Google diák kreatív(abb) használatára Kincskeresés A kincsesládák egy számot rejtenek, melyekre kattintva eljutunk a feladatot tartalmozó diáig. A sablont a google fiókunkkal bejelentkezve tudjuk használni, vagy a pptx fájlt le tudjunk menteni és feltölteni a saját drive-unkra. A sablon elérhetősége itt. eBook készítése Kezdhetjük azzal, hogy az oldalbeállításoknál személyre szabjuk a diák méretét. Bővítmények: Pear Deck – formatív értékelő eszköz, melynek segítségével interaktív kérdéseket, kilépőcetliket tudunk hozzáadni a Google prezentációnkhoz 4. egy kiinduló diára ráhelyezünk minden objektumot, amire szükségünk van, mint a példa videóban a méhecskét. 5. Objektumok és nyilak beszúrásával és átszinezésével hozhatunk létre cetliket a dián. A sablon itt tölthető le. 6. Ha már a diákok mindig a közösségi oldalakon lógnak, miért ne vigyük be ezt a tanulási folyamatba? A sablon itt érhető el. +1 „Thin slides” – ötletbörze egy képpel, egy szóval 10 másodpercben Források:
