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Galaxy of origami stars

Galaxy of origami stars
When my 5 yo goddaughter and I meet up, we love to hand each other our little handmade somethings. She would shower me with sweet girly drawings, scribblings, love notes, masks or a surprise “masterpiece”. Godma would usually make origami iconic symbols. Not long ago I made her a galaxy of stars, one of her favourite shapes. The names of the first 4 stars are given by me as they don’t seem to have formal titles, so I took the liberty to describe them according to what they represent to me, hence they are by no means official. 1. I like that you get 2 stars from this miraculous modular construct by Trang Chung. 1. 2. Taking a cue from Craft Ideas, I 3D-ize a cutout star like this: 1. Notes: Will need a slim tool (e.g. needle, toothpick) to prop up the triangles while gluing. 3. I like this star by Tomoko Fuse on Extreme Cards. A 5 point pentagon-shaped paper is required to make this. 4. 5. 5-point and 6-point stars These stars are easily cutout following these steps: 5-point and 6-point.

DIY Woven Chain Bracelet Chain link bracelets, with colorful threads woven through them, have been popping up here and there. We adore Aurèlie Bidermann‘s Do Brazil bracelets and thought it was about time we graduate to the ultimate “grown-up” friendship bracelet. With a curb chain bracelet and some embroidery thread, we’ll teach you how to make your own woven chain bracelet. You’ll need:a curb link braceletembroidery threadtwo bobby pinsa pair of scissors Cut 2 sets of 15 strands of embroidery thread, with each strand measuring four times the length of the bracelet. Lay the second color (blue) over the first color (coral). Repeat the steps until you reach the end of the bracelet. (top images from here and here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Bunga Kusudama Pernah dengar nama Bunga Kusudama? Saya rasa ramai jugak yang dah tahu pasal bunga ni kan exspecially para B2b lah kan. hehehe...Ok, berbalik pada tajuk, ikutkan perancangan asal, saya nak buat bunga Kusudama ni sebagai hand bouquet saya time nikah sebab dah suka sangat dengan bunga ni lepas tengok gambar hb ni Then, makin berkobar-kobar semangat tu lepas tengok majalah inspirasi Pengantin untuk bulan 7 ni.. Bunga Kusudama ni cuma gunakan kertas jer untuk buat dia. Tapi, hasrat saya tu terpaksa dilupakan lepas kawan saya cakap better jangan pakai bunga yang buat dari kertas untuk hb sebab saya buat dekat kawasan rumah kan takut basahlah, terkena air ke hb tu. Maybe saya akan jadikan bunga kusudama ni hiasan di meja guest book nanti. sebab nampak cantik je kan?

DIY Tutorial: 1000 paper cranes backdrop by Boho Bride Laura | Boho Weddings A few weeks ago I introduced you to one of my lovely Brides Laura who was new to the Diary of a Boho Bride feature. You can read all about Laura’s wedding plans HERE . In Laura’s’ introduction I explained that she is a BIG fan of the old DIY and after a few emails and a few sneaky pictures of stuff she had already created, it was clear that she was an even bigger fan of DIY than I first thought. With this in mind I asked is she fancied putting a few posts together for the Blog and she quite happily agreed. So a few weeks ago Laura came armed with a whole host of goodies to my house and we were joined by Jess from Jess Petrie photography who documented the whole thing. (she also took some rather cute pictures fo Dee) We had a great time and I then got to see a few more secret projects that Laura has planned. So here is the first fo Laura’s DIY tutorials, and for me the best one……….and yes she made all of those paper cranes herself, and threaded them altogether! 1000 paper cranes backdrop

How to make 3D paper ball ornaments I love 3D paper things. Love. And when I saw a little picture of what appeared to be paper balls in a CB2 catalog, I thought, "I am going to make those." So the other day while Alex was writing a paper about mysterious things like polymers and flexible films and tactoids, I made a paper ball. Then I proudly announced I had created a tactoid and it was sitting on my desk. These are made from 12 slotted flower shapes that fit together to form a sphere. Download the PDF templates here:Large ball (10")– print/cut 12 sheetsMedium ball (5")– print/cut 2 sheetsSmall ball (3")– print/cut 1 sheet Download a Silhouette .studio file here:Small ball (3")– unzip the file; cut 1 sheet. If you want to hang your ornament, you might like to add the string before assembling the ball. Use the slits to join petals together. It might be helpful to think of the first piece as the "north pole," and then add a row of five flowers encircling it. Here's what it looks like upside-down:

Läs- och skrivundervisning Pysselbolaget - Roliga pyssel för barn och föräldrar. Fun crafts for kids and their parents Skapligt Enkelt Böcker - Barnens Bokklubb Vi gillar Här hittar du böckerna vi brinner lite extra för - till extra lågt pris! Vi gillar Bokjuryn Hur röstar man i Bokjuryn? Du som är upp till 19 år, titta på den här filmen så får du det lätt förklarat. Är du röstrapportör finns det mer information här. Under fliken Material finns det även olika sorters listor och röstsedlar som kan underlätta när rösterna ska räknas och skickas in. Superkort manual för röstrapportörer: 1.

Flowers Welcome to flower week – five days of simple and delightful flower projects. I could probably do three weeks of flowers because there are so many different ways to create them, but I’ve limited it to five of my current favorites. Before we get started, let me make a few disclaimers: 1. I find inspiration for projects all over the place {online, in shops, in magazines}, then figure out how to re-create them on my own. 2. 3. Okay, so let’s begin. Here’s what you’ll need: :: paper {either cover or text weight} :: florist wire :: scissors, pencil, glue gun STEP ONE: cut irregular circle This circle is approximately 8 inches, but you can do any size you wish. STEP TWO: cut spiral Start at the outside edge and cut in a spiral fashion to the center. I like a sort of bumpy shape so that the petals end up a bit irregular If you aren’t so sure about your cutting skills, feel free to draw your spiral before cutting. STEP THREE: roll your blossom start at the outside edge and coil tightly And your flower grows.

Ceiling Ficture Have you seen these amazing lamps?! A designer that has her stuff on Etsy, Allison Patrick of the 3R’s Blog (Reduce, Reuse, Redecorate – 30 projects in 30 weeks) has created some pretty cool pendant shades that are pretty representative of the beautiful shape of the artichoke. But – the shade is made of recycled pages from books and magazines! Allison’s lamps are very cool, they remind me of the decoupage projects my mom would do with us as a kid. Allison’s got a pretty awesome story with her luminaire design business (which is called Zipper 8 Design, by the way) – she graduated with her Masters, and like many people, she found herself with lots of time and no job. Allison's stuff on Etsy Allison, thinks your works are awesome. Thanks Inhabitat for the original article! Like this: Like Loading... Related Allison Patrick, Designers, DIY, Fixtures, lamps, Luminaire Design, pendant, recycle, shades
