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Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Related:  Gardening and ForagingTemp Foldergarden

Thy Hand Hath Provided: Braiding Garlic Jamey pulled our garlic the other day. We found that the right time to pull it is when some of the leaves/stems are turning brown, while most are still green. Other years, we waited until the stems were all brown. When I tried braiding garlic for the first time last year, I was a bit disappointed by instructions I found on line. Today I am writing for you what I wish I could have found- instructions with pictures (I'm a visual learner). Braiding Garlic Start by cleaning as much dirt as possible off of your garlic. *Update 7/17/09*: It was two weeks ago that I braided my garlic (seen in the pictures above and below). garlic cleaned with roots cut off, ready for braiding Choose three bulbs and lay them out in front of you with the leaves pointing toward you. 4) cross the right stem(s) over and into the middle 5) add another bulb adding it's stem to the middle group 6) repeat steps 2-5 over and over.

TOP 10 Auto Body Repair Shops in Seminole County FL » The Prime Buyer's Report The Best Auto Body Shops in Seminole County FL Are the Ones Proven Safe To Hire Auto body shops in Seminole County FL bearing The Prime Buyer's Report TOP 10 symbol are those that have met a higher standard than the minimum Florida regulatory standard. They are the collision repair services proven by our independent research to have passed the TOP 10 requirements for value and honesty, carry liability insurance as protection for you the customer, and for whom our staff has called previous customer to verify high satisfaction with them for auto body repair in Seminole County FL, including dent removal, auto painting, frame straightening, and more. Updated December 23, 2015 The TOP 10 Auto Body Repair Shops in Seminole County FL Areas Served: Seminole County,Altamonte Springs,Sanford FL,Casselberry FL,Oviedo FL,Winter SpringsServices: certified auto body technicians for collision repairs, auto restoration, dent removal

Edible Flowers, How to choose Edible Flowers, Eatable Flowers, Edible Flower Chart, List of Edible Flowers, Incredible Edible Flowers Edible flowers are the new rage in haute cuisine Photo of edible flowers picked in Linda's garden in July (lavender, thyme, dill, cilantro, day lily, squash blossom, Nasturtiums, chives, and basil). After falling out of favor for many years, cooking and garnishing with flowers is back in vogue once again. Today, many restaurant chefs and innovative home cooks garnish their entrees with flower blossoms for a touch of elegance. One very important thing that you need to remember is that not every flower is edible. In fact, sampling some flowers can make you very, very sick. You also should NEVER use pesticides or other chemicals on any part of any plant that produces blossoms you plan to eat. Never harvest flowers growing by the roadside. Identify the flower exactly and eat only edible flowers and edible parts of those flowers. Always remember to use flowers sparingly in your recipes due to the digestive complications that can occur with a large consumption rate. Fruit Flowers: Herb Flowers:

Grey Duck Garlic: How to Grow Big Garlic Top Ten Tips for Giant Sized Allium Bulbs! Do you want to grow prize winning garlic? Would you like to raise really large garlic bulbs? Garlic responds well to optimal growing conditions and with a little special care your crop can increase dramatically in size. Right: Tiny but cute Siberian bulb on the left and large elegant German Red bulb on the right. With a little effort and some soil preparation, you can grow huge gourmet garlic for top chefs, high end restaurants, CSA’s, Farmer’s Markets or yourself. Hardneck gourmet garlic can sell for $8-$30 pound (depending on market and quality). 1) Use good quality large seed garlic: If you want the biggest bulbs at the county fair start with good quality seed garlic free from disease. Start with BIG cloves. We have noted that larger cloves are more resistant to adverse conditions and frost. Below right: Romanian Red bulbs typically contain 2-6 extra large cloves. 2) Prepare soil well: Soil should be loose, loamy and easy to dig. References:

Introduction to Candlesticks History The Japanese began using technical analysis to trade rice in the 17th century. While this early version of technical analysis was different from the US version initiated by Charles Dow around 1900, many of the guiding principles were very similar: The “what” (price action) is more important than the “why” (news, earnings, and so on). According to Steve Nison, candlestick charting first appeared sometime after 1850. Formation In order to create a candlestick chart, you must have a data set that contains open, high, low and close values for each time period you want to display. Compared to traditional bar charts, many traders consider candlestick charts more visually appealing and easier to interpret. Long Versus Short Bodies Generally speaking, the longer the body is, the more intense the buying or selling pressure. Long white candlesticks show strong buying pressure. Long black candlesticks show strong selling pressure. Long Versus Short Shadows Doji Doji and Trend Long-Legged Doji

Shiitake Mushroom Logs | Frühlingskabine Micro-Farm We are finally, finally getting our “Herb and ‘Shroom Garden” going. And when I say finally, I mean FINALLY. I have been working so hard to get the main garden planted (and reading fiction novels which is quite un-characteristic for this non-fiction bookworm) that I have been struggling to get the Herb and ‘Shroom Garden going. But it is my goal over this next week to be all set in finishing up the rest of my oak logs for shiitake mushrooms and to plant an oasis worth of basil, parsley, rosemary, and other herbs to fill up our teeny, tiny side yard. And as part of that goal, I have finished half of the one hundred (yeah… that’s not a typo) inoculated plugs I ordered. Making your own mushroom logs is this easy: Well, one, you need some 4-6″ diameter hardwood logs. Two, you will need some sort of power/electric drill with a 5/16″ drill bit. First, drill holes about 2″ inches deep in a diamond pattern along your log. Next, you will hammer in one dowel per hole. Like this: Like Loading...

Easy Chart on How to Use the Herbs from your Garden…and Spices Too! « Home Grown Edible Landscapes Jun 14 I don’t know about you, but as much as I enjoy growing herbs I admit sometimes I can’t remember the best ways to use them in my kitchen! This chart from might help! Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Stock Chart Training & Trends Here is our video stock chart training and trend review featuring the overall market, S&P 500, NASDAQ 100 and Gold. We urge you to “Follow the charts, NOT the noise!” and want to help you follow the market and improve your knowledge of stock and ETF movements. If your browser is not displaying the embedded video, click here. Do you have the link to our chart layout from Have you watched our 15 minute “How to Read a Stock Chart” video? Every day the market is open, we chart the overall market, the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ 100 (tech stocks), plus Gold. With our stock chart training we focus on developing our skills in technical analysis. Since our objective with stock chart training is to predict future prices, it makes sense to focus on price movements. The market is a leading indicator and generally leads the economy by 6 to 9 months. Our simple stock chart training, reviews and analysis can help identify support and resistance levels. What is the cost to you?

101 Gardening Secrets The Experts Never Tell You I like to use natural top soil to start my garden seedlings in. I usually don't use potting soil because it generally does not produce the results I want. I usually fill a large, deep baking pan I have with top soil and bake it for thirty minutes at 350 degrees. This sanitizes the soil and makes sure that no weeds or grass come up in your soil. I usually start on this project in the winter and I fill up a couple of large plastic barrels with lids with the sanitized soil. I fill my trays up with my potting soil and then I plant my seeds. I cover each seedling with a clear plastic cup that I wash and reuse. If you want to root a plant or cutting in water, add a aspirin or two to the water. If you plant your seeds outdoors sprinkle flavored powdered gelatin in the soil with the seeds. Transplanting Tomatoes Or Pepper Plants When planting any type of tomato or pepper plant, pinch off all but the top leaves of the plant. Then carefully fill the hole with dirt and pack the dirt down tight. 1.

Foraging: 52 Wild Plants You Can Eat Here are a few common North American goodies that are safe to eat if you find yourself stuck in the wild: Blackberries: Many wild berries are not safe to eat, it’s best to stay away from them. But wild blackberries are 100% safe to eat and easy to recognize. They have red branches that have long thorns similar to a rose, the green leaves are wide and jagged. Dandelions: The easiest to recognize is the dandelion, in the spring they show their bright yellow buds. Asparagus: The vegetable that makes your pee smell funny grows in the wild in most of Europe and parts of North Africa, West Asia, and North America. Elderberries: An elderberry shrub can grow easily grow about 10 feet and yield tons of food, their leaf structure is usually 7 main leaves on a long stretched out stem, the leaves are long and round and the leaves themselves have jagged edges. Elderberries are known for their flu and cold healing properties, you can make jelly from them and are very sweet and delicious. Gooseberries:

Withholding Tax Rates by Country for Foreign Stock Dividends ***NOTE: For the 2015 rates go to: Dividend Withholding Tax Rates By Country 2015 One of the factors that investors need to consider when investing in foreign stocks is taxes since it reduces the effective rate of return on an investment. Governments of most countries try to recoup millions in taxes from dividends that are paid to foreign investors by companies located in their countries. A few countries do not charge any taxes on dividends paid to foreign investors. The table below lists the countries that have no withholding taxes on dividends paid to U.S. residents: The following table below shows the withholding tax rates by country on dividends paid to U.S. residents: *Companies incorporated in mainland China and listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen. Source: Dow Jones Indexes, Other Note: Please note that the above information is known to be accurate from the sources used. Some points to remember before investing in foreign stocks: 1. 2. Source: The IRS 4. 5. Click to download: Also checkout:

the tricky matter of when to harvest garlic TIMING IS EVERYTHING, THEY SAY, AND WITH GARLIC HARVEST that’s especially true. But since the crop is hidden underground, how do you know when this edible Allium is ready—when it’s just the right moment to insure a well-formed head that will also store well through the winter and beyond? Like fortune-telling, it’s all in reading the leaves, apparently. Don’t let its relatives mislead you. With garlic, though, waiting until all the leaves go brown will promote overripe bulbs whose cloves are starting to separate from one another, and the resulting un-tight heads won’t store as long. Most “experts” say to harvest when several of the lower leaves go brown, but five or six up top are still green—and depending on the weather, this typically happens here in late July. In the curing there’s another difference between the most popular Allium cousins, garlic and onion: Assuming it’s a dry day when harvest comes, onions can be left out to dry right beside the rows you dug them from. Related

Edible Flowers Chart Edible Flowers This chart is a collaborative research project by Amy Barclay de Tolly and Home Cooking Guide Peggy Trowbridge. The links will take you to full color photos of the specific flowers to help with identification, but please don't depend solely on these photos. • Poisonous Plants and Flowers Chart • Edible Flowers Information and Recipes • Herb Information • Spice Information • A to Z Recipes and Food Disclaimer: The author and Home Cooking Guide have thoroughly researched all the aforementioned edible flowers. • Edible Flowers Chart • Edible Flowers Information and Recipes • Herb Information • Spice Information • A to Z Recipes and Food More Herb RecipesReturn to Recipe Index A to Z Recipes and Food | Articles by Topic
