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Caspian Learning : Award Winning Serious Games Designer

Caspian Learning : Award Winning Serious Games Designer

Des mondes virtuels pour la médecine ? -, web-tv comm You are a lecturer, journalist, blogger, speaker and you need the source video file? You can buy: Fee: 1800€ Mozilla Rewards Digital Literacy With New Webmaker Badges Over the weekend, Mozilla launched Mozilla Webmaker Badges to “recognize the skills that you learn” while making “awesome webmaking projects” (and for participating in the Mozilla Webmaker community and events). Here are the badges you can earn: “As users complete projects on – like creating web pages, animated GIFs, or learning the fundamentals of programming — they can earn digital badges linked to their identity,” Mozilla explains. “This provides a lasting record of their skills and achievements, and shows off their new skills to teachers, classmates, peers or future colleges and employers, backed by Mozilla.”

4 Inspiring Examples of Digital Storytelling Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing. In 2011, Sundance Film Festival created The New Frontier Story Lab, an initiative created to foster the development of a new style of media production. As media began to depart from traditional, linear films intended for a passive audience, the launch represented an innovative new era in entertainment. The New Frontier Story Lab helped many an interactive narrative come to life. Adapt Your Gamification Designs with Jesse Schell’s Four Pillars Adapt and Evolve Your Gamification Through Jesse Schell’s Four Pillars of Design Jesse Schell describes in his brilliant book The Art of Game Design the four pillars that is comprised of a game: Technology, Aesthetics, Mechanics, and Story/Narrative. When gamifying a process it is smart not to overlook any of the pillars.

Stencyl Build Worlds If you're used to graphics editors like Photoshop, you'll feel right at home in the Scene Designer. Familiar features, such as a selection tool, zooming, grid-snapping and flood fill, will help you quickly craft complex worlds out of Actors, Tiles and Terrain. Create Actors Drop in graphics from your computer to create Actors on the fly. Then use Stencyl's Actor Editor to tweak your Actors' appearances, behaviors and physical properties, and to get them ready for showtime.

Customer Relationship & Loyalty Platform Oracle is currently reviewing the existing CrowdTwist product roadmap and will be providing guidance to customers in accordance with Oracle’s standard product communication policies. Any resulting features and timing of release of such features as determined by Oracle’s review of CrowdTwist’s product roadmap are at the sole discretion of Oracle. All product roadmap information, whether communicated by CrowdTwist or by Oracle, does not represent a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This document contains certain forward-looking statements about Oracle and CrowdTwist, including statements that involve risks and uncertainties concerning Oracle’s proposed acquisition of CrowdTwist, anticipated customer benefits and general business outlook.

The QR Code Church Bookstore QR Codes have been around for a while and people are continually coming up with new ways of using them. As you may have see on ChurchMag, one grocery store chain in South Korea has done just that. In an attempt to increase market share without adding new storefronts, Tesco unveiled a virtual storefront in subway stations, using QR codes as a means of shopping. Customers scan the codes using their smartphones, pay online using a credit card, and enjoy having the products shipped directly to their homes by Tesco! Check out this video demonstrating the process: [More Photos Here] The Pedagogy of Play and the Role of Technology in Learning The goal of the videogame “Civilization” is to build a civilization that stands the test of time. You start the game in 4000 B.C. as a settler and, with successful gameplay, can create a civilization that lasts until the Space Age. Throughout the game, you need to manage your civilization’s military, science, technology, commerce and culture. One doesn’t read “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” to develop strategy before playing the game. One starts by playing.
