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11 logiciels en ligne pour faire des diagrammes gratuitement Je profite de mettre à jour ce billet car google vient d’annoncer une mise à jour de la partie « drawing » qui permet de collaborer en ligne avec d’autres collaborateurs ce qui est un must pour le télétravail. Google par cette annonce vient donc concurrencer de plus en plus les versions bureautiques connus. Si les fonctions de la suite bureautique en ligne de google n’ont pas encore la puissance d’un Microsoft office, on peut quand même satisfaire 95% des besoins normaux. Nous sommes toujours amené à faire des diagrammes de temps en temps pour le travail, les études, personnellement et pour bloguer. D’une manière générale tous ses sites sont excellents et ils s’améliorent d’année en année. Cet article est mis à jour régulièrement Pas de compte à créer et la sauvegarde se fait avec une extension . grapheml théoriquement compatible avec les autres services du même type. l’aspect est soigné ici , un peu moderne des boutons avec du relief plutôt web2.0. n’est plus gratuit

Evaluation home All faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension are responsible for quality educational programs that produce positive and equitable results. To support a learning organization and to ensure the wise investment of resources, evaluation is part of each person’s job responsibilities. Written evaluation plans are developed as part of the program planning process. In recent years, the organization has moved to an outcome-based planning and reporting system with evaluation playing a critical role in learning, program improvement and accountability. PDE is charged with providing leadership and capacity building in program evaluation through in-service education, resource material development, consultation, administrative support and managing high priority evaluations. Recipient of Distinguished Evaluator Award

Worldwide leaders in SMS messaging SMS Buyer's Guide "The thing that really upset me was that my first message sent using your competitor cost me $16,000 – which I was not expecting" - 2sms customer- Click here to download a full version of the SMS Buyer's Guide .. We are in the business to provide the best text messaging services for business customers. Can I (the customer) test the service with full features at no cost and with no obligation? Mind42: Free online mind mapping software Student Resources Students and their families have many web- and computer-based resources available to them to help boost classroom learning. Many of the resources are linked from this page for students to use during the day with their teachers, while other resources can be used at home. For help with homework and studying, please explore the links on this page and at left. Spending just one or two hours a week investigating these resources can help boost student learning. Classroom for Success is a place where students take tests created for them by teachers and the district during the school day. ESD Student Portal is where students can check assignments, scores, grades, schedules and transcripts. Destiny is where students go to check out books from their media centers. Google Docs is an online tool for students to collaborate on a project or produce a project and share their work with teachers. Links for Learning provides a list of web links categorized by subject.

Accueil - Jeu du bois Introduction Le secteur forestier est une industrie comprenant des usines de production et de transformation de matière première. Dans cette industrie, le cycle de création de valeur est long depuis les opérations en forêt jusqu'au consommateur final. Les différentes entreprises de la chaîne de création de valeur sont des unités de décision indépendantes, on constate notamment un manque de synchronisation des opérations. Le jeu du bois simule les opérations dans un réseau logistique représentatif des produits forestiers, et ce, afin de mettre à jour la dynamique du flux des produits dans le réseau de création de valeur et de démontrer l'importance du partage de l'information entre les entreprises. Chaque partie est jouée avec au plus 7 personnes, chacune d'elle étant responsable de la gestion d’une entreprise du réseau. Dans cet atelier, les coûts d’entreposage et d’arrérage (backorder) sont ceux qu'il faut minimiser.

The Knowledge Worker's Tool Room: Conceptual and Visual Tools for Knowledge Workers NOTICE: My book, Tools for Knowledge Workers, Vol 1, is now available on Kindle. It is a collection of 12 visual thinking tools along with information explaining each tool and how to use it, including examples and cases. Chapter 1 presents each tool in a one-page format. The tools you will find here are tools that I've developed over the course of more than 40 years of working as a consultant (internal and external) and as an executive. As you can see from scanning the thumbnails below, the tools are primarily visual in nature. I add new tools from time to time and you will always find them at the bottom of the display. Contact me to discuss how these tools can be put to use improving the performance of your people, processes or organization.

Labs My Twimlets You can login and save your Twimlets using our simple Twimlet URL shortening service. This allows you to reference the short URL in your call flows, but change the underlying data whenever you want. It also lets you control the length of some longer call flows. Factoid! What are Twimlets? Twimlets are tiny web applications that implement basic voice functionality. You don't need to sign up to use them, they're just available for your use. Twimlets are also open source, so if you'd prefer to download the code to your server, you can modify to suit your exact needs! Using Twimlets You can wire up a phone number (or an outgoing call) to the URL of one of these Twimlets. You can also combine Twimlets with your own applications. You can also redirect back from a Twimlet into your application. What Twimlets are Available? Forward: will forward a call to another phone, and optionally forward to a new URL if the call isn't answered or the line is busy. Chaining Twimlets
