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How To Use Google Drive To Capture Your Great Ideas & Never Lose Them Google Drive already ties all your favorite Google services together and adds a whopping 15GB of free storage. With all this right at your fingertips, you can't help but feel like you need to make good use out of it all. Why not start by using Google Drive to make your ideas stick and make them more effective? Move over Evernote -- here's how you can use Google Drive to keep and grow your ideas. Why Use Google Drive? It may be easy to quickly dismiss Google Drive as a good way to keep track of your ideas, but I don't think that should be the case. With the multiple Google tools available for free, you can approach an idea from several angles. You also won't have to worry about losing anything due to software crashes or hardware failures. Did I mention that you get 15GB for free? Tools At Your Fingertips Without even attaching a third-party application, you get a ton of features in Google Drive that you can use to capture your ideas. We've also written about Google Forms quite a bit.

Online Backup | Cloud Backup Software & Solutions from SOS SOS Online Backup is the best value in online backup. Hands down. Backup up to 5 computers Included mobile apps full backup and restore for iPhone and Android Schedule backups hourly, daily, and weekly Why Backup my PC Online? Your PC is at risk of hard drive failure and your files could be accidentally deleted. SOS Online Backup will give you the power to: Restore files in the event of deletion Access and share files securely Schedule backups for all files SOS Online Backup brings simple, award winning backups, with the power to restore data at your fingertips. Mobile access allows you to access, view, and share backed up data at any time and on any device. Your backed up data will be secure and stay secure. Start protecting your data today with SOS. Why Backup with SOS? Backup up to 5 devices with a single account Flexible scheduling – hourly, daily, weekly Set it and forget it automatic backups Set up your automatic backups and never worry about them again.

محتويات حقيبة الإسعاف Emergency bag kit | حكيم إن مهمة نقل المريض من مكان الحادث إلى المشفى ليس مهمة طبيب الطوارئ بشكل عام، بل هي مهمة المسعف Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)، ولا يجب الاستهانة بمهمة الأخير على الإطلاق. وفي الوقت عينه، لابد أن يكون الطبيب مستعداً لأخذ موقع المسعف الأول (first responder) أيا كان اختصاصه أثناء تجهيز حقيبة الإسعاف، لابد من تذكر الفرق بين المسعف والطبيبالمسعف لا يعالج الحالة بل يحاول تحسينها وإيقاف تفاقمها، كما لايحق له وصف الأدوية. تحتوي حقيبة الإسعاف بشكل عام: -------------------------------------------------ملاحظات حول الجدول: نصائح لتجهيز الحقيبة - ابق الحقيبة خفيفة الحمل - احفظ مكان كل غرض في حقيبتك - ابق متفتح الذهن: لا تتوفر جميع المعدات في محلاتنا، لكن ببساطة يمكن إيجاد البديل لكل منها - بلغ مجموع ثمن هذه الأغراض من 3000 إلى 7000 ل.س ، مع الأخذ بالحسبان جهاز قياس الضغط (600-1800) والقنيات الهوائية (400) وقناع الإنعاش (1500-2500) Sat, 2011-09-24 21:15 by السنة السادسة

Hyperlink A List of Great Free Math Websites for Teachers and Students This is the third post in a series of posts covering a wide spectrum of free resources on different subject areas. After reviewing Social Studies and Science resources , today we are providing you with a list of some of the best free Math websites where you can have access to a plethora of Math lesson plans, free printables, games, activities, video tutorials and many more. Check out the list below and share with us your suggestions : 1- PBS Teachers Math PBS Teachers Math provides some great Math resources organized into different grade-subject pages. 2- Education World Education World presents a variety of math resources that all teachers can use to liven up instruction. 3- SuperKids Math This is a website that provides a wide variety of math drill worksheets. 4- Teachnology This is a section in Teachnology that features over 2.000 free math printables that range in skill from grades k-12. 5- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 6- Plus Magazine 7- Math Central 8- Simpsons Math

Parent Link 100 GB free online backup | Degoo MEGA esce dalla beta - Resetweb Uno dei siti che ha fatto la storia di internet è sicuramente Megaupload, forse il miglior sito di file-sharing, nonché uno dei maggiori vettori di contenuti pirata. Proprio per questo motivo, il Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti è intervenuto a tutela delle case di produzione sequestrando i server del sito e prendendone in custodia il fondatore Kim Dotcom. “Mega non è solo una compagnia. E’ un principio. E’ una missione. E’ un angelo custode dei vostri diritti, libertà e privacy.” – Kit Dotcom – Fondatore di Mega Nonostante l’azione legale sia ancora pendente, il 19 gennaio 2013, ad un anno dalla chiusura di Megaupload, l’imprenditore ha attivato un nuovo servizio. L’interfaccia del sito mostra le sue funzioni con le icone in alto a sinistra: in ordine, cartella cloud, cestino, contatti e messaggi. MEGA è stato progettato per non subire la stessa fine del predecessore.
