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Odyssey Online: Greece

Odyssey Online: Greece

BBC Bitesize - Who were the ancient Greek gods and heroes? Meet the Greek Gods – Rick Riordan Please select a name from the list below to view the Greek god’s description. Zeus God of the Sky (Zoos) Distinguishing Features: Pinstriped suit, neatly trimmed grey beard, stormy eyes and a very large, dangerous lightning bolt. Now: On stormy days, he can be found brooding in his throne room in Mount Olympus, over the Empire State Building in New York. Then: In the old days, Zeus ruled over his unruly family of Olympians while they bickered and fought and got jealous of each other. Symbol: Eagle Roman name: Jupiter Hera Goddess of Marriage, Mothers and Families (Hair’-ah) Distinguishing Features: Usually prefers classic Greek dresses and a simple silver crown, though she can blend in as needed. Now: She hangs out where family life is strongest: the car pool line at school, weekend soccer games, and birthday parties. Then: It’s tough to be the goddess of marriage in a family where everyone cheats on everybody. Symbol: pomegranate, cow (the motherly animal – no comments, please!) Poseidon Ares
