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Tricots, crochet, broderie... explications modèles gratuits à télécharger

Tricots, crochet, broderie... explications modèles gratuits à télécharger

Swappons DIY Club Inc le blog du fil Recycler le carton dans un porte-téléphone portable DIY charge | Comment propos d'Orange Sebastiano Ercoli and Alessandro Garlandini have made another template for a DIY recycled cardboard project, part of their series for Comieco. This time it's a cell phone holder you hang on the plug-in adapter to hold your phone while it charges. It doesn't cost anything, and travels easily! I made this one from the back cover of a notebook. Watch their fun how-to video with sound effects and download the PDF template here. Tuto de l'ours en tricot - Le petit monde de Lily Quenotte Suite à mon article d'hier, vous êtes quelques unes à m'avoir demandé où j'avais trouvé les explications pour faire un ourson en tricot ... eh bien, c'est dans un ancien numéro de Marie-Claire Idées (le n° 23). Alors, si ça vous dit d'en faire un vous aussi, sortez vos aiguilles, vous allez voir, il n'y a rien de compliqué : Tout d'abord, voici les grilles des différentes parties du corps de votre ours : Si vous voulez une maman ou un papa ours, suivez les contours extérieurs et si vous voulez un ourson suivez les contours intérieurs (je vous rappelle que celui que j'ai fait est un ourson, tricoté avec des aiguilles n°4 et qu'il mesure 25 cm env. une fois terminé). Sur ces grilles, chaque carreau représente une maille et un rang. Par exemple, pour un pied d'ours adulte, montez 10 mailles, et tricotez 12 rangs. Et bien sûr, un carreau en plus, c'est une augmentation, un carreau en moins, une diminution. Jusque là vous suivez ? Vous êtes prêtes ? Ici, le corps (x2), les bras et les jambes.

Dyeing Techniques | Rit Dye Dyeing is simple. All you need is dye and hot water to make a magical color transformation happen. And once you start dyeing, it can become addictive, igniting your passion to try creative dyeing techniques like tie-dye, ombre and shibori or to move beyond dyeing fabric to dyeing materials like wood, paper, feathers and rope. These dyeing techniques let you explore all the ways you can dye, helping you to attain the best results as well as learn new ways to showcase your creativity.

sans titre LES FINITIONS La netteté des finitions d'un ouvrage dépend de ses "terminaisons". Surveillez la tension du fil, elle doit être uniforme. LA TERMINAISON Pour terminer un ouvrage, on rabat les mailles du dernier rang ainsi: tricoter à l'endroit les 2 premières mailles. Puis *avec la pointe de l'aiguille gauche, faire passer la première maille sur la seconde maille (on a rabattu une maille). Il reste une maille sur l'aiguille droite. Tricoter la maille suivante: reprendre à * en prenant la maille restante sur l'aiguille droite. Projets DIY & Artisanat Bricolage - Bricolage FP Categorie Blog | Free People Blog | Page 2 Yes, spring is really coming. A time of rebirth. Let’s wake up that tired winter skin with an invigorating yet calming spring facial mist. Read more » Homemade paper tugs at my heart like no other. Something exciting is on the horizon for those of us in this chilly neck of the woods. The weather today is giving us a glimmer of hope that spring might just be on its way. Clear nail polish has been a life saver for me in many-a-situation throughout my life. Alana Frangiosa shops regularly at our Dedham store, and told the FP girls there that she had a really cool project in the works over the summer – a duvet cover made entirely out of Free People bags! If you live in a part of the world where winters are very dry, I totally feel you. Read more » What better a way to represent this time of love than with some beautiful handmade arrows… just like Cupid. This post comes from our contributor FP Naomi. Bookmarks always seem like a classic gift. Read more »

* Bricolage - TUTORIELS - Relooking It's a great time of the year to bring in a little touch of the garden. After the extreme winter so many have seen this year, wouldn't a little touch of living green add some warmth?! You can grow succulents in any number of containers, and silver is a really pretty choice. adds a bit of reflective light and show offs the rich green. Sitting on a dark gray-brown honed marble top, the simple Mercury glass candle holders are the perfect vessel for some small succulents. You could use vintage silver pieces as well. moss, dirt and plants actually touching the silver can damage it. Old silver pieces used to be so inexpensive and easy to find at Goodwill and thrift stores, but the prices have certainly changed since blogs have come along. still get lucky and find a few silver pieces at a decent price. Succulents thrive where other plants would simply give up and turn brown. have some breathing room, and do not over water them! I planted them exactly the same as I showed in a previous post. See Y'All Soon~

Sally Ann: DIY Living in a large single unit home for the first time, as a couple, Matt and I have been making big DIY plans for our home. When we first moved in and had barely any furniture, we made the promise to each other, if we can make it, we will make it. I'd seen this amazing tutorial on Scrap Hacker, and it's been on my to-do list for months. Next step, find chairs with an open bottom. We started with one belt across the center of the chair. This gesture isn't to you all. Add belts back and forth on each side, weaving them in and out. Watch how you space out the colors of the belts. We had no idea we'd use this many belt for the chairs, and have to spend more time thrifting before we can finish the others. Matt recently built an amazing record player stand for our dining room, that holds all of our vinyl records, our sound system, and record player. Zeus pouted among the scraps of belts when we cut them to size, right next to the drill and hardware, pouting like a big ol' baby.

How About Orange My 2014 Oscar ballot and bingo game are done! Get set to enjoy Sunday's Academy Awards with friends. It doesn't matter if they watch movies or know who the actors are; anyone can play bingo and it's a good excuse for a party. Download the Oscar ballot PDFDownload the Oscar bingo PDF Save the PDFs to your computer, open them in Adobe Reader, and print. To use the ballot: print one for each guest and have them mark their predictions before the show starts. To use the bingo cards: 20 different game cards are included in the PDF. Movie theater gift cards, boxes of popcorn, candy, or little Oscar statuettes from a party store make good prizes. Has anybody tried to play with friends long distance? Like every year, a disclaimer: Maybe someone will get a bingo ten minutes into the telecast, or maybe your group won't have a winner at all because my psychic powers have failed this year. To join the bingo mailing list for future years, sign up here.

Tout pour l'emballage: Les idées et les Moules "Diego Mattei blog Como todos sabemos, el packaging puede llegar a ser uno de los factores sorpresa de un producto e inclusive, hacer que quede en la retina mas allá del producto en sí. Es por eso que he hecho una recopilación de moldes para recortar y armar nuestro propio packaging. En estos packs encontrarás muchas ideas novedosas y otras no tanto pero que, a diferencia de las 253 imágenes útiles para todo diseñador, darán las líneas justas para que solo tengas que incluir el diseño y te quede listo para armar. Pack Nº 1 Enlace caido Pack Nº 2 Pack Nº 3 Pack Nº 4 26 archivos EPS divididos en dos zip | Descarga: PackNº (35 Mb) Descarga Alternativa: Packaging | Fuente: Ideem Tarjeta de Amor Original (ya que estamos armando cosas… 1 archivo PDF | Descarga: (1.55 MB) Descarga alternativa Mediafire Artículos Relacionados

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