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General Guitar Gadgets

General Guitar Gadgets

tonepad -- a resource for d.i.y. music projects Flexible shaft Flexible shafts are commonly used in plumber's snakes. They are popular accessories for handheld rotary tools, and integral parts of rotary tools with a remote motor, which are called "flexible shaft tools". They are used to transmit power to some sheep shears. They are also sold to connect panel knobs to remote potentiometers or other variable electronic components.

The Pedalboard Planner Blog » Pedal Order Pedal Order for tips on using muti-effects with other pedals see this post. Let me start by saying that this is simply a jumping off point. If you want your sound to be your own, mix it up, see what happens and then try again. This basic layout seems to make sense (if you read various posts around the net) but if you try putting your delay before your compressor and you like it, then DO IT! Sometimes to not be a conformist you need to study how a lot of people do it, then make a change and see if it works. I know lots of guitarists who don’t want to spend their effects dollars on a tuner, and while I can appreciate the desire to only get pedals that change your sound, if you are not in tune, no one wants to hear you! Pedals in this category include pedals like your standard crybaby, Z.Vex wah probe, big bad wah, etc. GuitarWahOctaveFuzzAmp GuitarOctaveWahFuzzAmp GuitarOctaveFuzzWahAmp Compressors come next. It a matter of what you are looking for out of your sound. Volume Pedal Compression

..:: How to make your own True Bypass Strip ::.. taken from What´s the deal with true-bypass ? If you need it or not depends on your gear and is also a matter of individual taste. It can help you to get rid of all the tone-sucking within a fx-chain, but it can also cause new problems (read more about this later). To teach yourself about the true-bypass subject, read the fantastic article from Andreas Möller by clicking here Is there a special wiring scheme you use ? Some more technical specs available ? How do I orientate the 3PDT switch correctly ? How do I cascade the loops ? Can I also use DPDT switches ? What are all this terms like send and return ? In a single true bypass loop you have a total of 4 jacks. What about the measurements of your strip ? The overall measurements of my 9-loop strip are 62 x 7 cm with a height of 6 cm. I don´t need a big TB strip, how can I make a single-loop TB box ? I want to add a master-bypass switch, how can I do this ? I also want a tuner out with muting option, how can I do this ? No don´t do this ! YES, we can !!!

A Remote Indicating Effects Bypass System Several people have asked for a remote effects switching system simpler than the Programmable FX Switcher. All they want is to just be able to bypass effects individually on a one-by-one basis. While the Programmable FX Switcher can do this, it's needless complicated for the task. There ought to be a simpler way, and there is. Let's just build this one up as we go. The switch shown inside the dotted box is a double pole double throw (DPDT) stomp switch wired up to connect the guitar jack to the amp jack when thrown one direction, and guitar to FXinput, amp to FX output when thrown the other direction. What we want to do is to make the switch flip remotely, not by stomping on the actuator on the actual switching element. To do this, we exchange the stomp switch for a DPDT relay. Relays have two sets of ratings - the coil and the contacts. The coil rating tells us how much voltage and current the relay needs to operate. The wiring on the FX input and FX output jacks is worth noting.

The DIY True Bypass Lesson Hello and welcome to our last chapter on all things true bypass. Now that you know a lot about true bypass , what it is and how it works , it's time to think about going true bypass with your setup (or not). As you now know, true bypass is not always the best solution for a good tone -- large, unbuffered true bypass setups can sound thin and dull. But if planned the right way, an all true bypass setup will give you the best and strongest tone you've ever heard. 1. 2. It´s also possible to internally convert the standard Boss/Ibanez style stompboxes, but it involves a lot of work. 3. External true bypass boxes have always the same basic construction: you have a Master Input and Master Output, and Send and a Return jacks to connect the effect you want to true bypass. Naturally you can connect more than one effect to a single loop, but for a lot of stompboxes it's better to have more than one loop; that is what we call a true bypass strip or multi-loop true bypass box. Enclosure 3PDT switch

Shielding a Strat(tm) This modification does not alter the appearance of your guitar.Last updated 1-3-2004 What some people have said after shielding their guitars. Introduction Most guitars with single-coil pickups suffer to some degree from hum. These instructions apply primarily to guitars with regular magnetic pickups. Many guitars with single-coil pickups will benefit noticeably from shielding and star-grounding as described here. These step-by-step instructions and illustrations are for Stratocaster™ type guitars but the principles and techniques can be applied to any guitar. Shielding and regrounding your guitar will not signficantly alter its tone, other than that it may sound a bit more alive because faint harmonics that were buried in hum can be heard more clearly when the hum is removed. Probably the greatest benefit of reducing hum is the accompanying increase in sustain and dynamic range. Principles and Practices Good practices and principles improve the noise resistance of any circuitry.
