
The joyous freedom of possibility. Dissent can be personal, collective, creative — whatever you want it to be. Revolt can be physical or spectral, a blackspot on a corporate logo or a digital mindbomb posted online. The revolutionary spark is the same one that lit human existence. Print & Post If you only do one thing today and during the heady days of climate protest that follow, print out as many copies of this #WORLDREVOLUTION poster as you can and tape them up on bus stops, bank and shop windows, cash machines, government buildings, everywhere in your city where people will see them. Download September 11, 2014 What will you do on the September 17th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street? September 16, 2013 Revolution is a Rhizome September 19, 2012 Tactical Briefing #38. September 12, 2012 Where do we stand? July 23, 2012 Tactical Briefing #36 June 5, 2012 Occupy morphs into a new model! May 24, 2012 The fork in the road ahead. May 16, 2012 Tactical briefing #33. May 10, 2012 April 26, 2012 April 12, 2012
This page provides information on how to provide meals at your local occupation, suggests the formation of affinity groups and suggests strategies on how and why we should re-occupy public space. Reject the Democratic Party's effort to silence our movement. Occupy Will Be Back by Chris Hedges - June 18, 2012 Garam Masala - When Bread Becomes Butter for Protests Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now by Naomi Klein Food Not Bombs has provided food and logistical support of occupations for nearly 30 years. It has proven to be one of the most powerful forms of nonviolent direct action. The authorities know this and make every effort to reduce their impact. How We Really Shut Down the WTO by Starhawk -- December, 1999 Nonviolence vs Diversity of Tactics in the Occupy Movement Throwing Out the Master - Tools and Building a Better House: Thoughts on the Importance of Nonviolence in the Occupy Revolution by Rebecca Solnit Send your contribution to: Food Not Bombs P.O.
May 12th 2012
Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for World Revolution